The great debate

The great debate

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Kanji no question
He's an actual character, has a good dub voice, successfully romances another party member, experiences growth, and is the best physical choice in battle

not really

I want to ____ Akihiko.


fight alongside

>listening to shit english va and not gilgamesh


Is Emeperor the best arcana?



Seriously OP in P4A/U my boy fights a
a literal one not that fag teddie!
also :

Case closed.

>that naoto reaction

breaks my heart everytime

I want to sniff Yusuke's asshole.

What the fuck that's hilarious. -ly awful.

But I thought you were forced to go on a date with Marie or something.

This is fucking hilarious. Jesus fucking christ you break Naoto's entire soul in half. Too bad P5 didn't have more of this.

It's a trick question, they've all let you down at some point in time. This guy consistently gives you top quality goods at low prices, delivered right to your door..

Tickles my autism.

Thank you, Merchant. You are truly my greatest ally.

Well Yusuke is autustic as well. So he can't help breaking the flow.

This is why I only dated 1 girl in P5.

They're all great, just in different ways

>The Magicians in P3-P5 are all supposed to the first and best/closest friend
>They all suck
>The Emperors all make better friends and team mates
What did Fatlus mean by this?

Tough call desu

For some reason I love idea of the protag just telling everyone to fuck off on Valentines Day and hanging out with his bros

He's just doing what he can to provide easy shopping methods for only the highest quality of goods.
Remember to tune in to Tanaka's Amazing Commodities every sunday, or check out the online store!
Tanaka's the 4th best link in P3, with the most satsifying post game scene.

Don't be ridiculous. It's Kanji. The other guys are great but they've got nothing on the Beefcake Emperor.

He made me chuckle a bit with the line
>Why the hell am I thinking of him at a time like this?

whose the best girl?

you can hang out with bros anytime.
But Yusuke and Ryuji were too annoying to stick around with.

Kanji > Yusuke > Akihiko

Kanji ws pretty much the only good thing about the investigation team.

Yusuke > Akihiko >>> Kanji

The answer is still Kanji.

tfw every time someone post this I get mad Rise scene was too short.
I should have picked better images to fill.

P5's magician is Morgana, Ryuji is Chariot

>successfully romances another party member

Yosuke finally came out too huh.

Oh right whoops. Morgana is still god awful though.

So we all can agree that Kanji was the only good character in the entire clown roster right?

What do you mean by "clown" roster? If you mean the cast of P4, then yes.


I thought Rise was alright. I don't mind bubbly, feminine girls.

Though that said I think Laura Bailey may have made me like her more.

I mean I liked Yosuke and Teddie but sure why not?
Also the girls weren't that bad either.

Akihiko > Kanji > Yusuke

All of them are great though.

Akihiko is god tier

Yusuke is definitely better written than Kanji

Where have you been?

The greater debate.

If Kanji was in P5 do y'all think he would have beaten the shit out of Adachi after that bitch ass explanation?

>Yusuke is definitely better written than Kanji

How, he's a simple autist and then his character stops after his arc.

Baofu best boy

Should I play P4 for Naoto?
Reverse traps are my fetish

No, I'd think he'd feel sorry enough for Akechi to not immediately pound his face into hamburger. He'd still be pissed about all the murders, though, and wouldn't hold back at all in the ensuing fight.

>tfw camping trip
>tfw hot springs
>tfw human Teddie

the only character in P4 I would befriend in real life

No one should be feeling sorry for Akechi, he was straight up worst than some of the Palace masters in the game.

>successfully romances another party member,
Fanart isn't canon.

Didn't he want to kill/throw that autistic guy they thought was a murderer though?

He's worse than every single one of them except for arguably Shido... and even then I'd say Akechi is worse.

Now post the individual valentines dates so my heart doesn't break

Legitimately all of them

He did, but I'd think he'd take a moment to go "Wow, that's fucked up" before trying to fry Akechi.

Hey, guys.

I'm playing Digital Devil Saga, and I was wondering what does the BAD + mean at the top right corner of the screen.

If you want the true ending, you have to go on a date with her. And it does it regardless of whether or not you want it, or whether or not you're already romancing someone else.

Yusuke is great fun though Kanji is more fun seeing grow through the game.

I think that means you have a status ailment, if I remember right.

Been like 10 years BUT, someone under ailments.

Staus condition? Low health? I don't actually know, but check your party.

That's the most reasonable assumption.


The one that isn't a fag.
Oh wait

Kanji is my favorite of those three, but Yusuke is my favorite party member in 5.

I think someone might be KO'd or have an ailment.

Yeah, Gale was cursed.


Akihiko easily

>successfully romances another party member
Naoto never returned any interest in him

>Akihiko easily
He's literally the most boring out of the 3


Kanji is best waifu

I think it would go Akihiko>Kanji>Yusuke. I wasn't a fan of Yusuke's slave artist plot, there really wasn't much I enjoyed about him except for the first few of his social links.

nice shit taste

Is this to your tastes?

The deadpan way he says those things is the best part.

She's easily best girl in that game. Plus she has an actual gun.

Akihiko really felt like someone else's bro and not the MC's. His heart belongs to a dead man, not a door.

>Akihiko never fucked Mitsuru
>Kanji never fucked Naoto
>I am perfectly happy with Yusuke's autism

how is this even a debate

Futaba is the closest thing to a love interest for Yusuke, and even then they just enjoy dunking on each other.

Eikichi is a primary bro not a secondary.

The main character is more a love interest for Futaba. She only feels comfy around him for the longest time.

MC-kun is for Becky-chan.

>Jokah is for Queen

Robot girls always win

I love all of them. Emperor best arcana.

>ywn beep her boop

Akihiko > Kanji > Yusuke and I really like Yusuke.

They're just all great and Kanji is the saving grace of P4's cast.

Well, I got to see Fuuka tickled to death because of his overpriced/untested products, so I guess we're square.

Kanji's all around likable, Yusuke's the funniest, and Akihiko has one of my favorite Persona Upgrade scenes in the series.

It's a toss-up.

>He didn't even finish Futaba arc
My ad-mice would be to pro-squeak cautiously.

In combat, it's Akihiko. Not even close

As a character, they are all very different and all pretty much the best characters in the party so it's kind of a toss-up. I personally prefer Akihiko.

Best characters in their respective casts, but if I had to rank them.

Akihiko > Yusuke > Kanji

Objectively correct post

>Play 5
>Disappointed that he's not hosting the shopping channel anymore on Sunday
>Fix laptop
>Think It's going to just be a gift for Futaba or something
>See this man has gone underground
>I could hear the vocal version of the song in my head

Well played P5, well played

Kanji of course

it really sucks that persona upgrades are tied to social links now. I liked the way persona 3 handled them better

I like Adachi but what the hell was even the point of his social link aside from the last scenes

To get you to buy Golden