Now that the dust has settled, who is the best girl in Persona 5?
Now that the dust has settled, who is the best girl in Persona 5?
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Squid girl.
That "creature" between who I assume is the school president archtype and the slightly goth looking girl doesn't need to exist.
It's Makoto
Makoto, hands down
Lavenza, no contest.
the lolis of course.
It's ryuji
Official rankings:
1. Kawakami
2. Takemi
3. Makoto and Sae at the same time
4. Haru
5. Chihaya
6. Hifumi
7. Rest don't matter
You mean coconut head? She's alright. Surprisingly the girl on the right isn't a president though, she's a just a random girl who is a shogi pro. The president is the top row with dark brown hair
Haru all the way
This user has it right
op asked for best girl not biggest whore
That's not a picture of Haru. Slut will 3 note anything.
>tfw only one who likes Shiho
Goro is best
The one who won the Jokerbowl without competing. She'll stay with him forever, no matter where he goes.
That's because she loves you no matter what
Kawakami literally gets payed to go to men's homes and do "whatever they want".
>4 best girls at the top
All is right.
>sucked a dudes dick to play volleyball
>thats your waifu
Lala Escargot
>Went in wanting to waifu Makoto
>got stoned one night and read a Haru thread
>got entranced by her forehead
>now can't decide between the two
Where did this meme start. Did people seriously not understand that that was the 'worst case scenario' had Joker not intervened?
She clearly mentions the significantly shadier sister company. On-call maid services exist in Japan.
I want to hold her hand!
you mean the left
People would like Ohya if her hair was longer.
Oh hey cool, another Makoto thread
Yeah probably. That and if her skills weren't shit. But somebody pointed out to me that her VA is Yukiko and it throws me off every time I hear her, she just sounds like drunk Yukiko
can we get a non-shitty edit of this
I want to see what it would look like
user are we really gonna have this talk again?
>no tits
>no ass
Inferior trash that's meant to be discarded
The English dub is good. Even Ouya's voice is probably good if I didn't hear the Yukiko in her now.
Nah, she's a fine character that just got shitty bonuses that will ruin everyone's perception of her unless they are fixed in P5 Crimson/Rouge/Ruby/Rebellion
>makoto best p5 girl
>chie best p4 girl
>toaster best p3 girl
Sup Forums has the worst tastes
Best voice
Funny and cute social link
Most useful party member
She didn't though. She let herself get beat to stay on the volleyball, but the rape was the last straw and was definitely unwanted.
Sadayo English VA is Yukari.
>chie best P4 girl
No one actually thinks this
lets put this to the test, shall we?
Who was best P4 girl, Sup Forums
Only correct answer.
Makoto is my pick.
>Red Eyes
>Johanna and Anat are cool (yes, I like Anat too)
>Nuke Magic, and overall splashable
>Nice Ass
>Kinda cute with the whole hiding behind the books
Anat and dat ass means she was made for anal
Most of the other girls are likeable too though. Futaba is great too, but I only see her as a Splatoon inspired sister.
Kinda wish Ann's Rival and Shiho were dateable
Fuck Ohya though.
It's the clown red lipstick. Of course if you took that away she'd be more visually similar to Tae than she already is.
Bruh, she went to his office and sucked his dick to stay on the team.
I'm sorry.
The fuck? Someone just pointed me out to this
There's someone on Arby's Marketing team that visits /po/ and Sup Forums.
I made a SLIGHTLY better version using very lazy pasting of Wakaba's hair.
Futaba by far, seconded by Tae. No contest.
Hifumi isn't bad neither but the waifu war of this game is just cruel.
Don't insult Tae, though.
Don't know. I just banged my way through my female Confidants.
Wow, I honestly can't believe it's Chie
This photo is awful.
Kawakami is the best girl, and I'M going to marry her!
You CAN'T stop me!
>she's fine
>dead last in all waifu polls
No one gives a shit about the bonuses.
I can't but the law and scorn of her and your peers can.
>t-shirt and bikini bottom
I absolutely love that combination
The way the artist drew lipstick is weird, some of them just look like they've been punched in the mouth.
Haven't played the game yet, but I know the right answer is one of these.
Stop what are you doing this is too lewd
Hifumi. Makoto is second best. The rest are mediocre or shit.
How come the phantom thieves never made it so that everybody loved shrimp?
For me it's Makoto. I like Futaba's nerdiness though, but I feel connected with Makoto since when I was 17 I felt like I had to do this and go down a specific path to be successful over finding something I can enjoy and being more like my true self.
Seeing them has spoiled you user.
Kawakami is literally perfect and other waifufags need some way to insult her.
>Scorn of his peers
Dude the P5 MC is going to get back-to-back high fives from Ryuji, Morgana, Sojiro, and Toranosuke for the rest of his life for scoring Kawakami, no joke.
Now if only the whole game wasn't about her being a genius in everything, it'd make her even better.
Don't get me wrong, I like her but I'm still salty about Hifumi that would have been better for that.
half of those don't give a shit
I guarantee Ryuji would ask why not go for someone your age.
HI...oh, it's you.
Seeing Hifumi go full chuuni in palaces would've been fucking great.
Poor aru and Akechi, where the fuck does that come from.
Well, mainly poor Haru, she's attract psychopats if this was the case.
Go forth, my knights!
that's why she should have been the navigator
i want a girlfriend
Why are all of them facing downwards? It's making my neck hurt looking at them sideways
I need you Futaba
why is Sojiro okay with you fucking your teacher?
Why would he know?
Her face is oddly shaped
Shovel face
He was a ladies man back in the day so he probably respects the fact that you managed to woo your homeroom teacher.
I mean shit if the dude isn't going to rat you out for being a terrorist why would he rat you out for dating your teacher?
>mfw I won't even advance the social link with Makoto because in reality she would be way too good for me