The Switch is a hybrid

>the Switch is a hybrid
>Nintendo is gonna consolidate both brands into the Switch
>I-it doubles as a portable
>P-pokemon will come to the Switch, then it'll sell gangbusters

Where were you when Nintendo duped all its fans with the "hybrid" meme?

Switch is officially an underpowered home console with a joycon and portability gimmick.

>Reggie: The 2DS and Switch expeciences are totally different, 2DS is less powerful allowing for different gaming experiences. You also can't fit a Switch in your pocket like you can a 2DS/3DS.

Nintendo is planning to continue the 3DS line, looks like Pokemon is staying there.

Other urls found in this thread:仕事?jk=9968e0a456d331fb

Kek you mean like how Fire Emblem is staying there? move on it's over

>looks like Pokemon is staying there

Pokemon has already been confirmed for the Switch and they said and did the same with with the GBA and DS which resulted in the GBA Micro and DSi. But you're just shitposting so what does it matter?

There will be a mainline Pokemon game on the Switch by the end of 2018, screencap this post.

Reshiram 2DS or Zekrom 2DS?

Good, more free games.
>pay less than 200bux once
>get free games and online for like 10 fucking years.

>People so underage they don't know about The Game Boy Micro

Anyone who thinks Nintendo is abandoning their handheld market and sticking with one console is fucking retarded. Even after the 3DS dies out they are going to come out with a new dedicated handheld.

Nintendo makes a majority of its profits from hardware sales. Who the fuck actually believed they would get rid of one of their markets, sacrificing half of their sales, to focus on a single console?

Who literally ever had a problem determining this it is simple. Yet everyone who purchased a Switch will swear this shit is portable even if you have to carry it around in a murse.

Gamefreak already put up job positions for 3D modelers with the purpose of assets on "Wii U level" of power.

Unless this new 2DS is fucking magic the game is indeed coming to Switch

>literally every time a game is announced for the 3DS
>look at youtube comments
>"this BETTER come out for the Switch"
>"ok but why isn't this for the switch..."
>"nintendo what are you doing nobody plays on this anymore"
>"who thinks this would make a great game for the switch? :D"

jesus christ these people are suffering from buyers remorse.

>Game Freak is releasing a Pokemon game for the Switch
>Literally everyone assumes it's the mainline

You would think no one has ever heard of a spin off before probably just a Pokemon XD style game fuck rumors.

Wow it's almost like Gamefreak has never made a Pokemon spin-off series for the home consoles before.

The entire Pokemon Stars leaks were already confirmed fake and created by the same retards who insisted Splatoon wasn't getting a sequel and that Smash was coming on launch day.

And even if it was real... why the fuck would you be hyped for a console port of a 3DS title.

>Pokemon has already been confirmed for the Switch
no it hasnt gamefreak said they're working on a game and all you faggots just assumed pokemon like its the only game they make

Man I am glad I am not the only one who notices that shit. Why does every fucking thing Nintendo releases anymore gotta be for the console they released 2 months ago.I mean even look at the New 2DS XL youtube trailer like every top comment is "something something meh Switch" yet 54k gave it a like and 5k gave it a dislike. Fuck the minority for Nintendo is so damn loud.

GF has never made a spin-off themselves, and the announcement flat out said "RPG game part of a globally popular franchise".

All that and it's completely unrelated to the Stars bullshit leak. Stars Leak said it would be released in 2017, this GF job thing said the modeler would be working up to May 2018. That's a late 2018 release earliest possible.

I was planning on upgrading to a n3DS XL. Now I don't know whether to get this one instead...

It's like no one ever heard of Pokken before.

if you're planning on hacking it stay far away from this garbage, it's definitely coming with 11.4

honestly if you're patient the N3DSXL is bound to go on sale, back in December a few retailers had it for $140

Why do people want so much to have two different devices when you can just have one?
Do people like to spend more money? Not have the opportunity to connect all games to the TV? Underpowered overpriced with small screens handhelds? Switching between handhelds and consoles all the time? Making Nintendo focus on making one console great instead of making both mediocre?

Nintendo is trying to liquidate the 2DS/3DS line without officially writing it off yet. The N2DS XL Is an attempt to liquidate surplus hardware without declaring the portable gen over.

They should have doubled down on the Switch by making the Switch Mini and kept the whole unified platform thing going. That's what they wanted us to think they were doing but I guess that was just to trick people into buying one.

The Switch is already as small and cheap as it could possibly be. A Switch mini is literally not physically possible.

Theres no way they're continuing the 3DS line, right? If thats the case why didnt they make the Switch as powerful as a regular PS4, because now the Switch confirms my fears of it being a genuinely shitty home console barely being any better than the Wii U, which I thought was probably the most lackluster system Nintendo put out.

Because it's a retarded idea. You can't deliver modern console quality games on a handheld device without it suffering.

The entire reason the Vita failed even though it has PS3-level hardware was because no AAA developer was willing to put in the resources to create these games and sell them at a handheld price. If you haven't noticed, consumers expect handheld games to be cheaper and more affordable than consoles.

