When was the last time you cheated in a video game?

When was the last time you cheated in a video game?

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So does she only have three comics or something? I see this one posted so often I recognized it from the thumbnail in the catalog.

The only thing more unnatural than trannies are console shooters.

in before the tranny farting comic


That's actually pretty good

Why are all the tranny SJWs Nintendo fans?

Probably the last time I played Guitar Hero 2.


This ones actually good, what the fuck?

Is it an edit?

I don't get it

Wow, these are the first pages from that comic about anything other than Tumblrtardation. When this person isn't talking about trans/SJW horseshit their comic is actually alright. That actually makes the fact that they spend 90% of their time talking about that crap rather sad.

>unfunny tranny comics
Yes we get it, muh tranny.
Could you post the true lol material now?

Jessica is cute! CUTE!


post the one where the guy talks about freedom of speech then the girl tries to bring up Gamergate and he says "OH MY GOD, SHUT UP ALREADY" or something

that one always makes me laugh

also why is it so hard to find R34 of this "girl"


about video games yes

wheres the user that drew the porn of her?

Cute and based.

Now that this forced meme has hit national TV will Sup Forums finally drop it?


She passes pretty well and I would def bone

is this a persona 5 reference?

I love how she intentionally draws herself ditzy. So cute and self aware. Shame about the dick


What would have happened to her strawman if the guy had just said "no" to her outlandish claim about about video game culture like any sane fucking person?

t. Dysphoria Bug


He should have had the guts to say it was Kiwifarms.
But he has a point about trannies and right wing, too much tranny "lolcows" threads that are a nothing but "They are not passing and I wouldn't have sex with them" circlejerks.


this one is accurate

>ugh i have low self-confidence and i think im ugly
>radical gender reassignment surgery is the answer to that!
>oops, turns out all I did was make things worse
totally isn't his own fault, though



Tell me more about how Trump is the most LGBT-friendly President ever.


That black dude's hairline is JUST

genuinely can not tell if these are supposed to be satirical

Would bone if she wasn't a crazy SJW.

>Not Mike "Static Shock for the Lady Cock" Pence

>some guy is pro free speech
>ask him if we should censor games and or change them so certain people don't get offended
>he says no, but in strawman form

I hate this shit. It's not even self aware.

An hour ago in Battlefield 1.

>falling for the tranny selfie angle


She's actually not all that obsessed with trans issues. People just think she is since, you know...they affect her.

>being that triggered about pronoms
kinda ironic

it's a dude you faggot

male = he
female = she
this guy is a male. very simple.


He probably is if you don't count Obama, but the liberal media doesn't exactly show that angle.

But keep getting your politics from your social media echochamber idiot



cool thread boyos

>He probably is if you don't count Obama

So, just to repeat: Trump is the most LGBT-friendly President ever as long as you don't count that one President who was more LGBT-friendly.

I mean, does she seriously not understand that she did this to herself?

When you base your entire existence on on issue, you cannot expect other people to see you as anything but that issue, especially when you don't see yourself any different.


t. redditor


no no, trump hates everyone. the CNN told me so. praise be to CNN.

It's more about the fact the reaction against the pronom bullshit is mostly about SJWs forcing to call a tranny a she otherwise they get triggered even if it's anti-freedom but you get triggered because some people are misusing pronoms tho despite it being anti-freedom.

Oh boy, is this one of those threads where we pretend people actually like trannies on Sup Forums outside of the closet faggots who fap to futa and pegging?


Shitposting ironically is still shitposting user.


You're overthinking this. You are incorrect when you call him that and have been brainwashed and deluded into thinking otherwise.

>guy asks a perfectly reasonable question about what he'll be dealing with if they get to bed
this is why no one wants to date them.

what shitty drawing skills

what ever happened to that other comic assigned male? stopped updating the site

>if i dont watch ANY news, im the most educated on the subject!
And this is why a TV celebrity runs your country.

Sounds like anti/pol/ and/or maybe people from the lol threads tired of the same tranny comics.

Why is green and not 500 pounds

self awareness is important, and for that reason I'm starting to like this comic

>right-wing losers
The fuck? I actually browsed Kiwifarms a bit and "right-wing" is not how I'd describe it.

Nobody, literally nobody, ever tells SJWs they should silence themselves forever. It drives me nuts how these people pretend that counter-opinions are really just attempts to silence the opposition. Fuck 'em.

>This guy is clearly trying to meet it half-way on the issue and in doing so makes a comment it doesn't find totally accurate
>It knows what he fucking meant
>It decides to be a fucking asshole about it
>It acknowledges that it is a fucking asshole
>It decides there is nothing wrong with that

And they wonder why people treat them like shit

a tv celebrity runs their country because they don't watch tv?

hmmm... if you say so...

rejecting orwellian newspeak where males are now females and vice versa =/= being triggered

>and for that reason I'm starting to like this comic
In what universe is this comic self aware?

If you don't think everything is transphobic, homophobic, racist and sexist you're a nazi

Remember that

But it has no self- awa- fuck. You got me.

>you are only free to talk how you want to talk if you what you say is true
Yeah because SJWs don't think like that too except what they think is true is different.
I don't want any authority telling me what I have the right to say or think, whether or not they are SJWs or anti-degenerates.

I laughed.

Dear god


What the fuck does the third panel have to do with the second panel?
>free speech!
>stop letting people make vidya the way they want to!

post more tumblr comics

so he became what he made fun so much about? what an amazing twist

used cheat engine to give myself extra scrap in FTL

She says it to make him say what he says in the last panel
He shuts down her free speech in response to whaf she says in thd third panel, setting up the punchline

They have low standards for what is a tranny lolcow (some have threads just because they are ugly) so that's why she got triggered.


thanks user

don't forget we are in Sup Forums home of the faggots and furfags who want to date a girl with a feminine penis

The correct way to ask
>Do you have a dick, fag? I ain't that gay.

all trannies are lolcows by definition.

Why does she look so uncomfortable?

At least trapfags and faggots don't pretend they aren't faggots who want to fuck guys.
I'd take an open faggot over a closet faggot who's in denial and constantly trying to shove how he's totally not a faggot because that guy with a penis is actually a transgirl any day of the week.

>stop letting people make vidya the way they want to!

are you saying people cant make games they way they want?

that random people complaining on twitter actually prevent developers from doing what they want?

guess they will suffer another [country] syndrome

>that random people complaining on twitter actually prevent developers from doing what they want?
No, random people complaining on twitter just causes developers to not release games in the west.