now that the dust has settled. how good is it Sup Forums?
Now that the dust has settled. how good is it Sup Forums?
It's great for some things, awful for others.
Depends what you want.
more like the dust has settled on the controller cause i never use it
would it be good for some thing like neir?
Welp. I can see how they arrived here.
>valve wants to expand Steam from PC gaming into the living room
>creates big picture mode
>living room audience can't be bothered to use a mouse to open steam
>valve creates SteamOS
>living room audience can't be bothered to install an operating system other than what came preinstalled at Best Buy
>Valve contacts hardware developers to create SteamBoxes with SteamOS preinstalled
>finally the living room audience can just throw money away and have everything done for them
>new problem arrises
>most of the games on Steam take advantage of mouse controls
>Valve attempts to create a new controller to take the couchability of a standard controller and add in the precision of mouse controls
>it's poorly designed and no one likes it
For NieR:A? not really, it shits all over the other controllers for FPS, anything mouse driven, anything with lots of hotkeys etc. but it's not built for Stick + buttons action.
I like mine for a lot of things.
whats the point of it then? id just use my mouse and keyboard for any fps.
>but it's not built for Stick + buttons action.
Huh? I play all games just fine with it. FPS are finicky compared to actual mouse but still alright.
this is a verifiable fact.
For playing on a TV from a sitting position and stuff like that.
I played a bunch of NWN2 on my TV from a beanbag earlier today, try doing that on a normal controller without it being a shitty experience.
I mean, it works but generally a normal controller's grip for that will be more comfortable.