You did save her... right?

You did save her... right?

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Why wouldn't I?


Chloe Price is how I make it through the day.

>saving junkie, asshole, retard, shit daughter, shit friend and shit human being combined in one person

>Playing a game where the protagonist is named after Holden Caulfield, not to telegraph a point but out of completely unironic reverence for what he stood for.

Of coursh! I'd destroy the whole world for her.

of course, anything for purest form of love

I never completed the first episode because I respect myself, but no I'd let this self centred bitch die.

I couldn't after she asked me not to.

>I respect myself
>posts on Sup Forums

Fuck no, she's a fucking baby of a person that'd die if I wasn't holding her hand the entire time. I wouldn't have minded if she had been cute and nice, but she's a fucking disgrace of a human. If there had been a way to get to kill her myself at the end I'd have taken it in a heartbeat.

No, she was a fucking bitch and was the cause of almost every issue in the game, not to mention she claimed that she could handle a gun and then went on to shoot herself and some guy's dog, and the guy who had his dog shot

Why is every character in this game so shit besides the teacher?

Please do not bully my wife. Thank you.

>I respect myself
>posts on Vietnamese cartoon board

Sure as shit a better use of time than the rest of this debacle.

I like you.

If Chloe shot anybody, it was because you were a shit friend and didn't help her properly.

>invites you over
>Lights up
>Doesn't offer you any
>Immediately expects you to take the fall for her

Your wife can choke on razor wire

>Wonders why she gets caught

She's handicapped, user.

The imbalance in the forces of life and nature comes from you using your time travel abilities.
If you sacrifice her you spare the lives of an entire city of people, by going back to the first time you used your power then choosing to not use it you in turn... never used those powers at all whatsoever.
If you sacrifice hundreds or thousands of people in the city and run off with her, you still have your powers.
Can you really go on never using those powers again?
Can you live with the knowledge that you chose to let all those people die?

If you never had the powers at all she would've been shot and killed anyway.

God no. Why would I value the life of a "friend" who did nothing but act like a huge bitch because she doesn't like her stepdad

Oh no, Frank and Victoria and all the other shitheads died! Chloe is worth more than all of them put together.

It ultimately had little to do with David. Almost everybody in her life abandoned her, including Max. She had reason to be angry.

>If you sacrifice her you spare the lives of an entire city of people, by going back to the first time you used your power then choosing to not use it you in turn... never used those powers at all whatsoever.
My favorite part is that it wasn't the first time she used her powers chronologically OR in the narrative.

"A single death is a tragedy; a million is statistic." -Muhammad Ghandi


she's the worst fucking retard, i hate her. she's so infuriating.

Why would I, she acts like such a fucking asshole.

Yes I did, because I am not a cuck.

I know that in the end, the only thing that really matters, is me (Max), and I (she) was in love with Chloe so 8 (she) saved her.

You faggots need to swallow the red pill and realize that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" is literally the slogan of cucks and dumb goyim.

I don't know why that image made me laugh, but it did.

I dont play bad video games that were written for 14 year ols girls.

>not wanting to be a 14 year old girl and sobbing at night because you never will be


Except Max was clearly the asshole, leaving for five years and not even getting in touch once, then not even bothering to go see Chloe even when she got back. If anything, Chloe treats you pretty well considering you abandoned her and she already has huge trauma in that department.

The game's logic is that Max shouldn't have used her powers to change the course of Chloe's death, however, the first time Chloe got shot Max didn't do nothing, she came out of the bathroom stall and yelled "no!".

So by going back in time to "fix" the timeline and letting Chloe die she still changed the timeline.

>Implying her dad is at fault for dying
>Implying she didn't still have her mother

She has no reason to act the way she does other than being a spoiled jackass.

oh hell no i didn't, though it really started to dawn on me how much of a shitty game it was after i looked up what the 'save chloe' ending was. a fucking tornado that's quadruple the size of el reno's tornado did jackshit to some pussy town that's probably only surviving because of the university. hell, the twister that barely even struck down in my city did more damage through throwing about lawnchairs and damaging signs than that piece of shit you'd call a 'force of nature'. thinking about it, chloe did more goddamn damage than that F99-sized-with-f2-winds twister could ever do because she's just that much of a destructive bitch. did you even listen to her gun control rant before she went and shot herself, got max to waste her powers by going back in time for her, then just went and shot a dude and his dog? probably the only closest-to-sensible person here was david, but even then his character isn't all that written and is barely fleshed out that there's not that much for me to even work out his character on. infact, i can pretty much say the same for almost every other character in the game aside from like, 2 or 3 other characters and the main/'big bad' guys. i made sure chloe paid for it in the end, max shouldn't have ever saved her from the start, none of this game should've happened, should've just let the dude eat his beans in peace


>a fucking tornado that's quadruple the size of el reno's tornado did jackshit to some pussy town that's probably only surviving because of the university

There's a sequence where the tornado throws a tanker truck around, the gas from it spills and lights up, exploding the restaurant where Chloe mother's works and killing everyone inside. Of course, the player has to stop it from happening but what about all the other ones without a time traveling teenage girl to stop?

from all the time jumping plots i've seen, this one is prolly the worst i've ever encountered,
i've let her die because she's not even worth a whole town's life. she's a terrible cunt that almost got killed in every way

>Of course, the player has to stop it from happening but what about all the other ones without a time traveling teenage girl to stop?

ah yeah, that seemed like the only tanker truck in the city though because 1/3 of the buildings in the supposedly ravaged city are still standing, some even still with their doors and windows

haven't played the game but watched a comprehensive playthrough
chloe is one of the most terrible, insufferable characters i've seen
the entire game revolves around you trying to save her life despite her constant retarded decisions
and the sob story about her dead dad is ridiculous, i never had a goddamn father to begin with in my life but you don't see me acting deranged and putting my friends in constant danger because of it
the game was made by and for dumb, privileged san fran hipsters
no sane person can find chloe redeemable in any way and the final "choice" of the game is a joke because of it
what a waste of a perfectly good plot

also, joyce's following the tornado (minus tanker truck)

there's barely any damage to what would practically be a literal sardine can when it comes to a tornado

This game is pure kino and there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.

