People seriously aren't gonna fall for this again...are they?

People seriously aren't gonna fall for this again...are they?

they fell for the switch...

A sucker is born every minute.


Not only will I fall for it, I'll be unapologetic about it.

>bungie returning to PC
I'm falling for it, I don't even give a shit.

But destiny is good.

My friend wants me to get this with him so bad but I'm having second thoughts on getting it.
The first one was fun but ehhhhhhh

what should I do bros

this, I hated the original Destiny but I am gonna cautiously ride this hype train because a properly made Destiny game would be fucking awesome

it's going on pc mang, how could you not

I can name you right now 5 people i know who are pcmustardFace exclusive that have been waiting for this game on Pc since the dawn of time. Well i wont actually name them since they are real but the point is yes, lot of idiots are gonna buy it.
They know it's probably shit, they know there will be a lot of seasons passes, expansions, pre-orders, whatever cancer there is today, they don't care

At this point i'm glad there's a pc release because it was becoming a goddamn mental illness

I bought every expansion, got at least 100 hours of play out of each one and 1500+ hours total so I'll probably "fall for it" again.

The retards who bought the first game expecting it to be Halo 5 or Elder Scrolls in space have no excuse this time, though.

wait until september of next year, they'll have a bundle version

I didn't fall for it the first time so I'm gonna fall for it this time

Me for one

That said, they are going with the same model that might just mean they lose a ton of players between expansions. Almost nothing in Destiny 1 happened without an expansion, you will finish up content so fast and be stuck waiting for months. Shit like Dark Below having a mediocre/bad raid, and House of Wolves not having a raid at all, means the smaller expansions are probably going to be shit unless they overhauled the content flow and strike/raids completely.

Like, 1 boss per strike is fucking dumb. 1 raid per expansion is fucking dumb

Praise Alpha

I honestly enjoyed the first on my 360. multiplayer felt tight, and the openworld was good if you enjoyed mmo style questing.

It actually bothers me that they're named the same thing. I would easily fall for it if not for that.

I loved the beta but felt like the game never really progressed in a meaningful way from there. Right when things start to get interesting you get to go on the adventure of grinding the same 3 strikes over and over again so you can unlock a harder version of those same 3 strikes so you can eventually unlock a weekly raid.

Mechanically the game felt slick as hell, everything about the guns and enemies felt right but they did have some serious netcode issues with the crucible stuff

>two different friends pester you to get Destiny
>one of them does two raids with you and fucks off forever
>you don't even see the other one playing the game ever
Fucking cunts.

...they fell for the BotW expansion pass

me but in overwatch

I found a good way to not get fucked on DLC and season passes: I refuse to buy any game predominantly played in a first person view until one year after it's been released.

Believe it or not it works.

I am cautiously optimistic. I picked up Destiny when it was dirt cheap on PS4 and I could not stand the controls. I probably would have put a lot of time into Destiny 1 if they ever did a PC port, but eh.

I am just worried it is going to run like shit. Activision had a pretty bad habit of fucking PC owners all the time, and Bungie has not done a PC port in a looong time (Chances are it is going to be farmed out to a 3rd party).

>friend buys destiny
>hey we should play
>i buy it
>make our characters
>we use our level 40 boosts
>dude i wanna make another guy and experience the story
>no bro, the story is shit and this game requires a little commitment. you will get nowhere if you split your time between to characters at first.
>lol imma do it anyways xd
>obviously we end up at completely different light levels
>there is no content we can do together
>my friend still won't get what he's doing wrong
>he continues to level up this character he doesn't like to play through a story he doesn't like
>i get to heroic strikes
>sell the game

I honestly hate games with teamwork sometimes, I'm not some MLG faggot but it's so annoying playing with friends who just don't can't understand basic ideas like "listen to what the more experienced player says" or "have a lil initiative and try to figure things out yourself because babysitting you is not fun for the other guy"

>two different friends pester me to get it
>get it
>get lost in the game for a year
>one friend joins me
Possibly the most fun I've had in years. Can't wait for the beta.

More and more people are:
>falling for mobile grindshit
>falling for the Nier meme
>falling for console online subscriptions

People will buy Destiny "expacs"

>falling for the Nier meme

salty piratefag detected. never ever.

I own a PS4
It's a bad game. It plays like a budget Platinum game for $60 and recycles areas and enemies too much.

So your friend tried to level up two characters at once?

Having three max level characters is pretty much mandatory for Destiny endgame because of the weekly limits on each character. Especially when new dlc drops.

To be fair, Destiny has come a long way since vanilla and is in a way better state then it originally was. Though it does suck that it took bungle 2 years, 2 and a 1/2 shitty expansions and at least two complete overhauls of the entire leveling and loot system before it even started to dig itself out of the hole with Taken King.

