What are some good games to play while drinking Sup Forums?
What are some good games to play while drinking Sup Forums?
euro truck simulator
Found the kid who has never had a beer before. How dare you post Vince, he'd be disappointed in you
Vince looks like the fucking titans from God of War.
dota 2
after 15 years of playing this dogshit game, i only have fun in it now when im drunk
t.pot smoker
>d-dude you don't drink beer with everything? haha I bet you must be a little kid!
Insecure manchild detected
I cannot stand mobas but I see where you're coming from, I got a few favorites that I can't load up anymore unless I've had a few drinks
beer sucks
tastes like piss water, overpriced, barely gets you drunk, and has (((estrogen))) in it
liquor, cider, or wine is ideal
Heroes of the Storm, Battlefield, maybe Mortal Kombat.
>word fallacies
you sure show him
go to spleep so you can enjoy your sunday
What's your favorite cider friend?
Beer is for insecure plebs who would drink chicken piss if it would get them laid
Hard liquors is the way to go
You got me mate. Making fun of me for drinking on a dedicated post about playing games while drinking, ya got me.
Honestyly the only thing that Iw ant to do when I drink is kill myseof and I thing tonight is the night.
Damn from the way you typed that you seem pretty wasted
Kill your self
>whut up reddit
C'mon guys, I wanted some good suggestions for games to play. Not start WW3
Maybe you should stop if that's the case.
Booze is supposed to make you happy, not sad.
I feel the same bro, why live? I work a shitty job, have shitty to zero friends and never get to play my switch. I might as well kill myself
holla reddit
now now user, there's plenty of things the world has to offer you. What's got you so depressed?
This did not turn out as I expected
Spotted the triggered redditor, gonna get wasted with the le bros while watching the big bang theory tonight faggot?
Mario Kart 64
I always fire that shit up when I'm wasted.
I'm like with CS:GO I'll get really drunk and play a few competitive matches.
Are you assuming I have people to play that with, especially at this hour? Of course I'd love to play that but I have no one to play it with
Ya can't go wrong here
I just play it by myself.
If you have friends, you should be going out, not staring at a fucking tv screen for a couple of hours.
The only appeal I get outta this game at this point is shit talking little kids.
Iknfb always
Euro truck simulator or GTAV (solo )with custom radio
What's the Big Bang theory?
And suck mega ass I'm sure..... oh wait everyone on an anonymous msg board has a 100-0 streak
True, if I had actual friends to go out with I wouldn't be drinking and playing video games though
holy shit how will beercucks ever recover
Rhythm games and fighting games. I don't know.
I have "friends" and a wife I coulda hung out with tonight but chose to be alone. The grass is not always greener my friend
At least you got the option though, I am getting so god damn bored of sitting here alone doing the same shit every night.
I actually tried to play Guitar Hero the other night but my controller is broken, just my luck
Id be your friend, user. We could drink and play stupid shit together all the time. Get high/drunk/hookah whatever u prefer and just enjoy each other's company, no homo
I usually drink vodka or whiskey but when I drink beer I go Red Stripe.
The answer to the threads is always: Play what you enjoy playing while sober.
I play Souls games though
I like to play fighting games when I drink. Many times when I lose, while sober, it's because I'm over thinking a situation. A couple drinks in, I don't really bother second guessing if I should REALLY mash out a super because I saw the other guy whiff a move.
Of course then "a couple drinks" turns into yelling at my progressively drunker self in the mirror, berating myself over every goddamn thing I've ever fucked up, and that's just not healthy.
That's really all I want to be honest, all my friends are complete douches when I really think about it. No one just wants to have a few drinks, smoke a doob, and play some halo or smash bros. Fuck I hate my friends.
>souls games
Same here, I can do it by myself all day every day, but what's the point? I want to share moments with friends. What state?
Michigan, place is a fuckin shit hole other than the Upper Peninsula
I usually play dark souls 3 when I'm drinking. Make a new character with a play style, load out, and spell set I never use. I'm actually better at dark souls Drunk. I mean I'm a god player while sober, but drunk I'm much more agressive towards Invaders and bosses. Usually this is when I pull off the super sick 1337 back to back Parry into riposte against not only the summon, but the host.
Drinking Johnny Walker Red label tonight. On the rocks. Going to play das3 windowed while I catch up on my various YouTube channels. I a?so have to redo my entire movie collection. Most of which is Blu-ray, so 30+ minutes per rip. Gonna be a long one.
Damn I'm in tx....
>Drinking blended scotch
End yourself kid. Single malt master race reporting.
Some dumb shit, like Far Cry, Quake, Doom.
Or a trashy rpg like Skyrim.
Stupid entitled nigger
Meh. I started drinking bourbon and various whiskey only recently as I noticed, beer just makes me feel bloated. Not to mention all the calories and carbs. Care to name some single malt I should try?
When I'm feeling cheaper (because JW whiskey is $45+ a bottle), I'll usually buy Him Bean Devil's cut. Good stuff for the $12 it costs.
I played the shit outta Far Cry 3 and 4, and also Doom. I honestly would not have enjoyed any of those games unless I was drunk while playing them, which I was.
I'm convinced you're replying to yourself because was an awful post
This is my first post in the thread by the way
It's posts like those that make me wonder if I am living a life like The Truman Show, who knows when it's a bot posting at this point? Or just regular people being generic as fuck
i don't like the taste of alcohol and i've tried a bunch of stuff when i hit 21
its not horribly disgusting but its not pleasant for me to drink. i like a lot of sweet stuff
your life?
Nope, you're just a BTFO little baby
VA-11 HALL-A is fantastic when played at 2 in the morning, lights off and booze in hand.
>with custom radio
literally the best part of any GTA game is the radio. you seem like a retard.
Party games with some friends
I never drank beer before. What a good one to try for my first time?
fuck off stoner
beer is bad for you, no drink
Yeah but I'm a loser NEET with no friends and nobody who love me.
I just don't care anymore. I even took up smoking last month.
disliking beerfags =/= being a stoner
stoners are worse than beerfags
americans detected
You can have any brew you want, as long as it's a corona.