I would go into the fact that the Switch is a 2017 console and is still substantial weaker than their five-year-old competitors, further making it difficult for third-parties to port their games, but I think that's already obvious.

I know for a fact there's treehouse footage of Sun/moon that says it's coming to 3DS and NX.

>Why do people want two different devices
>Do people like to spend more money

Really? Think before you type. Lots of people who buy portable don't buy consoles. Believe it or not there are several people interested in a console that cost under $200 with new releases priced at $40. They don't want a $300 that isn't truly portable with new releases that cost $60.

how much of a cheap fuck are you if you think a handheld switch should be sub-$200

The New 2DS XL is just Nintendo's attempt to limit 3DS piracy, they will discontinue all old 3DS models and make all new games New 3DS/2DS exclusive so all the pirates using an old 3DS won't be able to pirate new games

You're talking about the same company who is still using friend codes, still doesn't have any social interactivity or ability to communicate in their games, and expects people to pay a premium price at the end of the year.

I find it laughable they even included a friends list with the Switch because it's literally pointless besides seeing what game your friend is playing.

Let's be real: They made the Switch because the Wii U was dead and they realized there was no saving it. They needed a gimmick. They saw the Nvidia Shield and thought it looks cool. Nvidia realized it was selling like shit and gave it to Nintendo. The end.

Links user. oh wait I found the original job posting.仕事?jk=9968e0a456d331fb
>It is an opportunity to be involved in the development of the worldwide popular RPG!
>Main job
>Creating a character model in the development of consumer games · Please make data specifications in consultation with programmers.
>Based on the setting materials, we will create models of deformed toon-like figures, monsters, items and so on.
>Modeling ~ Texture ~ Joint ~ We will leave weight adjustment.

Sound's like a main series game to me or wait it could just be a spin off. Rumors killed this industry

>have a """""home console""""" that can switch into a portable
>but we can't treat it like a portable

>Release Switch GO/Mini, portable only but cheaper.
And now everything is fine. No need to release a new handheld.

>>Nintendo is gonna consolidate both brands into the Switch
is this the hot new meme?

New 3DS can pirate games fine though? And by the end of the year, hell by Summer the scene will probably find another exploit in 11.4

The N2DS XL was literally created for the kiddies who don't have a DS yet and so they get dat amiibo money

>have a """"""portable console"""""""
>it isn't portable

And then Nintendo will lose half their market and thus lose half their sales.

And to add on to this when has Nintendo ever tried the rival Sony and Microsoft? They always try to stay budget friendly with there console that has been Nintendo's main strategy for years.

>Pay 70 bucks for a 2DS
>Homebrew it and have five years worth of games free.

>I don't know how piracy works

more like sub-$230

you cheap shit

>remember when the Wii U was in development people were talking about Nintendo finally catching up with the rest of the world and it's going to have an amazing online infrastructure
>fast forward to 2017 Switch launch
>no miiverse
>no streetpass
>no swapnote
>no messaging system
>no voice chat
>just promises of a mobile smartphone app coming... eventually for a monthly fee

Did they just give up? The 3DS has more features than the fucking Switch.

Even assuming they did this this goes against the point of the post that the Switch as it currently exist was intended to be a portable console.

I know for a fact youre a fucking retard who can't back this up with actual evident so here's the (You) you wanted

>Nintendo 3DS release date: February 26, 2011
how is Nintendo still able to profit off 6 year old hardware nintenfags are truly blind

The N64 and Gamecube?

It would have been nice if Nintendo didnt half ass an interesting concept though. The fact that they're having paid online under the guise of it improving their online services is even more retarded, I cant imagine how that'll effect games like Pokemon or Monster Hunter if they ever appear on the Switch.

Except that won't work anymore. They could get away with it back then but now developers need powerful hardware in order to run their games. Nintendo isn't putting out what they need so they aren't getting those games.

When fucking Overwatch of all things can't run decently on the Switch, you know they're fucked.

And what's going to happen when MS And Sony release their next consoles within 3 years? Uh oh.

Though true I assume most of the People who bought into the 2DS or 3DS don't understand enough homebrew. I mean a large portion is probably kids and I assume most adult's who aren't into tech don't understand how the fuck you do this. I mean 15 million people bought Sun or Moon compared to the less than 1 mil who pirated

>less than 1 mil who pirated
Citation needed.

>They always try to stay budget friendly with there console that has been Nintendo's main strategy for years.

I fucking hate this meme so fucking much. This is what Nintendo kiddies born in 1999 always fucking say.


They ALWAYS pushed their hardware and competed with Sony and Sega until the fucking Wii happened.

Not to mention that HW was already obsolete on the day one.

Shame though, Homebrewing it was fucking easy and how the Freeshop works is ridiculous.

Nintendo has always had problem with Piracy but the 3DS is on the next level.

A console that launched almost 16 years ago to a different market. Also fun fact the 3DS has sold more than the N64 and Gamecube combined.

Nintendo also said the DS was the third pillar and wasn't replacing the GBA. How did that turn out?

This is just an excuse to get another model 3DS out there. Nintendo makes money by releasing a variety of models, colors and special editions of a console/handheld.

