Shit graphics

>shit graphics

>no real exclusives

>only games it has are Zelda and shitty shovelware

>joy cons don't even work

>tablet gets scratched when removing it

Why did you buy into the meme?

Explain yourself.

Other urls found in this thread:


I haven't. I'm still having for the eventual Kirby Game.

Don't care about graphics. You're right about the exclusives. Zelda is good enough for me for now, but more games are coming down the road. Joy cons do work. Tablet doesn't get scratched when removing it from the dock, and I got a screen protector for general use anyway.

>shitposting about no games when it has games
bruh, I just realized history is repeating itself
this one is going to be as successful as the wii

I haven't. I'm waiting for Animal Crossing.

>buying a system before it has games
I learned my lesson with the Wii U, never buying a console near release ever again.

All the games are badly made indie shit.

But of course it will sell more than the Wii, you nintenfags are retarded enough to buy the Switch. Nintendo has you wrapped around their finger.

Why do you have shit taste and believe everything you see on the internet

>Explain yourself.
Zelda is my favorite game series and MK8 was already my favorite racing game, having both of them portable is a huge bonus. I'm also looking forward to Arms, Mario Odyssey, and Xenoblade 2 a ton.

please give me Monster Hunter

>graphics on par with PS4 and XB1
>more exclusives than PS4 had at this point in its life time
>joycons work and don't have a big blinding cancer light or gay touchscreen on them like Dualshit 4
>only gets scratched if you're a hamhanded nonce who slams it in there
All this while being portable. Sonyroaches on suicide watch.

>Wii U was as powerful as a PS4 or XB1
what the fuck are you smoking

Where did he say that in his post?

>graphics on par with PS4 and XB1

>shit graphics.
>runs lego city with better graphics than the ps4.

>lying on the internet for no apparent reason

this is a switch thread you gibbering dipshit

The switch? sure

The switch is only as powerful as a Wii U after vulkan optimization.

Why you niggers being retarded, the Wii U wasn't on the same bar as xbone and ps4.

because i like video games and don't feel the need to validate my shitty childhood by hoping a company that doesn't even know my name fails, user

Can afford more than one console, kid?
Make up your own critiques from your own playthroughs
Nier:A is awesone, Horizon is impressive, Persona 5 is godlike, BOTW is so filled with content I feel like I would never stop playing
Snipperclips is fun too
Stop defending corporations because you can't buy more than a single platforms, do something, play something

Are you retarded?

Switch while undocked is more powerful than the WiiU, even on a badly optimized game like Breath of the Wild.

switch while undocked is only a hair more powerful than the wii u - and that is the design ceiling.

docked doesn't turn it into a ps4, it just ups the resolution.

Watch digital Foundry or any other comparison
Even Puyo Puyo is better, but it makes no actual difference, I got it on PS4 and it's still fun

I see Nintendo pulled the wool over your eyes hardcore.

>shit graphics
So you can't enjoy any game when their graphics become outdated? Are you a cinematic-fag?

>no real exclusives
>only games it has are Zelda and shitty shovelware
Super Bomberman R and Fast RMX. Not to mention the next MegaTen game.

>joy cons don't even work
According to meme sources. These are the same people that bash their Switch with a hammer and are amazed it doesn't work anymore.

>tablet gets scratched when removing it
If you're a retard, sure.

Considering the poor optimization of Breath of the wild, no it's more powerful, I never said it's anywhere near as powerful as the PS4, but it doesn't need to be, not even slightly at all.

Game, set, and thread.

the switch edition of Snake Pass has less accurate collision detection and physics, considerably fewer graphical features, a smaller resolution and an inconsistent framerate - all things the PS4 version doesn't have to deal with.

I swear you nintenkiddies got memed into thinking the Switch was powerful simply because it had a more standardized ability to adopt the unreal engine. It's only in the same ballpark as a Wii U.

Cool citation you've got.

Wow, you haven't even played Snakepass on PS4, kid, the shills levels, god
Everyone knows PS4 and Switch is a god-tier combo, you know, for people who actually work and make money

PS4 owners aren't buyin switches you mongoloid.

Even if it was actually properly priced they'd sooner wait for the next sony portable.