Though I wonder how they will redo weapons if they will at all or make them different for console and pc, considering there is an entire weapon stat and several weapon perks literally dedicated to aim assist.

I'll end up buying it after being pressured into it by my normie friends, out level them, and have to carry them... just like in Destiny.

Yeah, but that's something you do once you have one max level character because it's faster to get one guy up to max level with good loot and then start leveling alts than it is to juggle between multiple characters

He just never understood the whole idea of games like Destiny I think, doesn't get that in games like progression like that you do need to plan and manage your time a little.

>Three human females

I'm gonna play the beta and buy it when the first actual expansion comes out.

>Destiny on PC.
I'll buy it but I'm not getting those expansion passes.

I disagree, with Infusion it's actually advantageous to get three characters to 40, then do endgame activities while passing your gear from character to character as Infusion fuel:

>Raid with your Hunter
>Infuse the gear you got into your Titan
>Raid with your Titan
>Infuse the gear you got into your Warlock
>Raid with your Warlock
>Infuse the gear you got into your Hunter next week and repeat

You will go up in Light much faster than if you used one character. The only issue is having purple gear to infuse all the time, but that's not a problem as of RoI because you get free purples from the record book.

I just think that girls are pretty

>no gameplay shown yet
>literally no details about the game
>but the season pass is announced

How is the Switch related to this? Can someone explain or is this just sonyfags shitposting about it, with no relevance to OP's topic?

>Falling for video game baits.

>Wii-U failed in his eyes and they give nintendo another chance with Switch.
>Destiny 1 failed in OPs eyes and wonders if people are giving them a second chance.

Pretty easy man.

The has too much delay between shooting someone and the hit marker showing up. It's as if Halo Custom Edition already had no lag and you put even more lag on top of it.

destiny is good

>Logged countless hours and spent countless dollars on a game
>All female characters

Let me guess, you play Aldmeri Dominion on ESO and Vanu Sovereignty on Planetside 2?

awoken > human

>Let me guess, you play Aldmeri Dominion on ESO
Nigger how am I gonna play a Sorcerer and NOT pick Altmer?

I would have made an Awoken if you could have had the queen's hair but you can't, so I'm not woke

The real question is whether or not Pseudo MMOs should be allowed to do subscription payments in the form of DLC expansions, or if it should be a one time purchase supported with cash shop items (preferably cosmetic and earnable)? How much is too much for an expansion, and how close to launch they can start charging you for content that should have been on disc anyways?

>tfw both expansions included in the season pass were shit and the good ones weren't included and each one was $30 extra plus tip

Destiny cucked a lot of people out of $150 for the "full experience"

I never get season passes. They're 99% garbage. Only one time in my life has it ever been worth it

they've fixed alot of mistakes with the 3rd and 4th expansion and updates though
>legendary engrams decrypt to legendary or higher
>introduced new infusion system which allows you to keep any legendary from now on
>significant increase to loot drop rates
>packages are easier to get
>they put back in nightfall buff (after removing the buff)
>they finally brought up the older raids (raid armors and raid weapons)
>they put back in older strikes
>they put modifiers on strikes
>you can get marks from almost anywhere
>they added in select Y1 weapons
>they added in select Y1 armors (you can purchase with weekly silver dust)
>infusion is 1:1
>pvp was full of premades when it wasn't dead but the pvp is somewhat enjoyable

they'll do some good if they import some favourite D1 pvp maps and they add in waay more character customization options (like fucking beards)
but with the PC availability, there'll be more microtransaction content and some shit you really want would be behind it
pvp could use some more traditional modes and larger maps
and for balancing they didn't separate pvp from pve which fucked shotguns, machineguns and fusion rifles
their artists are tops though

just wait 436 more hours to see the new gameplay

I have a friend like that

>start Borderlands 2 story with me
>he's a wagecuck so he doesn't have as much free time as I do
>play through the story by myself, completely willing to help him through his story to catch up
>user why are you 5 levels higher than me? wait for me so we can play together! no cheating allowed!
>fucking what
>he ends up never playing the game again and to this day I haven't finished Borderlands 2 because I'm so buttmad at being reminded of my time playing through with him

I knew it. And if you play For Honor you played Samurai.

I know the exact type of person you are and I could honestly say I think people like you ruin every mmo I've ever played, and are part of the reason the video game industry is so fucked rn.

Don't @ me, nerd.

>add in waay more character customization options (like fucking beards)
numales didn't survive the dark age though

Also, for me Destiny was painful because it punished loyal customer's wallets compared to new players, practically made progress irrelevant with every expansion so new players can catch up, lock cosmetic content behind fucking loot boxes although I already bought your damn expansion.

Remember when games were meant to be fun instead of hideously tedious?