Shit you love in vidya

>when the characters realize there have been too many coincidences in the story and finding out someone has been pulling the strings the entire time

>villains not being cowards and being willing to risk everything on winning

>combat synced to music rather than the music just playing over it

Other urls found in this thread:

On that first thing. The MC pointing this out to the stupid audience is what turns me off personally

Name at least (5) Five V games that do each of these.

>Villain has been a cocky shitbag
>MC has him scared/pissed off

>when the vocals kick in

>Drop enemy to a certain amount of health
>They go into a rage, draw sword and charge you

>when you hear that one instrument that makes you love a song no matter if it's vidya or normal music

The menu screen changing based on where you are in the game is nice. Especially if it includes cast members.

>When the music bleeds in during conversation before picking up as the fight starts.

>When you play a game as different characters with different perspectives that end up tying up in the end
I really like those first 3 Chapters of Mother 3

>MC goes through some sort of transformation and/or change.

Even better if they get a sprite/model change because of it.
This shit gets me diamonds every time.

What game does this?

>The menu screen changing based on where you are in the game is nice. Especially if it includes cast members.
Even more than this:
>game fakes you out that it's over with full credit sequence and everything only for the menu screen when it comes back up to be completely different with New Game blanked out and something else there instead.

Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2, from my most recent memory.

>>combat synced to music rather than the music just playing over it
It's one of the reasons I like Necrodancer so much

Bravely Default and Second do it near the end.

>this flute sample
>this keyboard, bass, and strings
>these trumpets

These get me rock fucking solid.

BD also spoils the twist. And while I never turn off my 3ds, the two times I saw the menu over my whole playtrough still managed to spoil me

>BD also spoils the twist. And while I never turn off my 3ds, the two times I saw the menu over my whole playtrough still managed to spoil me
how could it have spoiled you, it only shows up AFTER the twist happens

How could that be if I definitely remember it otherwise?

You're remembering it wrong, is how.

Can you prove it?

>The Underside
The game's dead right? I remember thinking it'd be the next Cave Story or something but that was ~10 years ago.

How? An entire playthrough that doesn't show the menu until the "twist"?

The burden of proof is upon you, you're the one claiming something out of the ordinary.


>the burden of proof is on you
I can't prove a negative. I don't really care whose burden it is. Until you can prove I was wrong. I don't believe I was.

>faceless cannonfodder NPC characters talking about their private lives in midst of battle

Podunkian posted some new progress on twitter back in November. Aparently he's looking to actually start working on it again now that he's done with WASTED.
He's been otherwise silent, though. Damn shame too, because you can't play the demo on any modern computer.

Both of you shut.the.fuck.up.

herobrine is real

>When the boss gets to it's final stage and the chorus kicks in

why are you so upset, the argument wasn't even "long"

Minecraft thread?

What is your favourite minecraft mod?
I personally like the more blocks + mod


you guys hosting any hunger game server?

>Final Chapter: [name of video game]
>remix of title theme in the last stage of the final boss


>first level in the sequel is the 1st games starting level but ruined
>Jazz or saxaphones in a sewer level
>Somewhere in the final boss fight is a secret QTE
>main theme of the game gets remixed in the sequel
>previous protagonist is mentioned in next installments
>you can obtain a weapon themed after the Main villain

>First level in the sequel is the last level in the original
>Last level is the first level in the original but changed

What is your favourite Skydoesminecraft video?

>previous protagonist is mentioned in next installments
this here is the good shit

steve is hot

>Shit-talk boss mid battle
>Boss loses stats

>equipment changes the way your party looks instead of there being some arbitrary "outfit" slot

I get that they want a cohesive visual identity for characters in stories but I love that shit.

When the music actually stops. So many games put music on repeat and make encounters feel artificially extended.
>Blushing mess
When the music stretches to match gameplay and stops appropriately.

>combat synched to music

>I get that they want a cohesive visual identity for characters
I don't get it. You already bought the game. If your character can't be discerned from others on head/shape of body alone you probably should hire someone else or write more interesting characters so people don't have to go of looks.

Crypt of the Necrodancer

Don't you hate it when the boss makes you play minecraft

endermen are the best villians in vidya hands down


Man, I love me a game where you can mine and then craft with what you find. Wish there was a game like that.
Oh wait...

name more I have that one

>character normally has his eyes closed
>opens eyes when shit gets real

its the most chuuni bullshit but i love it

hardest level in video games?

>>when the characters realize there have been too many coincidences in the story and finding out someone has been pulling the strings the entire time

>when you find a thread that triggered someone that hard they started spamming it with a shit game

I like games where you can be anyone you want.

any interesting encounters with him?

How about when the final boss theme is a remix of a theme or themes you hear playing throughout the game.

the ending theme of minecraft when you defeet the enderdragon is so compelling

Name one (1) game with better PVP.


I wonder what set him off


Spooky shit in games, GO!

>storyline very small and personal at the start
>escalates suddenly resulting in a grand adventure
>one of the early plot relevant characters only reappears in the final act after so much time and travel

sky is cool


Sounds like my favorite game...

why aren't you saging if you want to kill this thread so badly

Who the fuck knows, but it is hilarious to see
You rarely see this particular brand of autism

actually interested in this

budder thread

saging does nothing to kill a thread

I think the throne fight is literally just the same music as the title screen, but it makes sense given the context.

It's also some pretty great music.

Because it's funny.
Man of taste, I presume.

What in the absolute fuck is happening to this thread?

Trails in the Sky does this fairly well.
Tack on the villain being practically an NPC in the beginning and only being revealed at the very end of the 1st game.
>Comedic relief character is actually revealed to be a fucking stone cold motherfucker


Post videos that helped you through parts of a game.


coolest logos in games

I got into gungeon and then slime rancher and right now I'm doing finals, but yea I really love the game. I'm a bit disappointed they never put out the last patch, and they don't seem to be really making anything else, but it's certainly good enough without anything extra.

I only got it like 2 months ago, too.


I need to rebuy Gundeon.
I play Throne a lot less than I used to.

Newer Super Mario Bros Wii

>Characters all come from different nations and are steretypical representations of those nations personified

was the armenian genocide even real?

Silly! I think you meant to post this...

Metal Gear Rising

>Main character finally confronts his demons and grows as a person
>his name, battle portrait and character portrait all change as a result
I love it.

I don't even own gungeon technically, a friend of a friend bought it for my friend ages ago, who only just noticed he had, and I steam share it off of him.

I'll probably buy it though, it's a good game, even though I don't really like some of the design choices.

The crusade for minecraft

Hitman Blood Money.

The title menu shows the ending of the game with all your targets attending the funeral. As you progress, killing the targets, they disappear from the main menu.

fucking autastic

Why is this thread being spammed?

How is slime rancher?

>It's what you've earned you faithless pile of filth.
The best.