Is Doom a 2D or a 3D game?

Is Doom a 2D or a 3D game?

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Fake 3D 2D



It has kind of an interesting dimension to it...


Very convincingly fake 3D. The world is technically 2D but there exists a height value and projectiles can pass over and under targets without hitting them.

>it is 2d but with 3 dimensions both aesthetically and mechanically

So 3D?


>He doesn't know what 2.5D
I guess "buzzword" is code for "i don't know what you're talking about, so i assume you're making shit up, so i don't have to look dumb"

Every video game that you play with a monitor is 2d to you, but games often compute in three dimensions.

3D from the point of view of the player, yes. That's why it's very convincing. The illusion is only broken when you look at the engine internals.

It's ovviously 1D game.

Aren't all games 2D? Just with the illusion of being 3D? Carmack was one of the forefathers of 3D graphics and his work on Wolfenstein 3D and DOOM were part of that development.

if doom is 2d then all games are 2d
doom just uses an older method for doing 3d graphics, the sprites are 2d but they are placed in a world which is drawn using 3d math.

No, because all the game logic is 2D, you can not have a floor over another floor as it's not real 3D.

How do you mean?

It's not due to the sprites, it's the fact that the levels are just 2D maps, you can't have a room/hallway on top of another one as it's simple 2D (like a house plan)

2D, hands down. Not 3D in any sense except in how you interpret it

I heard somewhere that the original PlayStation similarly fakes 3D across the platform, which is why textures warp and jitter at sharp angles, or am I mixing things up?

Why is terrain dimensions the condition for games to be 2d or 3d?

3d environment with height, width and depth, the instructions how to generate the world are irrelevant

objects are almost 3d; they have height, width and depth and can travel in all 3 dimensions BUT doom has an odd 'feature' where objects can not pass over each other negating the height dimension somewhat. afaik none of the clones and spinoffs retain that 'feature'

>why are dimensions the condition for games to have a certain number of dimensions
good question

Becuae otherwise it's still jsut a 2D world, just presented in 3D.

Is a sidescrolling game with 3D models and the like instead of sprites 3D?
I argue it isn't, it's still 2D.
Doom is 2.5D as it's a 2D level design presented in a first person 3D engine.
It's more '3D' than Wolfenstein though, which doesn't even have ramps.

Mariokart 64 is a good example of real 3D with sprites.

3D (2D)

It's just because the maps are 2D 'plans' as opposed to a real 3D maps (which are sort of like a giant model in comparison to a previous 'plan' idea), like Quake would go on to use.

He is specifically talking about terrain while ignoring the rest.

Let's see:
>player position: 3d
>player movement. 3d
>projectile position: 3d
>projectile movement: 3d
>monsters: dunno
>terrain 2d

>therefore it is 2d

I'll repeat the question: why is terrain the condition for deciding whether the game is 2d or 3d?

It's blue

It's a 2D game until all mechanical elements are 3D. "2.5D" isn't a real thing. This is what separates Quake from Doom. Doom is convincingly faked 3D, Quake is wholly 3D. For the player, the difference is minimal at best, but it's a world of difference from the developer's point of view.

>It's a 2D game until all mechanical elements are 3D
>it's a 2d game although the mechanics are 3d

You, sir, are and idiot.

The map is still 2D. You're still looking at it from the player's perspective, when that doesn't tell you the whole story. You're seeing what the developer wants you to see, I'm talking about what's going on behind the curtain.

The people saying it's 3D in this thread are fucking retarded. Everything is on a 2D plane and has infinite height.

Projectiles, hitscans, and map geometry check height. Actor collisions, enemy melee attacks, and explosions don't. It's a very strong illusion that only breaks down in edge cases in-game.

Literally the opposite. It can't render sprites so it fakes 2D by having flat models with the sprites textured on. The reason why textures are affine and the polygons jitter between fixed points is actually because the hardware is just fucking garbo.

>2D plane
>with height
So 3D?

you're looking at it from the world point of view, where something is only 3d if you can construct the environment anyway you like like quake

the game is about things moving around in space, those things collide with the world in all 3 dimensions, unlike say wolf3d which afaik can not move object up or down so that dimension might as well not exist

Huh, neato. Thanks user.

You're retarded. There is no such thing as a 3d api. Its the first thing you learn when dealing with apis. Its all an illusion of 3d which has to be rendered to a 2d plane because monitors are 2d

Everything you see on your screen is technically 2D because your screen is flat.

ps1 uses affine texture mapping; the graphics chip doesn't understand depth and isn't even given the information to use it anyway

the twitchy nature of polygons is due to low precision math, which is incidental

Everything is 2D because your eyes don't see 3D.

Small side effects of the game's 2D nature still leak through if you know where to look, see Wolfenstein 3D is much further from 3D than Doom is, having no height value at all, but Doom isn't all the way there either.

Everything's dimensions don't take your mode of perception into account.

Still, you've got depth perception if you've got 2 eyes. Cover one eye to see the difference.

true, its part of dooms nature. heretic, dook3d and friends generally fixed this, they could have fixed it in doom with its patches but i guess decided or cared not to

That's not your eyes seeing 3D though, that's your optic nerve taking 2 2D 'images' and making them 3D.
It's just a trick, your eyes don't see in 3D.

>Artificial 3D

>Artificial 2D

Your eye's not "see" anything by themselves. Do you think glasses "see" stuff? They don't, because they're not concious by themselves.

3D consists of width, height and depth, all of which you're able to perceive due to your vision.

Is real life 3+1D?

Is Witcher1 2d or 3d?

>playing sourceports

It's 4D because the great writing has so much depth it adds a dimension of its own

It's 1D because it's literally the makeup of the universe, it's doom ports all the way down.
Remember, DOOM runs on anything/everything.

Pretty much all cases of 3D rendering involves the skewing of vertices depending on the perspective. In the same manner, 2D games do this by adjusting points depending on which portion of the room the camera is fixated on. For example, when you exit the screen in the first Zelda, all of the sprite's coordinates move in the direction opposite where the camera is moving. You may think it's the camera that's moving, but it's actually the world around you.

There's no such thing as "technically 2D". Doom uses 3D rendering techniques to render its 3D environments, and uses maths which are applied towards moving 3D objects in 3D space. That's really the fundamental difference.

Your character moves in 3 dimensions so its 3D.

Anything else is just semantic bullshit arguments that could just as easily be applied to "true" 3D games. Everything on your computer is reducible to being a simulation at some level.

but does that amazing writing add 2 dimensions or just one?
Witcher was made on aurora engine, which doesnt allow objects to be higher or lower