Which is the better
>Charater Design?
>Final Boss?
Which is the better
Is the catalog broken?
They're both criminally underrated.
2 while being easier had a lot of quality of life improvements such as a practice mode where you can spawn enemies to practice combos and dodge offsetting and being able to change your weapons and costume before a chapter. Also no instant death QTEs. That said 1 being a harder game feels more satisfying when you play and master it to be stylish.
>character design
I like 2s design and blue color motiffs better
both are fantastic
>Final boss
1 was more hype.
both are shit but no one plays the games for story anyway.
One has better gameplay but i found 2's presentation much better overall
The story is batshit but desu I think they would make for good love action movies just because they're fun
>both are shit
getting tired of this meme
Bayo 2 imo, but I won't argue with either pick
>Character Design?
Bayo 1
>Final Boss?
Bayo 1
Bayo 1
Considering both screenings I attended for Mister Doctor had audience members audibly telling each other they didn't understand what was going on, Bayonetta films would also get the benefit of DEPTH.
I haven't played 2 but 1 has a really bad problem of rehashing levels. I swear you go through that vigrid city like 3-4 times.
Same as 2
>Charater Design?
>Final Boss?
There's a point when you're opening the gateway to the center of hell and you walk through a few rooms that you fought things in before, and then you continue through hell.
That and 1/3 of the Rosa segment are the only times.
I liked the weapons more in 2, I recall I almost always resorted to shuraba/something(skates usually) and the durga claws for the most part in 1. Where as in 2 all the weapons are great except for maybe one or two stinkers.
Been a while since I played either. Bayo 1 was more ambitious, but has really rough edges. On the other hand, Bayo 2 had a firm identity. Bayo 1 has more weapon variety, but I fucking love the bow in 2. Bayo 1 also has NSIC. Tie?
>Character Design
2 easy
Neither really stood out to me. I probably recall more of the first's just because I've played it more. Tie.
>Final Boss
I actually don't remember Bayo 1's final boss. 2
2 is the better game by far, there's just so much shit wrong with the first one.
Bland rehashed levels, bosses, and environments over and over, MULTIPLE escort missions, insta death QTEs, awful color palette, bad scoring system, worse bosses in general, less QoL stuff, and more.
The only thing the first one really has going for it is better main theme choice and it's harder.
1 beats out 2 in OST for Fly Me to the Moon alone.
No wonder sai fung got removed. That locked stand when attacking really got me. To get it, well...
Wonderful 101
>>Charater Design?
Wonderful 101
Wonderful 101
>>Final Boss?
Wonderful 101
Wonderful 101
I'm so tired of Bayofags with their holy cow.
Moon River > Fly me to the moon
How's it feel user, to be a bitch?
mooooooooooooooon riiiiiiiiver
this shit taste cannot continue.
Can't we all just get along?
I thought W101 seemed like a quality game, just wasn't my taste personally. Still might try picking it up again sometime.
>Charater Design?
>Final Boss?
2 makes 1s story better
I'd give OST ot Bayonetta, it's still GOAT tier.
Everything else w101 wins. I was really surprised by how good the story was (after expecting something like Bayo)
1 has the better OST but Tomorrow is Mine>>>> Mysterious Destiny and Moon River >>>> fly to the Moon
Seriousl, the character songs are shit in 1.
I still need this game, but 2017 looks to have no room for me to go back and play older titles.
I'd love to see stuff like Bayo and DMC get live action films, but there's always the danger of the film looking terrible due to an over reliance on CG.. Although the idea of seeing Reuben, Dan and Johnny being so goofy and stylish in person certainly
We've already got a DMC movie. I'd love to see what they do with Bayonetta.
I like how the anime gives her bigger tits
but bayonetta has a good story, it pulls off a surprisingly well done time travel story mixed in with nice world building
You're shit and need to die.
I haven't played them since 2014, but I remember not liking 2 as much because it wasn't as charming as the original, it was too easy, and I didn't like the generic sequel plot of
>Ah, what a beautiful day!
It did sort of pick up a little after all that IIRC, but it was still stupid.
Bayo2 has smoother controls and less stupid bullshit but umbran climax is a shit gimmick and the final boss was a disappointment. OST and character design are about equal. Bayo2's story starts better but gets a bit muddled, at first it was about rescuing Jeanne but then gets hijacked by Aesir, the plots barely connect at all. Bayo2 does have a bit less drawn-out exposition though.
Red> Blue
Long Hair> Short hair
There is no contest.
>Charater Design?
>Final Boss?
The first game felt like kamiya having a clear vision and just barely missing it due to budget and time constraints, although still a 10/10 game regardless
the second game has all of the budget and scheduling the first game didn't have, having awesome weapon variety and really cool setpieces.
That being said, the first game is better than the second game in the gameplay department. Making witch time a mandatory mechanic instead of training wheels for dodging in the sequel was a horrible move. That mixed with air juggling automatically cancelling out after a short amount of time really cemented Bayo 2 as the inferior game.
I would concede that Bayo 2 would be the better game with those two issues fixed, but honestly the first game had such a unique aesthetic and mood that the sequel only managed to emulate.
