Welcome to Sup Forums, how much of a.contrarian and homosexual.are you?

Welcome to Sup Forums, how much of a.contrarian and homosexual.are you?

I'm so gay I watch My Little Pony in Japanese because it's so KAWAII DESU! :3

I do watch mlp you Nigger Faggot, its a good show with great waifus

Let's see yours.

fuck off mobile faggot

Dark Souls 2 was the best game in the series

I was gay before it was cool and I thought Breath of the Wild was just okay.

Not only was Dark Souls 2 the best, it was the best because of its creatively unrealistic level design and lifegems that got rid of the tedium of managing your estus.

The Last of Us is my favorite game followed by Half-Life 2 and Ocarina of Time.
I've played through Human Revolution five or six times but have no intention of even touching the original.
I love Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, but can’t stand any other game in the Zelda series. Twilight Princess is alright, though.
I played through DMC1 once and disliked it despite playing through 3 and 4 countless times.
I'm a PCc u c k but would happily pay for the hundred dollar version of Injustice.
I bought LMAOBox about a month before the big ban because I thought doing exceptionally well would help me get online friends. I have about 3.3k hours in the game overall.
I pretty much exclusively play Mercy/Lucio and mute team/voice chat in Overwatch because it's the only role I'm good at and getting berated by my teammates when I fuck up damages my ego. I managed to make it to Master rank, so I guess I'm doing something right.
The only RE games I've played are 4, 5, 6, and 7
I used cheat engine to get bunch of achievements in Metal Gear Rising to make my friends think I was really good at the game.
I played through FEAR 2 twice but gave on the first one after 2 hours.
The only fighting games I play are Injustice and Marvel Capcom games because I like the characters even though I'm shit at fighting and can't play online because my anxiety goes through the roof.
Never played a Final Fantasy, Witcher, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Crash, Spyro, or Diablo game. I'm sure there's a ton more I can't think of at the moment.
I watch Oney Plays and Super Mega. Also sometimes GG, but only for Danny, Brian, and Barry.
I played through RE7 with all the cheats on and in windowed mode so I could have music/videos on in the background
I write shipping fanfiction
I love the new Power Rangers movie.
I unironically think Whiplash is the worst movie ever made.

I unironically agree.