Just bought one of these bad boys for $10

Just bought one of these bad boys for $10
What are some good games aside from P5 that I can play?

Uh, I would check if it even turns on

hack it first

Turns on but doesn't read discs
What is the recommended procedure?

>for a first edition PS3
yea what this guy said

Red dead redemption was amazing. Try gta 5 or dragon age origins although there are better versions out there. The mass effect series was pretty cool if you don't mind some mediocre writing at places. Naughty dog's games are great tech demos if you want to what 500mb of ram can do. Castlevania lords of shadow was pretty fun. Also try valkyria chronicles and tekken I had a lot of fun with these.

Definitely this.

Check the thermal paste while you're at it, the fat PS3 models burn hotter than the sun.

Hack it if it's on 3.55 ofw or lower.

Something short, because I guarantee if you got that thing for $10 it's not going to last long.

>What is the recommended procedure?
if the firmware is 3.55 or below, you can hack it. Check out /hbg/ at /vg/ for help

Open it and replace the bd drive. It's not hard to do and I doubt this think has warranty due to its age.

God, that's not even the price for a stolen PS4. What did you do, buy it from a pissed off mother of some kid who got butthurt over her kid paying more attention to games than to her so she went and sold all his shit for stupid prices?

Google it.
Modding usually just requires an USB stick.

Disc drive is pointless.

just make sure once you mod it to download control fan utility and set the fan to like 70% or something or just set auto fan to a decent temp so the console doesn't cook itself.
Old PS3 fats did that faultily solders on the GPU.

All the MGS games.
Daemons Souls.
A lot of JRPGs if you like them.
Uncharted 1 2 3 and Last of US are realy good games Sup Forums just likes to pretend they are shit because they are a Sony exclusive and no on PC.
Asuras Wrath
God of War games
Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2.

resonance of fate
under defeat HD edition or whatever it's called (or play it on dreamcast, a superior console)
el shaddai
child of eden
yakuza 3 4 & 5
that one game with the clothing damage, malicious i think it was called
whatever the newer version of deception 4 is
wipeout hd

there's like a ton of shit, just dont play anything that has a pc version or is published by someone like ea, ubi, capcom etc
don't let reading comprehension get in the way of you making some sad revelatory rant

I know that Since I used to own one that fucked up twice a year after repairs
Seller provided a new laser, is it hard? I work computer repairs so it should be easy,
Seller got it at a flea market for a buck but never got to repairing the drive hence the included extra laser mentioned above; sold as is with no controller or video cables
Will do

Should have put that ten bucks towards a xcuck 360 as it was the superior machine of that generation

I already own one ;^)

Dragons Crown

i got a cechc model for $30 australian dollars so its not that far fetched

>already have one
And it hasn't RRoD'd? Inconceivable!

It's a slim and it still runs like a champ despite dropping it like a massive faggot twice

>Seller provided a new laser, is it hard

A bit fiddly but perfectly doable. The drive has springs and small parts so just be careful when you open it up. Even if you fuck it up new bluray drives aren't that expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion; I'll open it up once I get home to check the thermal paste and the condition of the CPU and GPU

>region locked

open it and remove the roaches inside

why you're not playing skate 3?

check for spiders first

also the MGS and Sly collection