Other urls found in this thread:
is Boss baby the new Minions?
I'm too envious over the idea of someone making decent money making these kinds of videos to feel anything else 2bh
Why does this shit end up getting so many views? Why is the most popular youtube videos these days finger families and nursery rhymes?
>Why does this shit end up getting so many views
American children
Can confirm, I have a child in america
>finger families and nursery rhymes
Bots contribute heavily to these. There's a couple of channels that just upload videos made from bots that arrange random shit into "content", upload it, and then "watch" each others videos. Some of them get really fucking out there.
well, pewdiepie is by far the most popular youtuber, and he's actually not anywhere close to as annoying as he used to be, and sometimes says things that are pretty bang on. Maybe there's hope
Is this the "lose all hope in humanity" thread?
Here's how it works:
>be Indian/Chinese
>make a shitty Johnny Johnny Yes Papa video in broken English with the Hulk fighting a Minion
>use bots and your 5000 cousins to inflate the view numbers into the millions in order to get Adsense money
>it's a pittance that no reasonable person would waste their time on, but it pays more than your sweatshop job making size XXXL "I'm With Her" t-shirts
>roll in tens of dozens of dollars, which is a year's wage in your (often literal) cesspool of a nation
>you can now replace the straw roof of your shack with genuine tin and woo Panjita by buying her a sari that isn't made from recycled industrial irritants