it could mean the leak's were right & capcom is planning to link the classic series with X's timeline
it actually kinda stings that the 3ds version wasn't listed though. thoughts ideas for improvements over the first one
it could mean the leak's were right & capcom is planning to link the classic series with X's timeline
it actually kinda stings that the 3ds version wasn't listed though. thoughts ideas for improvements over the first one
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Include Megaman and Bass
Wait, what leaks about linking the Classic and X series?
wasn't the the gameboy advance game with great music?
It was originally a SNES game but yeah it got ported to GBA and it has great music.
This is so fake that it's hilarious. Only bigger telltale sign would be if it said Dragon's Dogma 2
Or it could just mean Capcom realized they could cheaply dump a few roms for easy cash after the first legacy collection and the disney collection.
Guarantee you the Mega Man 8 version is gonna be the PSX one since it's easier to emulate even though it's an inferior version.
The thing is, the collections Capcom puts out partnered with pretty good devs to port the games so they emulate well. That's better than the shit emulation many companies do.
which version had the "secret" bosses from MM1 & 2?
>3rd person platformer
Yeah, because X7 was so amazing.
The Saturn version. It also had a bunch of small improvements throughout compared to the PSX version.
hey at least the music was good
Also Tengu Man's stage has different themes depending on the version.
If this is true you would expect something else as 4 games (3 good games) is pretty light. the SNES version of MM&Bass would be good or the Power Fighter games.
I doubt we're going to get MM&Bass because they'd either have to translate the SNES version or go with the shitty GBA port.
One is too much effort and the other is garbage.
We're more likely to get fucking Mega Man Soccer in this thing.
If Megaman 9 and 10 finally comes out for PC and modern platforms, that's all I really need.
Until they get their act together and start making NEW games that is.
Fucking stupid. Nobody would ever believe a game that fills the gap between Classic and X. It's such a fanboy's wet dream, but so far removed from where Capcom is now. And it would only be believed if that person wants it to be true.
That will never happen.
They'll probably make a tie-in for the shitty looking cartoon. As worthless as that is to anybody who wants a game.
>Link the classic series with X's timeline
Wasn't Zero made by Wily?
Can we have the MegaMan Legends 3 Demo as a bonus?
he was
Given the new cartoon immediately announced a production delay after the most recent media they put out it's probably headed to cancellation.
Good. Death is preferable to adding that stain to the legacy.
Best stage select in the franchise imo.
Hey, why not 3DS?
They already killed a good opportunity of crossover game, MegaMan is doomed.
Only Legends 3 or ZX3 can save it now.
I'd accept a Megaman X9. I don't care if it diverges from the Zero timeline.
Might as well. 7 through CM already did.
That's probably debatable. But I'm not terribly fond of anything the Zero games did plotwise, so I don't care one way or the other.
It's good but better than X4?
Yes, I meant what I said.
I gotta go with the original. Holy shit is it good.
Rockman remix thread
>Minute in
Had potential, but it got ruined
I just really want another X Collection. X1 is one of my all time faves.
No battlenetwork collection no buy.
They will never ever use the saturn version those fuckers
Capcom won't do the game in house. They'll commission a shovelware developer to do it, probably.
Or Wayforward. They've been doing alot of tie ins lately.
Probably just Inti Creates again
Wayforward alternates between doing tie-ins and Shantae games they make with the money from the tie-ins.
They could probably use tie-in money to waste on HGH's bonus characters.