Why is this game such absolute trash?

Literally never finished a single game. Combat is the worst part
>expand mercilessly, build a 1000 strong fleet
>decide to invade the xeno filth next door that spawned way too close to comfort
>invite a Plant ally I plan to enslave later, but for now he has his uses
>bit overextended, but if I deal with him it's worth the -10 energy penalty that I have going on
>wormhole into his colonized system with my ally close by
>it's twin planets
>with 1.3K space ports each
>and an army 800 big
>that totals to 3100 vs 1700

Then I ragequit. This game is absolute fucking garbage.

Its said a lot, but try distant worlds. It is a much better game.

git gud

Stellaris is shit, but not for the reason you're whining about. That's just an old-fashioned case of git gud.

Stellaris sucks but you're just plain shit

No, it's absolute bullshit. It took at least an hour to get here, it was a snoozefest as it is

FYI a 1000 strong fleet would have been slaughtered mercilessly by even a single unguarded spaceport, you didn't get fucked over, in fact you got damn lucky he had that much firepower otherwise you'd have tried to assault his spaceport and lost your fleet and with it the entire war

also you could have scouted his system first by positioning your fleet within sensor range of it, at worst you realize you can't win and have to white-peace out at some point (his navy being weaker than yours meant he couldn't counter-invade)

furthermore if a 1000 strong fleet puts you at -10 energy you fucked up your economy anyways and weren't going to win either way

what ingame year was it after that hour?

What exactly do you think is bullshit about it? You overextended and attacked a neighbor at their strongest point without even doing any recon beforehand, and you rightfully got your ass handed to you.

You have no strategic insight at all. Why are you trying to play a strategy game?

It pisses me off how i invade one space civilization, and for the rest of the game, everyone is pissed off at me even fucking xeno's i've just met