Ok sorry I just pulled a number out my ass but really how many tech savy individuals do you know who pirated it not including yourself

Considering the DS was a portable replacement and not a home console with portable aspects how is this relevant?

I don't have to include myself because I didn't hack my 3DS. But I guess that many teens know about this. You can even buy hacked systems used on ebay etc.

I actually hope they also do the opposite and just make a little box with an HDMI out like the PSTV. I don't care about playing games outside because I'm not a retard virgin

Why is nintendo trying to keep the 3DS alive but killing off the 3D part of it?

They're getting rid of excess 3DS stock by repackaging it as a new product. When will you retards understand?
>N3DSXL sales are obviously dying down
>Repackage existing parts into a 'new' model
>Both collectors and people who were kinda looking at the console but didn't like 3D or the look of the 2DS now can buy a cheap alrernative

Yet nether the N64 that was to compete against the PS1 or the Gamecube that was to compete with the PS2 were successful with this strategy. Before that they only had to compete with SEGA once. They found there notch when competing at lower prices than there competitors with the Wii and the Gameboy line.


Yeah like I said it is still a factor considering how many people do it making Nintendo release the endless amount of stability updates. I personally have never met someone in person with a hacked 3DS just saying most I know had no idea it was possible

>Considering the DS was a portable replacement
It was not advertised as a replacement to the GBA at all. It was advertised as a "portable capable of N64 graphics".

I'm saying Nintendo is milking the 3DS for what it is worth before jumping ship to the Switch. They are full of shit saying that the Switch won't replace the 3DS. It's PR shit. If they were actually truthful then they'd really sink 3DS hardware/game sales. There is no benefit for Nintendo to do so.

If someone ever suggests that Pokemon may be coming to the switch I instantly know that they're dumb.

And that's because Nintendo was retarded and refused to acknowledge optical discs, and instead went with N64 cartridges and small Gamecube discs, which made third-party developers say go fuck yourself, we're going to Sony/MS.

And that's hurt Ninty ever since. Unfortunately the Wii was a success because of the timing and miracles, and they'll never ever get another success like that again if they keep at it.

the 3D stopped being cool to have it on. Everyone i know has it off because they want to keep the battery last longer

You got'em OP...

>console replacing a handheld

>NES remodel comes out in SNES' lifetime
>SNES remodel comes out in N64's lifetime
>GBA micro comes out in DS's lifetime
>Wii Mini comes out in Wii U's lifetime

Wow there isn't a pre-established pattern here at ALL, is there?

Because the 3D isn't good for younger kids, and some people just don't like it/don't want it. So hey, if it means slashing $50 off their system to potentially get more hardware/software sales, why not.

>6 year old hardware
It was 6 year old in 2011

I will buy a 2DS XL and play all the 3DS games I missed this gen.

What are some must haves? I like JRPGs

The 3ds hasn't been replaced with anything yet though.

It's not a pure console. It's a hybrid.

>spin off
Those aren't made by Game Freak.

Bravely Default is the best JRPG on the system. The sequel is really disappointing though.

The best game on the system is A Link Between Worlds.

Say what you want about the 3DS, it's a really good console. The hardware is absolutely shit, especially now, but developers took advantage of it and made some great software. This worked for a handheld and kept it cheap and profitable. Not to mention, backwards compatibility with the shit-ton of DS games.

This won't work for the Switch because it's being marketing as a home console and when PS4 and Xbone games can't even run on it, we have a problem.

The fuck is going on in that webm. What's the context.

Define a Hybrid system

Protip: you can't


>Wii U sold like absolute trash even with all those first-party games
>Nintendo is so fucking desperate for first-party titles they're porting over 3 year old games with barely anything new and charging 60 united states dollars for it

I could agree with that statement. I still believe though that until we get a mini Switch that the 3DS isn't going anywhere. However, the Switch models that are out fall into the category of a home console with portable aspects

>putting a 3DS in your pocket
>putting a 3DS in your pocket without a protective case

Enjoy your screen scratching I guess

Gamefreak always seems to be a bit late to the party.

At worst, another Pokemon game will come to 3DS and we'll see a Switch game in 2019.

>GBA: 2001
>RSE: 2003 (2002 japan)

>DS: 2004
>DP: 2007 (2006 japan)

>3DS: 2011
>XY: 2013 (Worldwide)

white people shit

3D stopped being novel after its first use

Most people dropped it right away becuase it's pointless and tires the eyes out

Nigra you use both your eyes all day.

You mean at best.

Yeah but not at the same time.

At best we'll see one at e3 and it will come out this year or the next.

It's a clamshell, the screen is protected when it's closed.

How does that get scratched

>The DS is not the stopping the gameboy advance line
>It's in a completely different market than the GBA
>P-p-pokemon will come to the DS! Then it'll sell gangbusters!

Hehe, looks like you idiots that got duped into buying a DS are really eating crow now. The gameboy advance will continue on while you got struggle with a touch screen gimmick.

It's over DS Fags, give it up!

why not google it , my friend? There's been more than enough documentation over the years