Why the fuck would someone pay the same price as a PS4 for a fuckin' handheld?

>Not owning a Vita, 3DS, Switch, and PS4


>Next sony portable


That shit dead deeeeaaaaaaaaad. never going to happen.

PS4 Owner who is currently watching my fiancee play Persona 5 while I'm playing Mario Kart on the Switch here

I bought it, enjoying BOTW and MK8D sporadically (mostly portable) while playing Persona 5 and Nier every afternoon
It's truly a decent combo

I bet you have none of those things

Because i did your mom last night with Chad

>Being a consolewar shitposter
Blow it out your ass

nigger, you better beat her on MK8 right now and then let her win, works everyone with my gf

>buying a fucking switch
Goddamn retard

>Owning a slim vita

Watch this, you shit sonybro.

It's okay user. You can come over and play Bomberman R with me.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of it either. It's way too light for rhythm games.

I'll buy Switch when Fire Emblem Warriors is released.

Tell us what you have, user
A shitty PC?
An old (not even the best version) PS4?
A Vita? (lmao)
A PSP? (actually decent hacked, tho)
Having no money to spend doesn't mean you have to open you asshole for a single company


>poorly optimized
is that what you keep telling to yourself? So Nintendo's own developers don't know how to port the game to the hardware they designed?

People have already noticed Switch exclusives don't look like a big jump from Wii U graphics at all.

>>graphics on par with PS4 and XB1
it literally uses mobile hardware

Are we sure a hammer would be enough to break it when cutting a triangle through it isn't enough?

>So Nintendo's own developers don't know how to port the game to the hardware they designed?
It's unlikely that the developers working for their dystopianly titled ENTERTAINMENT ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION are the same ones who "designed" the hardware*, but to address the crux of your issue the lead architect of the playstation 4 (Mark Cerny) also directed Knack.

>game runs 60fps on ps4 and looks better, higher shadow detail, better reflectivity, better depth of field effects
>30fps on switch, low shadow detail, worse reflective, less depth of field effects

really percolates my pecker.

runs at 60 ONLY when is not in the open world.
>30fps on switch, low shadow detail, worse reflective, less depth of field effects

Yeah no.

I didn't say the same people worked on both, but the developers have access to how the machine works from the inside out.

What leads you to believe it's poorly optimized rather than the Switch simply not being much more powerful than the Wii U?

i see you didn't actually watch the video. why the fuck are you wasting my time?


Did you even played it?
All things you mentioned not affect the gameplay at all

>What leads you to believe
More than one person posts on Sup Forums, I was simply drawn to your point that understanding of hardware immediately leads to competence in software (and used the most recent and relevant example in opposition)

>all five of these games are ports

why does this matter

not to mention the fact that Zelda is there twice.

>shit graphics
mario kart 8 looks fucking great in portable mode

>not only are they ports but the switch editions have higher scores for no apparent reason.

Nintendo fans were a mistake.

>>shit graphics
Subjective. Most of the graphics are passable, way above 'shit'.

>>no real exclusives
What is Fast RMX? Regardless of what you consider 'real' in your little jaded world, it does have exclusives, just none you like.

>>only games it has are Zelda and shitty shovelware
And bunch of other games that are the exact opposite of that, like Fast RMX and Disgaea 5.

>>joy cons don't even work
For some, and I feel sorry for the ones that don't. Mine work perfect.

>>tablet gets scratched when removing it
Depends on how you choose to manhandle your system.

>I have a job and I can afford it
>I like video games, I don't care about technology
>I like Zelda
>I kind of like Nintendo and have big hopes for upcoming games
>It's just 300Euros, I didn't buy a 30.000Euro car that turned out shit and now i'm fucked
>Get a fucking job

>Most of the graphics are passable, way above 'shit'.
not even 600p lol

fast rmx is shitty shovelware.

it was shovelware on the wii, it was shovelware on the wii u, it's still fucking shovelware on the switch. it has decently okay graphics but the gameplay is horseshit casual levels of bad and wacky twisty turny camera is fucking mindnumbingly nauseating.

>no apparent reason

Soooo, you're saying MK8 looks like shit on the Switch?