>not wanting to save a cute, broken girl with daddy issues and run away together

>Life Is Tumblr

I haven't cringed this much playing a game since...probably never. I snitched on the rich kid to the principal and when he confronted me Numale McBeta decided to be a hero and get his ass beat. I just feel bad for the guy. Also this game is hella lame.

The final episode was so bad that I didn't give a shit anymore


How can you not find that hillarious?

>save a junkie, arrogant, bitch
>save an entire town full of assholes

I played though episode one, I liked the environments, and the general visual style. I didn't like the shit tier Tumblr meets twin peaks writing style and the idiotic depiction of young people that was clearly written by someone who's 40 and watched a lot of Beverly hills 90210.

I'd like a better written with less "hurr durr it's basically magic we don't got to explain shit" plot points slice of life game to be made out of this shit pile.

So no, I didn't save her, and I killed every other character by running uninstal.exe.

Warren becomes an alpha male and kicks his ass later. Then hooks up with the cute Asian girl, since you obviously reject him to become cute lesbians for life with Chloe.

Really? Because even if I friendzone the shit out of him the Asian qt ends up withe the fatso.

Oh well that's something good at least.

>mfw alt-f4 and uninstalled when I saw the choice coming
>mfw it was the only way to win

I didn't just save her, I saved her 97 times



le tumblr meme

Fuck you retard

I never talked to the fatass even once, so he disappeared from my game. I think he only hooks up with Brooke if you encourage him to go to the Vortex Club party.

>I think he only hooks up with Brooke if you encourage him to go to the Vortex Club party.
I never talked to him and he was still there.

Strange. Whether you encouraged him to go or not is even a tracked choice at the end of the episode.

Nigger, use google tp look up a tornado the strength of the games one. You'll find pictures of what destruction those wreck (actually what destruction "weaker" tornados wreck, as the games one is of a fuctional strength).


I wanted more moments like this
You can't just give me time travel powers and not allow me to fuck around with people just to see their reactions

>she blames the gun

of course she does, guns don't work like that
the bullet isn't supposed to just ricochet straight back at her

>game makes you think your choices matter
>literally none of the choices you make matter at all since either everything gets destroyed or you go back in time before making those choices
wow, what a shitshow
People praise that shit?

Remember when she dares you to kiss her?

*don't kiss her*
>lol what a fucking pussy coward, be more open-minded
*kiss her*
>get off of me you fucking dyke, gross

>one shitty teenager versus an entire town

Wow what a hard choice.

Anyway, this game managed to be worse than the telltale ones in terms of """player choices""" which is quite a feat.

>get off of me you fucking dyke, gross
Why would you lie on the Internet of all places?

Yeah. It felt like my entire journey would've been entirely pointless otherwise, and most of all, I like to see her and Max together. It was a damn nice scene to see Max tear the butterfly picture and hug Chloe.

>this cunt won a bunch of awards for "best written character" and "best voice acting"

Huh. I completely skipped over this scene.

>Thinking I killed her to save the city
You need to swallow the red pill and understand that degenerates such as Chloe need to die.

>shot ricochets straight into Max's head
>the story ends then and there

That'd have been an interesting turn of events.

The best ending is leaving her as a cripple. Let the bitch suffer

Of course not you idiot
Kate is bae

>get off of me you fucking dyke, gross

Are you an autism? She was just shocked that Max would actually do it. Throughout the rest of the game it's made pretty damn clear that she was madly in love with Rachel.

>blames everyone for her faults
>angsty af
>special snowflake
>dude weed lmao

yeah no, fuck her

are you okay?

Seeing as you sacrifice it all gor Chloe, if you don't keep saving her it was pointless. And as we know Chloe is literally incapable of not getting herself killed, only now you are a pair of homeless kids

If you push Brooke and Warren together, fatso still talks to her at the Vortex Club party but it's implied that she's just going to be his friend because "he could use a friend".

No, fuck yourself and your "feels" bullshit. Chole was a shit, Max was bland as fuck, and the only worthwhile girl was Kate.

how do I get a qt Max gf?

Kill yourself and hope the Buddhists are right and you reincarnate into a girl.

It was really dumb how the tried to hamfist the whole "feminazi" thing on Max, at school she never did anything that would warrant the label, hell she barely talked at all

>Max was bland as fuck

I related to her a lot. Of course, she's idealised in a lot of ways, but then so is the manic pixie dream girl and most of the other characters. You're probably some Chad or Stacy who could never understand the struggle.

>"Yes, Kate Marsh almost killed herself. Such sad. Okay?"
>"Gotta blame somebody. Otherwise it's all my fault. Fuck that."
>"Yes, I believe I should control the gun. It's the men who need to be checked."
>Shoots herself somehow, a man who she owed drug money and was breaking into his property and his dog.
>Steals money from the handicap


The only thing good about her is the fact she fucks a lot of dudes

. This.

>Warren and Kate, who never even got to know Chloe in this timeline, are there

This ending was half-assed. Saving Chloe is clearly the canon option;

>neon hair

The blue hair's just a phase and she's even cuter without it.

>Destroys town for one fucked up girl.

>Yeah dat Canon bro.

>a few minor characters die so the deuteragonist can live

Sounds pretty normal to me.

Incase anyone wants it.