Any game where I can play as a swordswoman besides Warband?
Any game where I can play as a swordswoman besides Warband?
She would die so quickly if she did that on a battlefield
It's a good thing battlefields that use swords don't exist anymore then you dumb fucker
Were you trying to show off or something? "I'd totally kick that girl's ass because she's not using a sword properly and I know how a sword is used, I'm so cool"
End yourself
I wish she cut her own head off lmao
it's dance you dumb fuck
have you ever heard sword dancing?
Swords are for fags. Axe master race.
I mean you literally are showing off the model they used for ciri's sword style in Witcher 3. Maybe that game.
Dat edge alignment tho.
>Pssh.... a true warrior like me who has been in many battlefield knows all
>its a Sup Forums pretends they were at the siege of rhodes and knows what sword fighting was really like episode
lmao "id kick that girls ass" like i said that you defensive fuck, and no shit they dont exist. doesnt matter if they existed now or then she would still die.
and no i dont care for sword dancing i have no idea what it is i could care less about someone looking retarded with a sword from over 100 years ago.
What a faggot lol. Muh realistic battlefield!
>i could care less
What did he mean by this?
and yet you want a realistic sword game do you not?
This is one of the reasons I abandoned /tg/. And honestly, /tg/ is worse than Sup Forums these days, so I regret nothing.
>All that pointless swinging
I'd have a field day with her if I had a spear.
What about if you had a dick?
real master coming through
>a true warrior uses NIPPON STEEL folded 10,000 TIMES! *tips fedora*
Nobody asked for that. Realism is boring.
I know your baiting but a spear is literally the most useless weapon. It would take absolutely no effort to deflect your garbage stick.
Sup Forums is consistently one of the most retarded and easily enraged group on the internet
She'd probably snap your twig arms, you fucking faggot.
niggers medieval fighting had a shit ton of casualties because every melee weapon is shit and can be countered just if you make a slight mistake
wars were only won because one side had more soldiers to throw into battle than the other, sure tactics play a role but for the most part both side will have significant losses
>You don't
Fucking scrub lord
no because realistic games are shit
arma is definitive proof of this
You're a colossol faggot
kill yourself
Now, I actually had the pleasure of being in a HEMA class and I can say that while her flourish is a little too flashy but the point of her movements are a proper defensive strategy to knock away the enemy's sword or at least deter them from getting too close. The bringing it around the back is a little too much and is usually used by turning around and still keep a defense up while being able to move away faster than a back step.
You're a fucking idiot.
no because that shit is boring as fuck and only boring people care about realism in video games
>Caring about the war
>Not concerned with keeping yourself alive
If you enjoy being cannon fodder
this thread is fucking garbage. I don't think anyone broke any rules but mods should delete this piece of shit anyways
That is the sexiest fucking thing I've seen a woman do on the internet in months.
Reminder that Witchers have augmented body's beyond that of normal humans making a quick fighting style viable. Ciri has been augmented to just to a lesser extent.
chivalry is all that comes to mind.
thats why you dont be a fucking soldier and you join a band of herbalists and just do drugs in the woods while all the peasants get shit on by royalty
and if another kingdom takes over, offer drugs and bam, you are spared
Dragons Dogma I guess.
women should be against the rules on Sup Forums because no one here can have a conversation, they just shit on the woman
its retarded, not even Sup Forums is this bad
For Honor.
piss poor sword handling besides faggot twirling which has zero use in a real fight, the little shit can barely hold a fucking practice sword which at max weighs as much as a real one and a real one is not heavy at all
beyond pathetic, she would be cleaved in half in seconds, fucking weak cunt
No not at all.
You can't slay a 500 foot giant with a dagger in reality.
>Ciri has been augmented
She was? I thought they considered having her undergo the trial of grasses or whatever but her ancient mcguffin powers would interfere with them so they started her in on the mage training? My Witcher lore is rusty as fuck.
How do I make another mount and blade run fun? I want to play it, but I know I'll probably get bored within a couple hours.
every time
you have to slog through the incredibly shitty and boring early game until you have a 70-big army of elite archers or knights
then the game becomse fun
If you're looking for multiplayer, there are only a few games that I can think of on the horizon with female warriors.
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
download highschool of the dead mod
Will I be able to play as a cute armoured
French swordwaifu?
In Bannerlord & Mordhau, you can probably do so.
