What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?
What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?
Austin Butler
Wyatt Davis
>that boyface
Samuel Ortiz
>those knees
Andrew Perez
just play insurgency.
MOBAFPS is a trash genre.
Angel Fisher
>those shoes
Jordan Nguyen
do you mean overwatch with waifubait characters you like, or do you mean a game that's sort of like overwatch but actually good?
Parker Jenkins
>What would an Overwatch-style game made for those with refined tastes look like?
Team Fortress 2.
Jayden Bailey
3dpd semen demon thread?
Xavier Nelson
>those weeds
Christopher Hall
what the fuck is that picture even supposed to convey
it's some bitch with a boyish face wearing a summer dress but for some reason she's got a gun
what the fuck am I supposed to think about here? what's it trying to convey?