Each thigh is the size of her waist

>each thigh is the size of her waist
>hips are more than twice the size of her waist

This is getting out of hand. Should ruling be made to forbid developers from creating such unrealistic expectations?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's android dude wtf

if I wasn't phone posting I could post a picture or 2 from my native brazil showing just how realistic those proportions are

Fuck off to your site, tumblr

Western kids...

she's very high-cut

>give her perfect birthing anathomy
>doesn't even have a vagina

for what purpose?


>your games won't sell unless you pander to the virgin weeb demographic
How to spot an awful developer in 1 simple step. Not so fast, Taro.


fucking nasty


By whom? The fucking video game courts?

Go be a Nazi elsewhere you retard.

>this bad shoop proves my point

obese piece of shit

>Sup Forums pass user



not unrealistic for a fucking android.

Don't you have some more redditors and tumblrettes to con money from, Anita?

this warning is 3 years too late
the SJWs rule Sup Forums now


> people would actually say no

worse than the homos infecting this board

How to not hit the jackpot. Fat, ugly and a bitch face.

why is her breasts so small compared to her butt?

Because androids made for fighting do not need big boobs


This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

tits are for virgins, the true patrician choice is the ass

She's a robot dude. Don't worry about it.


Kill yourself weeb virgin.

You're one of the people his image is for.

Niggers are not allowed on this board.

News flash. The ideal body does not exist in reality.

>tfw not a virgin
What's next in your master plan

Your falseflagging cockscuking shiteating thread-making is whats getting out of hand you twelve year old sack of shit.

Lying on the internet doesn't change reality.

Not all video game females have to be landwhales, user.

Whatever you say, bucko.

Expectations? Its a fucking video game. If it somehow has any effect on what you expect out of real life, that is entirely your problem.

>pass user

pfffffffffffffhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha what stupid bitch ass nigger

>liking bigg butts makes you a nigger
how to spot the homosexuals: the post

post thicc

I was going to say something like but now that I think of it, you might be right. Tits are usually preferred by easterners and westerners alike while butts are preferred by africans and african mix-breds (brazilians, etc).

What do those groups have in common? It's very difficult for the later to be virgins, most start fucking at a very young age and have several kids, while easterners and westerners have high virginity incidence every well into their 30s, and very low fertility rates.

So preferring boobs to ass might actually be one of the best indicators of virginity, maybe even better than spotting the virgin walk.

It literally does.

but i'm not a nigger. Check mate

Yeah dude that activates my genitalia.

This has to be the stupidest thing i've ever read on this board in a while.

Congrats you deserve this.

150 cc Wishmaster I'm so sorry.

Someone post that infograph

>i am literally retarded
yes user. yes you are

Breasts are not important

>future robots from the future have to be 1:1 to the human body
wew lad

t. Tyrone

no, i'm also american. That Sup Forums pic does nothing user.

go back to tumblr and facebook orbiter faggot

Realism is bland boring and uninspired

Faggot nigger.

nah, roasties should just step up their game thb.

I love ass& hips more than tits but this is just retarded.

Actually the bigger factor is that the poorer the country, the higher need for children. This is due to manual labor and what not.

However when presented with the tits vs. ass data. Its pretty common for Africans to laugh at the western obsession with tits and dismiss it as yearning for mommie's milk.


I hate to be the one to break it to you OP but that's from a video game.. and if you're basing your expectations off video games you might need to seek help.

>pass user
>not a virgin either

>the true patrician choice is the ass
That would be thighs, kiddo.

take off your leaf you fucking loser, you shouldn't be proud of paying to have your browsing habits and social media behavior sold as a package deal to google while you pay to have it done to you.

Thank you OP, give me an idea to create an ideal grill. Back to Honey Select

>getting off to chicken parts

What's your point?

This is realistic.

>Its pretty common for Africans to laugh at the western obsession with tits and dismiss it as yearning for mommie's milk.
then can nigger obsession with ass be dismissed as them yearning for shit? that's where shit comes from, and apparently in some african tribes they get drinkable water from elephant shit.

Upset that people are not as poor as you?
>Thinking a pass is any worse than being tracked and profiled by Google
You must be 18 years old to use this website.

>not playing sbpr instead
its like you hate videogames or something user.

who wants to fuck a chicken? you can grab it while you fuck it. It's to small. be a man fuck a horse or a cow

> expectations
Are you a dumb underage girl by any chance?


Look at this fuckin dweeb.

I have a pass too and I don't even put it on half the time because it takes too much effort.

go be stupid somewhere else, hiroshima creates profiles on users and sells the info to advertisers with no discrimination to what kind of info he collects. which means your ip, and all the posts you make for "moderation purposes" READ: TARGETED ADVERTISING.

I like tits. I like ass.

I like tits AND ass. Fight me faggots.

I bet her ass is jelly.
I'd eat it

I dont want to waste on fucking bang bang slideshow fps of empty bland island with beach contents not-exist-at-all game.

HS more straightforward. I create a girl and I fuck her. A plenty of mods too

Fite me, user.

>being triggered by third worlders in shit tier countries

Relax mate. Its more likely that they just associate big ass with big hips. Which by its nature means can actually have healthy children. They also weren't social engineered by their culture to love tits.

don't forget your credit card number, real name, your data etc.

that's far more intrusive than google's "this ip watches this and this. but it's dynamic, which means the entire region does it" that recaptcha would get out of it.

>He thinks he is somehow immune this because he doesn't have a pass

so basically nothing important that will never affect me?

I'm not immune but wearing the leaf is like wearing a shirt that says "proud cuckold"

So, instead derailing.

3.Tits and ass

I forgot the important ones because I was busy being angry about elves


4. Belly and ass.

i need elaboration on this.

what expectations.

What is expected of who?

Swiggity swooty.

I say we delet toobie all-together instead. 2shits a tired old hag anyway and could never match link's perfection.

It makes poorfags rage. That's all that matters.


no, but ruling should be made to forbid anons from making such shitty bait threads

Real answer: It only depends on the girl/character.
For example, Toobie is perfect with only 2., 3. would make her beauty less balanced and elegant.

>You're poor if you don't want to give gook moot some spare change for doing a terrible job
That jew deserves fucking nothing.

>the irony comin from a tumblr guy

Get the fuck out of here, user