Shovel Knight

>Main game: Great
>Plague of Shadows: Decent
>Specter of Torment: Fucking incredible

How will the King Knight DLC hold up?

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I don't think it can be Specter tier but as long as it's as good as the other two I will be pleased.

Specter of Torment was great but fuck me, it was so short. I was also dissapointed with the lack of towns.

5 hours is a decent length for a DLC.

>Main game: Great
>Plague of Shadows: Fucking Incredible
>Specter of Torment: Disappointing


It's because YachtGames spent way too much money making the Plague Knight DLC (literal millions), so now they're going cheap on all the other stretch goals promised to KS backers.

It's why they did the price bump and selling campaigns separately.

On the one hand, I appreciate them keeping their promises to backers and not charging more, and maybe getting a tad too crazy making Plague of Shadows, but on the other, they're trying to get away with as much Jewing as they can so expect more disappointment in terms of content length.

Spectre of torment was the best Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game I've ever played.

Better than THPS 5

I really don't know why everyone loves Specter so much. I'd easily rank the other two above it.