So, how much stuff will they axe/bastardize in english release...

So, how much stuff will they axe/bastardize in english release? I know it's a remake but I can't help and expect bad shit after fates.

Other urls found in this thread:

You should expect bad shit since it's a Gaiden remake you fucking GBAbaby.

>FE7 was actually my first Fire Emblem

Because you're elevating this game solely because it's a remake of an old game with zero awareness of how shit the original is and you're implying Fates is bad.

Supposedly it's 8-4 doing the localization, not Treehouse, so there's some hope.

Localization was awful and cut a lot of stuff, I'm not judging games here but the localization itself.
I'm elevating a remake because they can't get away with changing character's personality like they did with Effie.
I'm triggered because I like Fates a lot.

Game's already shit anyway, localization is the last thing you should be worrying about.

this, cuting paiting was a mistake and the plot is shit tier like always

Reminder that these threads are made by butthurt K.Roolfags to try and sabotage FE's popularity in the west

Just be happy diddy king is still in smash 4 westaboo furfaggots

We'll probably now in a week.