Would you?

Would you?

Fire Emblem Heroes thread.

so I pulled an extra Hector today and I have no idea what to do with a free Distant Counter. I've already got Hector/Nowi/Ike, and Xander is coming soon, so I'm not exactly hurting for counters
are there any other units that REALLY benefit from it, like maybe Zephiel?


>she is in the game
>charlotte isn't

I guess.

I'd probably hold onto it...

But this is a good choice I'd say.

I wouldn't be in a hurry to burn up a Hector, keep him and cherish a double, don't merge him because a +1 is pointless and I'd wait until you absolutely desperately need to put distant counter on a new hero to make them SSSS tier.

>finally got Hector
> -atk +def

Still gonna use him.

Rate this build.

Hector could be -ATK/DEF/SPD/RES/HP all at once and he would still be the best axe user.