>angry jealous black man causes the fall of Overwatch
What did they mean by this?
>angry jealous black man causes the fall of Overwatch
What did they mean by this?
im pretty sure hes a spic, not a nigger
He's mexican actually
What did Mercy do to him? Why did she turn Genji into a warmachine? Why hasn't she aged?
What if Mercy is the mastermind behind Talon?
>Leader of the enemy faction
>Worst character in the game
What did they mean by this
On what level does he even look black?
I think he just has a spic last name, he looks white.
i think the term is chicano.
his family is mexican but he was born in LA
>he looks white
He sounds so different on uprising
Put a trucker hat on him and its kenny from walking dead
but that's torb
It scares how much he looks like my uncle
More talon villains when?
Every "bad guy" is fucking terrible in this game. Reaper is terrible, Widowmaker is terrible, Sombra is apagando las useless, Junkrat is useless, Roadhog is a casual filter.
Is your uncle Stone Cold Steve Austin?
wait for doomfist
isn't zarya a bad guy?
>apagando las useless
Spics can look white but they're still not white
>apagando las useless
Fucking sides
>he looks white.
Fucking Americans
he is going to be a hero or neutral.
Not really since she's stronk woman defending her home who don't need no man. She's robo-racist, but considering the current event has everyone mow down hundreds of supposedly sentient bots, I don't think robo-racism counts. Same goes for Torb.
Funny enough, Reaper was the biggest omnic sympathizer in the original Overwatch.
Zarya is neutral, she fights for Russia and that's it
Id fuck your uncle
mommy's milkies are the fountain of youth
How did mercy turn him into a magic ghost man who can fly?
nanomachines, son
>apagando las useless
No they already established him as a villain.
>enemy is playing a really annoying genji
>reaper walks up to him spamming M1
>genji deflects a pellet and is then killed
>apagando las useless
pssh... no es intimo...cholo... *salsas behind you* AY!YAI!YAI!... *starts dancing around sombrero* heh...es no problemo... *shakes maracas into the sunset on el burro*
que te jodan
The genji got died??
Turns off the useless? help i don't speak burritos
>be me
>grow up in texas
>parents die or fuck up
>get picked up by a gang in my youth
>be errand boy, kill people, probably suck some dicks
>gang family gets killed off or arrested by OW
>some hispanic grump says jail or join secret military
>join BW so dont get fucked in the ass
>grumpy latino becomes my new papi
>papi and dad fight. they both die
>mfw overwatch disbanded and cant even get a blue collar job cuz cops all over my ass
does jesse have the most tragic life of all the OW cast?
aside from suicidal archer
>be tracer
>am lesbian with dfc
>can never get lickies on dfc because chest armor keeps me in sync with dimension or some stupid shit so always have to wear it
>faggot winston put it on over my clothes instead of under
but she can take it off.
she literally has it off in her lesbian comic
it just has to be in range of her. you can see it docked near the couch in reflections
>watch robots fuck everything up
>lead elite squad of soldiers
>fuck robots up
>leaders let some pretty boy be the new leader because he looks nicer for PR purposes
>whatever get my own special ops unit
>go decades getting shit done without thanks
>pretty boy constantly fucks everything up
>"hurf durf stop using your special ops units like a special ops unit" eat shit granny
>pretty boy gets full of himself and tries to fight
>explosion "kills" both
>end up becoming horrific abomination that eats souls, entirely not by choice
>everyone looks at you like you're a hideous monster
>find out Overwatch was petty much entirely run by corrupt assholes who are ruining everything
>go to get rid of them so they stop ruining everything
>only backup is a ballet dancer with medical problems and a 12-year-old XBox beaner
>get shit on because everyone thinks your evil even though you're literally the only one doing anything for the greater good
>can't even get a fucking buff
wheres the part of this story where pretty boy and edgy latino touch dicks?
>be a normal person living in the outback
>government says your house and land now belongs to robot refugees
>those robots are the same reason you live out here, since they blew up your own house
>revolt against this
>government decides you're worthless, drops a nuclear bomb on you
>turn into a 9 foot tall freak
>but on the bright side you can instantly kill anyone you want because you're a cheap piece of shit with 3 instant-death attacks
Sup Forums is on a roll tonight, holy fuck
Her ult line is apagando las luces.
>be me
>chillin and sleeping in cryostasis for 10 years
>get woken up by a fucking gorilla
Just fuck my shit up famalam.
apagando las useless
When's doomfist, and what will he do?