(The giant hammer and the chainsaw rollerskates are so fucking awesome that I miss them all the time when playing Bayo 1 though.)
I rank both the same but for different reasons.
Bayo 1 probably outrank it by a little bit, not a lot like some like to say, both are excellent.
>Character Design?
1 by a bit. 2 lacked in variety, not in quality.
>Final Boss?
1 easily.
The story is a mess in both. I'd say 2 is a bit better written though, despite that "kid" being as bad as kid Bayo.
>oh no must save jeanne she in hell
>oh no yami yugi is evil
>luka feels really weird and shoved in
>final boss is just a blue dude
>and then young balder was a zombie
first game had a smoother plot and less fucking yugioh
I find them both equal. there are things Bayo 1 does better than Bayo 2 and things Bayo 2 does better than Bayo 1. People tend to give Bayo 2 a lot of shit in the gameplay department, but you have to think of Bayo 2 like a fighting game, as it plays similar to a traditional fighter in most cases. Its got its meter management, its got EX moves, its got enemies that parry in the front but not in the back and etc. Yes the late game bosses are an issue, and I wish they weren't so balanced around the fact of Witch Time. But anyways, I can't really choose one over the other and I enjoyed both of them every much so.
I feel Bayo 2 beats Bayo 1 in that matter, even though I'm not a fan of what they did to Jeanne in Bayo 2.
gotta go with Bayo 1. Even though Tomorrow is Mine kicks the shit outta Mysterious Destiny, Bayo 1 still has the Sega remixes, Blood and Darkness, and The Greatest Jubilee.
>Final Boss
Aesir it feels more like a final boss mechanics wise, but Jubelious has more spectacle in it's battle, even if it's a glorified platforming section with a bad camera. Beating up an overgrown Smurf just isn't the same as punching the Creator across the solar system into the sun, but in the end, I'd slightly give it to Jubileus, tho seeing Bayonetta and Balder combine their power was cute.
>all of these faggots picking Love Is Blue over Scarborough Fair
begone vile plebs
Would Sup Forums like a live action bayonetta
1 for rising difficulty, 2 for a consistent difficulty.
>Character Design?
2's designs grew on me after a while.
They're both equal in this regard to me.
>Final Boss?
1 in terms of buildup to it and the catharsis factor. 2 has the catharsis, nowhere near as much buildup.
2 for sure, though that's because you had a clearer goal of what you were supposed to do. 1 was just "you don't have memories, kill your way through some angels until you happen to get them back".
I guess.
I don't really use either after I've unlocked the other shit.
1 down the list. When I was playing 2 it just felt like "Hey, remember that thing that was done in 1? Here it is again".
Bayo 2
>>Charater Design?
Bayo 2, hands down
Both are about equal, Bayo 1 seems a bit more grating
>>Final Boss?
Bayo 2, although Bayo 1 beats it in shear spectacle
Bayo 2
You mean the song that played all of 3 times? Even if you think that Moon River is the better song, you hardly get to fucking listen to it.
>Jumping in to a Bayonetta thread to shitpost your preferred game
Fuck off
Bayonetta 1 shits all over Bayonetta 2 and will continue to, until the day Bayonetta 2 comes to PC.
>mfw tried the durga/kilgore exploit for the first time
I feel dirty
ultimate fucking pleb, combo extension is fuckin goat
After playing through 1 on the PC again I thought I'd give 2 a shot.
Man, it's fucking mediocre.
Characters are a fucking dumpster-fire, bayonettas attitude and look are fucking awful. Combo system has no diminishing returns any more and feels bad.
Wouldn't even recommend.
How could they fuck up Bayo 2 OST so much?
The first has such a better soundtrack
I blame the lack of full Paradiso focus on the sequel.
Also Jubileus has a lot more hype although Loptr is the better fight mechanically as it's a humanoid enemy
The one that will never be on PC. 2.
>people saying 2's character design is better
>when they turned Luka into this abomination. and added Yugi-boy.
But which one did it better?
>Bayo 1 final boss
>ride a motherfucking rocket to fucking space in order to fight literally God and punch her through the entire solar system until she hits the sun
>Bayo 2 final boss
>here, fight this puny Jojo lookalike and end it by having Jeanne eat it with fucking Gomorrah
What went so wrong
Bayo 1:
> Director(s): Hideki Kamiya
Bayo 2:
>Director(s): Yusuke Hashimoto
wtf I love Bayo 2 now
Pfff. Enjoy your "PC version".
>sound STILL borked after 40k+ autism bucks
Literally a Zelda BOTW emulator
I don't mind cowboy luka so much.
I didn't like the part where you had to play as the kid(can't remember his name atm) for a brief moment running from the angel. It felt so fucking out of place.
No one remembers W101 anymore faggot
Loki, his name is Loki
So glade I'm not the only one who thinks that.
The stories of Bayo make sense after playing through them again.
Bayo 2 is the better game I think. 1 might have a better final boss, but Masked Lumen >>>>>Jeanne and generally speaking the Bayo 2 bosses are better.
I always wished the Lumen Sages had been explored more so the Masked Lumen was great.
