Just bought one of these bad boys for $10
What are some good games aside from P5 that I can play?
Just bought one of these bad boys for $10
Uh, I would check if it even turns on
hack it first
Turns on but doesn't read discs
What is the recommended procedure?
>for a first edition PS3
yea what this guy said
Red dead redemption was amazing. Try gta 5 or dragon age origins although there are better versions out there. The mass effect series was pretty cool if you don't mind some mediocre writing at places. Naughty dog's games are great tech demos if you want to what 500mb of ram can do. Castlevania lords of shadow was pretty fun. Also try valkyria chronicles and tekken I had a lot of fun with these.
Definitely this.
Check the thermal paste while you're at it, the fat PS3 models burn hotter than the sun.
Hack it if it's on 3.55 ofw or lower.
Something short, because I guarantee if you got that thing for $10 it's not going to last long.
>What is the recommended procedure?
if the firmware is 3.55 or below, you can hack it. Check out /hbg/ at /vg/ for help
Open it and replace the bd drive. It's not hard to do and I doubt this think has warranty due to its age.