It might be neat if he got some sort of disarm mechanic that turns off shooting, that way if we ever get a hero that can silence enemy abilities they'll have some sort of synergy
It's pretty much guaranteed that he'll end up being a melee tank, probably a Roadhog-style "tank" where he doesn't really protect his teammates but has a bunch of health anyway.
>if we ever get a hero that can silence enemy abilities they'll have some sort of synergy
you are aware that's exactly what sombra does right?
>will he do?
Displacement "defense" hero. He'll probably be melee ranged but have a lot of mobility.
That was referring to the previous holder,of the weapon you noob. We know nothing about the new Doomfist beyond being voiced by Terry Crews.
I kind of want a melee tank who's attack pushes people back, and not just like Reinhart's hammer that flings people around, I mean like, propels them like Junkrat's mine.
It would be balanced because he'd swing slow, and he'd have to get in close in order to disrupt the enemy team. He'd have an ability like Zarya's bubble, except it wouldn't provide him with a damage buff. Basically, he'd go into the enemy choke point with the bubble on, knock shit around and then zoom out as fast as he could, and he'd move slow like Rein or Roadhog just so you can't juggle people around as easily.
idk, it sounds kind of cool in my head.
So, permanently ulted winston?
Are you retarded?
Gonna be Potemkin/Tager style tank I think.
>Are you retarded?
simmer down young buck
Considering Winston's ult is fucking terrible, that wouldn't be a bad thing.
So what is this uprising thing? Did they release single player content or something or did they simply put new skins on all the characters
It's Man vs. Machine but with objectives.
It's fun for the first few matches but there's only one map and it gets really repetitive very quickly.
No he isn't. Mexico is a place, not an ethnicity. He is an Amerilard or more specifically a commiefornian
you gonna fuck that gorilla?
whats wrong with california?
>government decides you're worthless, drops a nuclear bomb on you
that's not what happened.
Hog blew up the omnic's nuclear power plant himself. There was no bomb.
¿Quien es Sombra?
His uprising voice sounds like Chris Redfield
he's not black. he's from LA. he's mexican
last name is reyes you filthy fucking idiot
>last name is reyes
reyes means kings so was he kangz and shit?
He wanted to be more like his cousin.
Retards hate it for being liberal
>new doomfist beat the shit out of a bunch of security robots and stole a gauntlet
>h-he's not a bad guy. he dindu nuffin!
He's a Black Mexican
haha xDD
>not-Captain America cucked him out of delicious brown
No wonder he went full edgelord.
>The writers didn't want to commit and just had some random nobody be Pharah's father
What a waste
Guess what faggot, 76 wasn't even hitting that brown.
She even has a lighter skin tone than Ana.
76 might not be Pharah's father, that doesn't mean he didn't spend every single day pounding her hard while they were in Overwatch.
>people getting angry about Pharah native american skins
>blizz cracks under the pressure
>blizz says hey shes actually have native! see! its okay!
nice one blizz.
>people getting angry about Pharah native american skins
You mean Tumblr got angry for about 2 days before forgetting like everything else they get angry about?
>implying she wasn't the bicycle of the team
>implying she even knows who the father is
>Sombra is apagando las useless
>be playing overwatch
>be faggot
>most powerful OW hero lore-wise is lucio
>stole a gun that makes bad music
blizzard is low-key racist as fuck
honor mention
>"naga stole my bike" quest from wotlk
Reaper's Uprising voice is really, really gay.
I thought he was Mexican.
I mean, I guess he could be black too, but I'm pretty sure they said he was JUST Spanish..
He is American, he was born in LA. But yes he is mexican like Sombra.
>2/3 of the playable Talon operatives are Mexican
>The next will be black
What did Blizzard mean by this?
>Sombra is apagando las useless
That's cause you're a burrito full of shit
>implying she wasn't Jack's personal stress relief
What did he mean by this?
it's not bad guys so much as a bunch of different factions with one being a bit edgier than the others, it's all complex relations
What exactly does Talon do? They don't have any fucking direction.
They need a Cobra Commander character to do Saturday morning cartoon villain shenanigans. Building weather dominators and trying to evaporate the earths oceans or something crazy.
Forgot pic.
That's probably not even canon anymore. Chu has been rewriting and retconning Overwatch the day Metzen left.
I believe Talon is an anti-Omnic extremest group.
War profiteers, they just want to start shit bascially
can we get a greentext for each character's life?