Is this the best combo?

Is this the best combo?

Maybe so but I don't see how any particular platform is better for "singleplayer".

No you can do all of that on a pc. Why buy a console

PC x Switch is best Combo.
Switch has exclusives, different experience from consoles due to controllers, some portability

PC doesn't get the same weeb games that the PS4 gets.

I am OK with that

PC + PS4 + Switch

Has like 2 games dude chill no one should buy first gen switch



>multiplayer on PC
only if you like getting killed by hackers and/or dealing with toxic communities

switch out ps4 with ps3

They probably say it because its now the default consolefag stance that you don't actually want to play multiplayer games because it costs a sub-fee to do so now.

>being poor

This is the combo I'm using on my PS4 atm. It's easier to take screenshots from the PS4 using the PC as well, through streaming, USB, etc. I use my PC for multiplats as well and reserve the PS4/Xbone for exclusives.

I would say it's an effective combo.

I had this combo but I sold the PS4 to a friend because I literally turned it on once every 6 months.

Rarely play multiplayer games anymore so I don't really understand what that has to do with it. Multiplatform titles look better on PC, are cheaper and can be modded. Exclusives is the only thing on the list that makes sense but there were none (that interested me).

>switch games

>Not just having all of them and laughing at the "wars"

Leave the ps4 out entirely

>wasting money on dust machines

no because 90% of jrpgs are coming to pc en masse

the only good combo is pc + nintendo

fuck off sonybro

Why lie?

>one has paid online games
>the other doesn't

>I literally turned it on once every 6 months
Consoles in a nutshell for the past decade

thats true, but i like where his head is at. you can get all the rehashed triple-A shit on pc that you would want from ps4, but nintendo consoles usually get some unique games

>dat ass

Yes ps4 is my jrpg machine
Pc is my overwatch and a realm reborn machine
Snes and n64 for platformers

Back to Venezuela with you


>has no defense for needlessly wasting money

>buy ps4 for BB thinking other exclusives will come out eventually
>3 years later
>every time I ask anons for some exclusive recs I get called a "nintendofag" or something equally creative

Just buy a nice PC and use emulators.

Why do you need a console when pc does 99.9% of everything? For the 1 or 2 exclusives? Waste of money that would be better spent on anew upgrade.

>nintendorks trying to latch onto pc when all of their noteworthy games can be emulated

this is perfect pic for the current thread

poorfags will never learn

It's sad seeing consoles try to curry favor with PC in an attempt to win their stupid console wars.

This is exactly why I think MUH PC/NINTENDO ALLIANCE is a farce, PCfags have no loyalty and will backstab you in an instant. Switch/PS4/3DS will get you more games than any combination involving PC.

99.9% of everything, but Maybe only 40% quality.

We aren't trying to form alliances. Console players always go to pc.

And what good switch games come out next month HMM?

Why is this always argued about.

Just build a fucking pc and thats it, consoles are shit and those who buy it are dumb minorities wanting to play NBA nigger shit

40th post best post.

NBA playgrounds
Street fighter
And a couple of indies a week

Don't have to m8. Wouldn't buy games if I didn't have the money to cover it.
Does it suck, having to worry about your savings?


>you don't buy literal shit because you're poor!
you can go ahead and eat your paid for shit, that's just fine by me

But there's literally nothing worth playing on PS4 you can't play better on PC.

It's impressive how much mental gymnastics it takes to call your hobby shit when you can't afford it.

If NBA nigger shit got released on Steam, you'd be singing praises for it
Translation: games are only good if they get PC releases

It's just launched. I don't have one yet but I will get one probably in a month or two.
The fact that you can play local multi is killer. All the current gen consoles have fucked that off but it's the best way to multi.

>wasting money
Yes good goy be a happy little cuckboy consumer and never attract a women.

>If NBA nigger shit got released on Steam, you'd be singing praises for it
Well yeah, it would be a completely different game at that point.
>120FPS at 4k resolution
>free online
>superior community

give me one reason why i should buy an xbone

pc has no games

I would say some games multiplayer are better on the PS4 because their community doesn't die as fast as on the PC side.

Now if you are trying to avoid that $30-$40 yearly fee (You are buying PSN+ during Black Friday right?) then by all means just play MP on PC.

>no one is talking about xbone in this thread
Halo and cheap blu-ray player, hope you are happy.

i knew you would pull out the games i don't care for on the ps4 if i asked about that so i chose the xbone to stump your shit "buy everything or your poor" argument

>alien isolation (replay on ps4 for plat) + DQ builders
>Nier automata

Which of the above lines do I buy next?

>PS4 emulator will likely be out and more stable before the PS3 emulator

You are trying so hard and still failing...