Noe that Discord is dead, what are some alternative VOIP programs to check out anons?
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Pedos BTFO
Mumble is open source, doesn't leak your IP, and doesn't sell your conversations (or even have the ability to do that)
Another plus is it doesn't have xXXGAYMURXXx advertising so braindead socialite teens don't use it
>tfw never fell for the Redditcord meme
Well Futafags are worse. Sad that they don't target them first.
wtf I love discord now
This guy just kicked down your door and he's coming to confiscate your loli porn. What do you do, Sup Forums?
nothing, I have it backed up.
Doesn't this only apply if you report?
for the pedos in denial, i mean
good riddance
Activate my neural implants to self detonate as I upload my conciousness into one of my many clones situatied in a different building.
/ourguy/ is getting banned too for posting porn, what the fuck do we do bros?
Just don't share it with people who aren't your friends, I guess.
throw a bucket of water at him and then watch him die by electrocution
Why doesn't the military use protection on the face like that.
>madass pedophiles getting BTFO
I knew straight away it was made by Mike Nash, so many faggets copy his style.
he looks happy
>he removed the date
Laugh at his face and tell him that its perfectly legal here. As are child-like sexdolls.
Damn it feels good to be a Finn
How can Sup Forums ever recover?
Apparently they updated their ToS and added a NSFW feature which you can mark channels and post lewds.
If you don't mark it, you can still be reported and they can take down your server if you don't remove it/move it to the proper channel.
I sort of like discord because it's pretty easy to make quick servers. I still prefer mumble overall, but I can work with both.
>As are child-like sexdolls.
They can get confiscated by the customs.
t. knower of things
So how are they going to police this? Are they going to police every single group or private chat and ban people for having conversations between themselves
Or is it just giving a tool to sensitive faggots to make them feel big and tough
Reports. Just like here
>mfw """""lolicons""""" (pedos) in my discord server going batshit insane and calling it "violation of free speech"
This is only for public channels, really. Private channels don't have to give a fuck until they start going after those, too.
They can still shut down your channel if it's literally 3 people and it's not tagged nsfw properly.
I really hope they go after small ones if you report them, so I can nuke few channels I don't like.
now if only we could remove pedoshit from Sup Forums
we could start by purging all Sup Forums crossposters
What does this have to do with video games?
Finns are asian, so you are pedophiles like japanese
Who gives a fuck about video games.
>tfw footfag and dont have these problems
I watch him getting mugged before even managing to get to my house.
This is brazil, and you don't walk with your fancy shit in brazil.
Discord is a VOIP that Sup Forums uses for gaming with friends on PC
Politely explain to him loli is legal in my country
Yea but by the looks of it it needs to be reported first. Unless someone in your channel reports your own discord, the only other way for them to know is if they manually check every server, which I don't think they intend on doing.
I'm gonna assume you're 16 if you can't really figure out the answer to your own question. Better yet, join up when you can. Maybe they'll beat some common sense into you.
>Literally r-e-d-d-i-t
Im glad Im not supporting those fucks!
>No face protection
>Get shot in face
>Have face protection
>get shot in face
Sounds like military just wants to cut costs
Typical edgy chicken brains army man response, kys, preferably in a foreign country killing civvies
Of course they wouldn't, that's too many.
Which is why reporting is great solution.
but we do
Discord doesn't actively monitor servers, doesn't it? All you have to do is not get caught.
And even if you are caught you can just make a new one.
Or fuck, DDOS Discord itself to fuck over their operations as retaliation.
"kys" is a term only spouted by teenagers and normalfags
anyone with a brain just says "kill yourself" instead
How do I report a channel?
Got one with toxic weebs that needs to be razed to the ground.
1. It isnt thick enough
2. The thicker it is, the heavier it is, and less usable it is
3. Metal doesn't stop force, high enough calibers will still kill you or just penetrate
4. Metal doesn't stop fragmentation
5. "Hearts and Minds" - black face masks dont give a good impression to locals
6. You cant breath
7. They are hot as fuck
The only time ballistic face masks can work is in police forces dealing with lightly armed criminals. Great against something like a shotgun, worthless against an AK47.
8. Your field of view gets heavily limited
Thats what you get for using a chat program that doesn't allow you to host your own servers
>"Hearts and Minds" - black face masks dont give a good impression to locals
yeah im sure the locals care how the armed up soldiers look in their warzone
anime btfo
>yfw nurse wants to nibble Stallman's toes
Every little helps. Putting a face on the army makes it harder to hurt them.
Sup Forums isn't a board about video games, it's a board for people who played video games ten or dozen years ago and now just sit in front of their computers and shitpost about them instead
this is why Sup Forums regularly leaks here, /r9k/ memery is widely tolerated and discord being against lolis is a huge deal - it directly affects people who frequent this board because when they weren't making yet another "what are some games where" thread they were sharing loli pictures on their anime server completely devoid of video games
>tactical gimp armor
You'd be surprised what a simple smile and a hello can accomplish.
Then again, judging by the way you post, a simple smile and a hello are things that are beyond your comprehension.
Its odd this can be lost on someone who plays video games, which are full of faceless armies for the very reason that you'll be killing thousands of them.
and to cut costs
When you need to raid that terrorist butthole tactically
>great against a shotgun
Birdshot maybe
Sue him for taking something away I am legally allowed to own.
Use the money I win in court to buy more loli porn.
discord is cancer
yeah dude all those faces really did stop dem 9/11
But face armor would've saved them?
make sure you never leave home without looking like this
>Hi! I got BTFO on muh gimp military facemask bullshit, so I will latch onto something that has absolutely nothing to do with them in order to continue the argument cause God knows that's a lot better than admit I was wrong
only faggot normies use discord
IRC+teamspeak+steam chat is the true master race
>arm radical islam against current international enemy #1
>they attack you when that proxy-war is over because radical islam hates america world police