Masked Lumen was the hypest shit. I practically screamed when he did his version of witch-time on me and started throwing out angelic wicked weaves.
>Masked Lumen >>>>>Jeanne
This meme needs to die. Jeanne is so much better than Masked "better have witch time" Lumen who dodges out of fucking everything. At least Jeanne will eat a WW to the face about half the time.
1 for everything but character design, 2 bayonetta is just too good to ignore. Here's a list of things mechanically wrong with 2 and why it's terrible at high level play:
>crow within doesn't function right
>most enemies can't be relaunched despite giving the player more launcher options
>most enemies if not all of them now break combo
>umbran climax has a half second delay making distrotion hits harder to pull off and not worth it
>witch time on every difficulty
>circle punch now uses magic and pushes back enemies
>witch twist no longer has weaves so it's pretty useless especially when enemies cant be launched
>crow within teleport no longer paths correctly
>most weapons have half movesets making them boring
>all bosses feel the same because of combobreak and witch time, making about every boss simply dodge then punish with a quick combo.
>no penalty for using items
>weaves no longer flinch enemies making everything based around witch time. Also means every enemy strategy is simply dodge then punish
>witch time on infinite climax
>flying battles offer no movement and are simply move forward and backwards
People who praise 2 never completed the game on the hardest difficulty, it's just plain boring and regressive.
>better fight mechanically as it's a humanoid
humanoid doesn't mean it's a better fight, just a different fight you fucking soulsfag
>no penalty for using items
I do think that there shouldn't be a penalty for using healing items, since you're already being penalized for taking damage, but everything else should result in a point deduction
1 has better battle mechanics, but 2 removed a lot of the bullshit that 1 had. Both are about equals when weighting their pros and cons.
>Charater Design?
1 has a much better design. I like her haircut in 2, but her outfit is awful. Then 2 has a better Jeanne, but everyone else is just awful, especially that reporter dude.
>Final Boss?
1 is more "epic", while 2's is better to actually fight against, although sadly he is locked behind a 15 minute space shooter section. So it's a tie.
1. And it's still not saying much, but it is better than what 2 did.
but by using the healing item you're dodging the higher death penalty you dingus
Game should punish you for mashing buttons and spamming items instead of you know learning the game.
>is better to fight against
>literally just a shittier version of father balder with mandatory witch time
jubileus has its faults, but at least it wasn't a let down
Aesir was the biggest "fuck you" in gaming history.
You spend two fucking games blasting through giant monsters in heaven and hell and having the time of your life. You'd think the series would have a mind-blowing finale but nope, here's a blue dude with predictable attacks who dies like a bitch halfway through his health bar.
I am still so fucking salty
it wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't use the same boring "get witch time to win" mechanic all of bayonetta 2's bosses use
father balder may have been less memorable, but still a decent final boss; jubileus is what took the ending to the next level though
But you are punished, by losing even more health.
everything 1 but 2 is more cinematic
>that fucking demon manta
Playing 2 right now and imo it's a bit stronger than 1.
1 just has a sort of weird pacing to it, the campaign is a bit messy and it feels hard to follow along. On the other hand the premise and what you're doing in Bayo 2 feels a lot clearer. Better antagonist, cuter Bayo and better OST aswell. Fuck pic related though.
They're video games, of course their stories are dogshit.
>2 is the better game by far
>there's just so much shit wrong with the first one.
None of which is as bad as 2's nerf's or requiring Witch Time to do anything.
>but you have to think of Bayo 2 like a fighting game
It isn't a fighting game, it's an Action game. That is very different.
>Its got its meter management
Meter management is a joke, Bracelet of Time is silly efficient and magic generation is directly tied to damage output.
Jube was a letdown but it was at least functional.
Meant to quotenot
>Angela White
>live-action Bayo
I like her, but Emma Butt makes more sense to me. Plus, she's actually British where Angela White is Australian. And, she actually wears glasses in her scenes.
If you don't think there should be a penalty for using healing items do you also think there shouldn't be a reward for making it through a level without taking damage?
It's almost as it the song isn't overplayed and better for it.
2 has better gameplay but the story is much worse
i ran both games back to back
>Not self inserting into the /ss/
The section of 2 that's found in the demo with the jets and shit is better than 1, everything else is better in 1.
1 and asscreed2 came out at the same time, right when my gf at the time cheated on me and we broke up. I bought ass2 because all the critics were hailing it as the second coming. Playing that shit was such a depressing week, but then I got bayonetta and things got better. I could believe in action games again.
I wish I could insert into him
Short hair > long hair
Long hair > short hair
I did this also and completely agree.
reported for being wrong
The next Bayo design needs to be bald.
Bald > the rest
I've been having an awful time with 2 and couldn't figure out why. You can't launch most of these enemies and its frustrating as shit. The game's too fucking easy at certain points thanks to witch time. Then you hit Balder and he's got NO VISUAL CUES to his attacks. How the fuck am I supposed to do the Balder fights legit without spamming Bracelet of Time?
Bayo 1 was the stronger game due to better combat mechanics. Bayo 2 tries to appeal to all the casuals that complained about QTEs and never made it to NSIC.