You're thinking about how much you want to **** 2B, aren't you?

>You're thinking about how much you want to **** 2B, aren't you?

What did he mean by this?

Seriously, this seems pretty straightforward initially, but given every that happens with 9S, especially at the end, is that four letter word really the one we all thought on first impression?

Fuck, kill, save?


It's obviously fuck.
The **** is for comical effect, this part of the scene is supposed to be both lightheartedly funny and surprising,
Why would the words save and kill be censored, you dense piece of shit?

It's purposefully ambiguous. The Japanese script was the same in that way.

Don't be retarded.


pirate, obviously.

Because spoilers silly!


What if it's both? He wants to fuck her to death.

It's nippon moonmans way of making you admit that he made a character with a fine ass.