What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?

What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?

>that boyface

>those knees

just play insurgency.
MOBAFPS is a trash genre.

>those shoes

do you mean overwatch with waifubait characters you like, or do you mean a game that's sort of like overwatch but actually good?

>What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?
Team Fortress 2.

3dpd semen demon thread?

>those weeds

what the fuck is that picture even supposed to convey
it's some bitch with a boyish face wearing a summer dress but for some reason she's got a gun
what the fuck am I supposed to think about here? what's it trying to convey?

Non existent or private rooms only

Pubs = worthless shit head 10 year olds running around dying

It would look like Overwatch's only game mode worth playing: mystery heroes

>that aks-74u
the only good thing from this image.

>praising an ak with all of those attachments

>this thread
>the day the chinese "How to make overwatch in unreal 4" guide gets translated
really makes me think

>Kalashnikov must not have attachments

get with the times gramps, bet you still believe the Glock is a grenade.

>What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?


Nonexistent because the control, assault and payload game modes are shit.

Would be a shame... If she took an arrow in them... Heh...


>that bracelet

>that ribbon

>people are finding things to complain about here
being gay must be awful.

Is it?

>class-based, team-based, item-based, super-ability-based, bullet-magnetized shooter
>for those with refined tastes
Yeah, no.
Fucking casual scum.

I fucking wish I was gay

The complaint about the weeds was a valid complaint. If you think otherwise then you sir are the faggot.

>this thread

>those feet

It'd be better not crushed up

>people are finding things to complain about here

first day here?

not to sound like /k/ but does anyone else think that scope is a bit far down the weapon? I haven't shot a lot of rifles, but I feel like lining that up would be pretty difficult.

>this post

nvm now that i look at it more closely its actually a dot sight.

>How to make overwatch in unreal 4
lol that actually exists.
Also nice trips

Dirty Bomb
There is no other answer