I haven't bought one but if Mario and Splatoon are good then it'll have 2 more good exclusives than PS4 did on launch year.

Why the fuck did people fall for the 400 dollar console that has literally only 2 games?

this shows how fucking stupid the current generation of people are

Are you retarded?

Why? Because I make money and like playing games across every single console that comes out.

The only console I missed out on was that PSP GO thing or whatever it was that looked like a phone.

it's mostly just wii u owners upgrading from their now cancelled and defunct hardware.

it's a given they're retarded.

The games run and look better on other consoles they're in yet they have worse scores than the switch ones.

Explain that shit.

>Even if it was actually properly priced they'd sooner wait for the next sony portable.
Not even NeoGAF is this delusional.

just because you have money doesn't mean you should buy a pile of dogshit for 400 dollars, play with it for some time and then throw it in your closet to never touch it again.

You're basically paying +400 dollars for a single game, zelda, which already runs on PC better than the Switch version.

You're beyond retardation.

Who /waiting for inevitable redesign in a few years/ here?

Portable is a big bonus.

You know new games are coming out, right?

>implying you can read

The jump in BotW on WiiU to Switch is inconsistent with other ports which were able to make a larger jump, Mario Kart 8 jumped up to 2x the pixel count and fixes the 64th frame issue seen on the WiiU version, whereas BotW only jumps by 1.5x the pixel count, it's also more stable than the WiiU version in most cases and in portable mode it's almost perfectly stable.

Lego City undercover improves the pixel count by 2x, features pbr lighting and boosts draw distance, a pretty big gain overall, especially when you consider that Lego City undercover was an exclusive on WiiU but a multiplat on Switch.

Fast RMX improves the pixel count by greater than 2x since the WiiU version runs at 640 x 720, while the Switch runs at 1920 x 1080 adds in greater post processing and has a more stable framerate.

>400 dollar console
Are we talking about the PS4 on launch?

you forgot

>paid online

the first nintendo console I wont buy


fuck nintendo

>All the games are badly made indie shit.

The same can be said of all consoles.

The PS4 had more than 2 exclusives at launch, it's only problem is that none of it's exclusives at launch were worth playing.

On the contrary, that's exactly what it means I can do, because it's my money.

And I actually bought the system for these games:
>Disgaea 5
>Fast RMX
>Shovel Knight
And the others it has coming out this year (Arms, Splatoon, Skyrim, Pokémon, etc) so your argument there is way assblasted, user. I know you're mad but chill.

The Switch version of BotW is superior, has no FPS drops after it was patched and is running at a higher resolution.

Lego City isn't a very demanding game, those Lego games use fucking sprites for the lego studs for sakes, same for Mario Kart, racing games don't have a lot going on. Zelda has all kinds of physics and shit that are pushing the hardare.

Eye in the street in au. A record breaking territory, seen two switches since launch in the street. Now one guy doesn't have it in him anymore.

Eye on the street. I see more people use 3ds In public.

There's your record breaking territory from street level.

I'm waiting for Monster Hunter to come out on Switch so I can buy the bundle.

oh wow, bing bing WAHOO and legs

Such extensive library and they run like shit, just like zelda did
go shill somewhere else, retard

>Why did you buy into the meme?
I didn't. However, I'm going to buy a Switch when they release a better version of it and when both Super Mario Odyssey and the next mainline Pokemon game let's face it, it's coming on Switch are out.

If anyone here is mad, it's you with how much you're trying to defend your bad decisions in life

blow out your money until you can't afford the chemo afterwards

It's obvious you just have an extreme dislike of the Switch despite refutes to your claims, but keep on frothing at the mouth, 'retard'.

>point out new exclusives which will almost certainly get very good reviews

Yup, you damned mad.

>+400 dollar defective 10-25 fps single game+indies handheld
wow you really showed us your mad refutes bro XD

I don't know what userbase you are a part of, but you sure do make them look like salty faggots.

Does Disgaea 5 still have those crashing issues ? I think I read about a patch, but I'm not sure.

I didn't claim they'd be bad but paying 400 dollars for defective console in which you'll play 3 games in it's whole lifetime seems kinda stupid if you think about it really hard.

Only seen it on youtube, huh?