Which games aged like wine?

which games aged like wine?

Anno 1404 (Dawn of Discovery)
I can't believe that this game is from 2009


I could play any Bungie made Halo game and it'd be superior to any FPS single player released in the last 5 years


Real life.

>you can only play one time


>A game from 2009 is classed as old on Sup Forums now

Christ I'm getting old.


which games aged like milk?


Battlefield 2.

>which games aged like wine?

Soul Reaver, Nightmare Creatures, Spyro

Spyro, crash and tomb raider.

the Quake series. Never gets old, but Quake Champions is ruining duel currently. Christ Im so upset with QC, its gonna kill the quake community.


Crash Bandicoot 2 still looks great and is one of the best platformers of all time

All your favorite games.

Games don't age. They're the same 1s and 0s that they've always been.

Spyro maybe graphically but collectathon platformers are sh-



No lies, the mass effect trilogy on PC still looks as good as current games (except 1) plus after playing the garbage Andromeda game I'm glad I was able to do another play through through them to wash the taste out of my mouth.

I'd say most arcade classics like Dig Dug/Pac-man are pretty timeless. Kind of like the vidya versions of chess or card games.

PS2 GTA 3 and Vice City
MGS and Castlevania Symphony of the Night
if you're a cool kid, also Medievil.

Game looks great until you put character models in it. They're a little goofy.

Some wines are meant to be consumed within two years. These wines do not age well.

Some wines are very acidic and tart and are neigh undrinkable the first years, but become very nice after about ten years and can survive at least 50 years in the bottle at which point they become amazing.

Saying games age like wine means nothing unless you also specify which wine you compare it to.

DOOM/DOOM 2 (still some of the most satisfying FPS games to date, not even including mods)
Super Mario Sunshine (still the best 3D Mario imo)
Windwaker (don't particularly love the game but the incredibly stylized and simplistic graphics/art style only become more appealing as time goes on)
Any of the Crash Bandicoot Games (2.5D Platforming done right)
Any of the pre-EU4 Paradox grand strategy games
Banjo Kazooie (collectathons were and still are garbage)
Grand Theft Auto 3, San Andres and Vice City (everything is just so much better/improved upon in GTA 4 and GTA 5)
The original Counter Strike (CSS is such a straightforward improvement, too bad nobody plays it anymore in favor of CSGO)
Resident Evil 1 and 2 (nothing particularly scary about them today, so you're just left with a spooky puzzle game with occasional boss segments)

please elaborate

Too real


Tetris. Its still fun.

Everybody knew what OP meant, but you had to be a dick about it.

>Probably already played 300+ hours of Tetris in my lifetime
>Played 5 hours of Puyo Puyo v Tetris this week
>Still discovering new things about Tetris and learning new strategies

Is Tetris, dare I say, the perfect game? Puyo is excellent too.

Yes actually. Tetris is really the perfect game. It's simple, easy to pick up, only focused on gameplay, and is replayable out the ass as the game gets increasingly harder.


>mfw we never have Def Jam threads or if we do I'm not around for them.

Literally the perfect games other than Icon

>can only select 12 units at once
utter garbo

PS1 Tekkens

That's literally the best feature of the game. Making logistics more complicated than "box clock and a-move" is part of what makes it the most strategic RTS ever made

Most wines these days actually aren't meant to age for a long time anymore, sadly. I don't know the details, but it seems they literally can't "make em like that anymore".

Legend of Legaia

VTMB is 13 years old and it still has better animations than anything Ubisoft has ever created

Not to mention how the character dialogue puts nearly all modern AAA games to absolute shame

Both Ape Escape and Jumping Flash

I came here to post this
Truly good vidya is timeless

Are you stupid or just autistic?

a row of angry ducks

Most of the post-1996 Neo Geo games made by SNK, Nazca or their successors. Still the pinnacle in sprite art along with some Capcom arcade games, and that's probably not going to change anytime soon. Unfortunately high quality sprites are becoming a lost art.

a perfect game made by the perfect society

Please die

Any early 2000s 2D RTS like Stronghold and Red Alert 2

>pic related

Ehh, depends on what you mean by "long time". Centuries? No, the phylloxera pandemic ended that. Decades? Sure, we can do that. Except that we now have the knowledge and technology to produce wines that taste really good without needing decades of age, so it's really pointless except for the masochists. The aging was needed because the uncontrolled fermentation in an unsanitary environment produced lots of awful tasting chemicals, and these could take years to degrade to a level that didn't make it taste nasty. Nowadays we know how to keep these to a low level through better teemperature control, sanitary fermenter vessels, better strains of yeast, etc, so that only a few years are needed for wine to hit its peak flavor.

