ITT godtier character select screens
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you start
Already did user.
>mfw I have never played a metal slug.
Sorry you missed out user.
The hell is wrong with you
I couldn't afford a neogeo, hell! it was never released in my country. there was no metal slug cabis in my timezone arcades, my dad molested me.
it's ok user. almost all metal slug games are timeless classics that aged like fine wine. if you still can't find a cabin just emulate 3 whenever.
>when you get a nuke
>double hornet spawns
this game was goty of its time and this was best gang
step aside plebeans
oh yeah, this game was great!
kinda fucked up premise though, some virus wipes out or sterilizes most of the women so the tank gangs are all fighting over breeding sows
cant remember if the zombros were too
epic have fallen far
I remember playing this game on my tenth birthday until 5am with my best friends after a day spent skateboarding. First time I had ever stayed up that late in my life. Thirteen years later and I can hardly sleep unless I drink myself into a coma, where did it go wrong my friends?
The story was pretty grim, zombie guys were basically russians that nuked themselves into mutations
They had the best firepower tanks imo, hornets are fun and finding a nuke on the map is great
are you me?
Cormano master race.
>didn't realize all characters had different costs until this year
i still need to actually beat this game.
Honestly thought MKX had a fucking awesome select screen. It all flowed nicely, and its always cool to see the two characters square up.
What games should I start off with, and how should I play them?
Metal Slug Anthology is on PSN and Metal Slug 1, 3, and X are on Steam.
I'm glad they brought this interface back for injustice 2.
Bob's pretty cool too though
Wtf get on it I know you can get ms3 on steam
was just about to post this
This for me.
Was going to go for this first
>tfw never got to play as Marco because older brother mained him
Obvious troll, no one in the world hates metal slug
SNK and Capcom easily dominate this. Best art designers on all lvls on the industry (specially Capcom.) Shame most don't make videogames anymore.
Happy to see though, that some artist took it at heart. Overwatch everything is pure Capcom.
nothing wrong with playing Tarma.
Am I the only one who liked Eri?
>Quick Rundown What's their endgame?
>tfw i always played tarma because of the snot falling of his nose made me laugh as a child every time
oh fuck, now I'll always see it, fuck you.
3D character select screens are GOAT.
I'm sorry, but who gave you permission to use MY Sunsetfu? Cormano is MINE.
What game
Amazing game
>latest metal slug is a poorly translated waifu tower defense
>pic related is marco's new AI daughter
>Best art designers on all lvls on the industry
Capcom's only decent designs in Street Fighter have been Ryu and Chun-Li. The rest are mediocre to above-average, stereotyped laughableness.
SNK's character designs are even more spotty. KOFXIII has the best character designs out of the entire series, but they're still on par with plenty of other fighting games. It helps that they have an insanely good artist doing the concept art. Forget his name.
>tower defense
Even more fucking cancer than hidden object games, because at least hidden object games have gameplay.
can't beat that
Blizzard peaked so hard with this game
Hey, where's Gon?
>The way that announcer rolls his "r's"
I am beyond jealous and impressed
Wait, really? Marco has a daughter now?
is user thinking what im thinking?
Probably the very best, especially with the graffiti changing with the ones you pick.
>people posting character selects that are just a grid of portraits with a big sprite/model on either side
This is neither good nor creative
Good music helps.
>tfw you realized this was just a quarter eating machine
No need.
Just download the dolphin emulator and get Metal Slug Anthology
>Capcom characters plus a bunch of anime literallywhos that aren't Street Fighter EX characters
what game
Cannon Spike.
Did he really die?
patrician mode: engaged
Capcom Smash TV
f? did this guy die or something?
I thought Mega Man was in this.
All Arcade games are designed to be.
Hell, Pokken Tournament was actually removed from a Jap arcade because it gave players too much playtime.
You have to select the black space on the very left.
He was a hidden character
One day when hacking around with a military super computer he accidentally downloaded files from alien computers and accidentally created an AI maido that can possess metal slugs to fight with Marco against the rebels
Anything Vanillaware is cheating at this point.