
Admit, you guys only praise this shit because it's a Playstation exclusive but as soon as the PC (either a port or emulation) or Switch port is announced (notice that there's no "Only On Playstation" on the cover) you guys will start to claim that it was shit anyway.


Yeah whatever helps you sleep nintenbro, at least your daddys money wont gwt spend in your drought of games

PC port means a mod that makes everything Mara.

Why would someone not want to play as Mara in a world of Maras?

Why would i play Persona 5 on my Switch when i could play the new SMT?

Sonybro here and it's not nearly as fun as persona 3 or persona 4. Maybe I'm just tired of the obvious anime tropes and lame combat compared to mainline SMT.

SMT4A is a way more fun game.

>the game where your party are even more annoying anime tropes than Persona

The same argument can made for exclusives that are made for other consoles.

right now you can't play neither on switch

Yes but i expect that both would release at about the same time.