Port is the exception to this, decades of aging for port does something different to it than for regular wine.

Games age just as anything ages, autist. The medium with which it was created is moot

Chrono Trigger.

Gran Turismo 4

Sonic 3&K
Sonic Adventure 2

Sure, like white wine


Early middle ages didn't care to age their wine and didn't start doing so until the early renaissance or late middle ages, romans and greeks before liked aged wine as well, it seems that whether or not people went for aged wine or fresh from the tit wine seems to have varied from era to era.


Ocarina of Time

Chrono Trigger is still one of the few so called "Role Playing Games," to say nothing of JRPGs, that actually give the player a choice in how the plot turns out. Square will likely never put out anything else on that level of quality.

Nor are any of there games likely to even have a a comparable OST now that Nomura's long gone.

Was thinking this, as well.

>san andreas
>aging like milk

It was the best of it's era and in no way does GTA 4 surpass it. The game was and still is fun.



They are the same person under different pen names


also FUCKEN THIS brb downloading ppsspp and rom

They also regularly diluted their wine with water and sweetened it with honey or lead oxide, and added spices like cinnamon or even fruit to it, which doesn't really support your contention that people of that era preferred the listerine flavors of poorly made unaged wine.

Chrono Trigger is just okay at best.

Never really got the hype.


Third Strike still has top tier animations.

Any early 3D game and the first Guilty Gear.

>Any early 3D game
That's true only for those that went with a "realistic" style

Team Fortress 2.
Although that's less "aging" as it is "being poisoned by the cow".

Heroes 3 transcends time and space.

No game aged better than dungeon keeper 2

Rollercoaster tycoon

step 15 looks the best

This will sound strange, but Super Mario Bros. 32 years after release, it's still one of the most pure fun games ever, in that you can just pick it up and play and instantly enjoy the airtight controls. The visual style is also surprisingly timeless and iconic; IMO it has aged better looks wise than any other 2D Mario, because it just looks so distinctive.

Original Doom games.

Super Mario 64

Wind Waker, graphics wise anyway.


underage babby pls

Mario bros 3 still the best. First one is still great but 3 is on a whole other level

How much do I have to pay for a good bottle of wine?

Pokemon GSC
Animal Crossing
A Link to the Past
F-Zero GX
Max Payne
Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2
All Kirby games except Dream Land
Mother 3
Ecco the Dolphin
Mario Party 1-3
Pokemon RBGY
Jet Set Radio
Far Cry 2
castlevania sotn, one of the final fantasies (my fav is IX)

If you have to ask, $15. You only go below $10 or above $20 if you know what you're doing.

Now, if you just want to impress someone, just pay whatever amount you feel like sacrificing on that particular altar, because all they're going to do is google the name on the bottle and see how much it retails for and form their opinion on you accordingly.

RE4 has god awful controls.

Thief 1 and 2 feel like modern games. The graphics are bad, yeah, but the gameplay holds up amazingly well and being able to explore the maps without loading screens feels great.

Banjo Kazooie, Super Mario 64, Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. A lot of late 90s/early 2000s games still hold up.

Don't know if this qualifies but it's been a while since it was released and I think this game is so good the gameplay mechanics is way ahead of it's time

oblivion it must have since breath of the wild is basically the same thing

>gameplay is just copying shit that has been done to death
>ahead of its time

Hell yeah, the level of detail into the animations and mechanics are top-notch
They spent like at least $100 million into the budget for that game, right? It sure feels like it.

Diablo 2

Gothic 2

I guess there is something as a wrong opinion


>cover based shooting
>slow down time
Yeah. Real fucking revolutionary.

do you even know what "aged like milk" means?