I recently started Lightning Returns, and jeez this game is fun

I recently started Lightning Returns, and jeez this game is fun.

FFXIII thread? The lore is pretty neato. Wish XV still had it.

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I still have a feeling that LR was created from content they cut out of Versus in 2012 when they rebooted it to XV.

Game is interesting in that you literally cannot grind exp, if the sidequests were better it'd have been amazing, and also not a XIII game.

Being a FF game, it makes XV look even more of a joke for having sidequests that are way better.

What's interesting is apparently Valhalla was supposed to be a city in XV.

I'm forgetting the name of it right now though. The water one.

Speaking of XIII-2 I can't believe I enjoyed that game the least out of the trilogy.

>it makes XV look even more of a joke for having sidequests that are way better.
It doesn't though. All LR quests are fetch quests, at least the Behemoth, dungeon and ontour quests in XV are much better.

Altissia was always called Altissia as the capital of Accordo.

>Altissia was always called Altissia as the capital of Accordo
Er interview wise, in one I can't find atm.
Toriyama wanted to tie XIII-2 with Versus or something.

Is being part of the XIII world a bad thing though? Toriyama can make good concept, but his execution usually falls flat.

Not only are they the main part of the game, they tell stories of the world, XV's do not, the Behemoth hunt does not carry the absolute shit of the rest of them.

Dungeons? Eh, speak for yourself, those are garbage in XV.

Yes, I want this concept without the shitty characters of LR, I liked Lightning in XIII she's a shadow of her former self in LR though.

>I liked Lightning in XIII she's a shadow of her former self in LR though

Lightning was the most popular FF character in Japan at the time and they deliberately ruined her. They didn't just use a dumb excuse to take her personality away, they went to the trouble of removing all of the tone and definition from her model, too. I don't know what they were thinking.

>she's a shadow of her former self in LR though
It's her emotions being cut that make her this right?

Then again, I'm only a few hours in so I can't say much. Her deadpan reactions are honestly refreshing from the lack of personality Serah had, unless you chose the super bubbly option.


Right model is XIII and Left model is LR right?
I think they made it like that to fit the game in one disc.

Doesn't excuse making her assets kinda flat this time around, even though it's a superfluous complaint.

>>It's her emotions being cut that make her this right?

This is their fault for making such a shitty decision though, and why I think this would be better not as a XIII game.