Mirage is curry flavored. You'll only find pahjeets and Arabian Nights cliches
I am gonna play the fuck out of Bannerlord but I have serious doubts over the waifu-making capabilities of the character creator.
Oh shit you don't say?????? I thought it was an advanced swordsmanship technique, thanks for setting me straight!
I will either copy a waifu with other peoples presets or end up playing as a deformed ayy lmao looking tranny, my skills suck when it comes to char making.
Mine are fairly okay except for Skyrim but I'm afraid that the character creator will be too limited for women.
Theres an interesting story here I'd love to know.
nobunaga would be shaking in his boots if he saw this.
Ya, though she was only fed all the Witchers elixirs and herbs and shit. She never went through the tial, but what they fed her fucked with her body to the point here she was much faster, stronger and has ridicules endurance. Triss notes that she isn't even really sweating or panting when she runs into her on the trail.
That faggot though bamboo made good armor and arming peasants with naginatas was a good idea.
Holy crap, what is she wearing? First of all, she has no armor, and I can't care how good you are, it's just foolhardy to assume you'd never even be nicked by an arrow or spear. Secondly, it would be so easy for that shirt to get caught on an enemy's weapon, or hell, even to grab it in your hand if you parried her blade first.
In any real battlefield she'd die in the first ten seconds. Holy crap, women are so stupid.
Neat. I knew they didn't do the freaky torture trial but I must've forgotten a lot about her training. Ciri was so fucking OP but it was fun to zip around and murder shit. Thanks for the refresher.
There is
The Choice
Trial of Grasses
And one where you purposely try to get the shitheads killed
Then there is all the training and manuals.
Choice seem to be chemically distilled alchemical drugs, to augment a person a little. No idea if its a one time thing, or a dietary supplement, its never elaborated.
Trial of Grasses is the gigantic dangerous "lets mutate a person!" thingy.
Fucking stupid cunt doesn't even have a riveted chain mail under her shirt and pants I can assure you that, she thinks her sword twirling will deflect every attack by the looks of it.
Women are beyond salvation.
It's time to stop.
here u go senpai
Stop making me want to nerd out on Witcher lore all night, dude.
So what exactly did they subject Circi to? I forget how old she was when elffaggot ran off with her to train.
Swords cant save you from the real monsters like Angry Molesting Trees.
Your only hope is to pray to die quickly.
Isn't Falcon both STR and DEX though?
this is epic as fuck
>that awkward stop after the 3rd slash
Bitch can't even momentum right
>tfw playing battle brothers for weeks now
If you were on a battlefield you would poop your pants, die, then poop your pants again
He's a DEX Magic User
He's pretty much a Monk
A woman's center of gravity is closer to her hips where a man's is more up in the shoulder region, hence why she's wide-stancing so much.
Plus it's just a fuckin dance as has already been said
Way of the Samurai 3. You need to incapacitate female NPCs to play as them
>There's some japanese sword nerd who just fell in love watching this GIF
Came to this thread to do my part in ridiculing you, you colossal faggot.
Said the faggot would cut his own head off if given a sword.
>not being a Priest and clubbing people to undeath.
Or maybe you are the one that is stupid.
Ok, retardo
>Not being a grappler and clubbing your enemies to death with your enemies.
Who the fuck wears a ponytail to a swordfight? Let's ignore the fact that you could grab it if you got into grappling range, pretty much ending the fight right there. Hell, let's even ignore the possibility of it flying up into her face as she turned, obscuring her vision, or coming undone, only increasing the chances of it falling into her field of view. Just having long hair at all is idiotic on the battlefield even if you're not actually fighting. It'd get dirty and infested with lice or fleas in the chaotic conditions, and maintaining it would be impossible. I know these seem like small things, and compared to actual combat they are, but my point is that that anyone who would maintain their long hair is doing so out of vanity - which means it's inherently self-defeating. What an idiot.
I really dont have anything to say so I will just laugh at you
>heavy orc breathing
>katana wielding fedoralords actually exist here
Holy shit I hope you realize that you're all incredibly pathetic
*unzip gun
that's literally me just groovin' with the beer in the corner
The katana counterculture is worse than the few remaining fedoralords. Due to the rise of HEMA, you can't go anywhere without these longsword spergs popping up talking about techniques and "real combat." The katanafags just take pictures or become bottle slayers, these HEMAtards are just annoying and want so badly to feel validated.
Golden Axe on the Sega Genesis.
>so many beta males
You know this webm will not sleep with you
Where are you on the spectrum?