I bet Sup Forums can't name 10 note-worthy 3DS games.
I bet Sup Forums can't name 10 note-worthy 3DS games
Yes we can
Just wait and see
I can't. Maybe like 4 or 5 but at least one of those would be a remake and I own a 3DS
Tempted just to see what bullshit excuse it used.
>Bravely Default (and Second)
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
>LoZ: A Link Between Worlds
>RE: Rev
>Labyrinth no Kanata (English patched)
>Virtue's Last Reward
>Zero Time Dilemma
There you go, OP. Have fun with your 3DS.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Pokémon Moon
Pokémon Sun
Pokémon X
Pokémon Y
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
Did I do it right?
The real question is if anyone can name 4 games that make the NEW 3ds worth it.
2/10 for awakening and conquest.
Yes user.
You did it.
>Xenoblade 3D
>Xenoblade 3D
>Xenoblade 3D
>Xenoblade 3D
>Xenoblade 3D
It's the only game you will ever need for any system.
It's not spam
>Not Exclusive
>Shit Game
>Shit Game
>Not Exclusive
>Shit Game
>Not Exclusive
>Not Exclusive
Literally me.
Me don't own every version but the only games I have for my 3DS are Pokemon and Fire Emblem.
I've had my 3DS since release day.
Thanks for the (you)s
>Liberation Maiden
>EO IV, 1Untold, 2Untold
>Dragon Quest Monsters 1 (w/ English patch)
>Dragon Quest VII & VIII
>Beyond the Labyrinth "shit game"
Well, duh, there's less than 10 Monster Hunters on 3DS.
>>Beyond the Labyrinth "shit game"
Its awful, it has shit story and the rock-paper-scissors mechanics are boring.
Sure, it looks pretty, but it looks pretty FOR A 3DS game.
Yes, I played it.
>story of season tot
>FE series
>code name steam
>animal crossing
>dragon ball fusions
>smt iv and apoc
>rune factory 4
>mario tennis, golf, and that new sports game
>resident evil: revelations
>mighty switch force
>box boy
come on nigga...
>Stella Glow
>Pokemon S/M
That's about it for exclusives.
Fire Emblem
Mario Kart
Smash Bros
Legend of Zelda
Kid Icarus
Animal Crossing
s i c k m e m e
Basically this plus Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Bravely Default and Phoenix Wright are my collection.
Etrian Odyssey Untold
Etrian Odyssey Untold 2
Etrian Odyssey IV
Etrian Odyssey V
Picross e1
Picross e2
Picross e3
Picross e4
Picross e5
Pocket Card Jockey
>Resident Evil Revilations is best played on 3DS.
>Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS optimizes and fixes criticisms of the wii version.
>SMT IV and Apocalypse
>Xendoblade chronicles is absolutely aw inspiring that they were able to compress the game enough to get it to run on the system.
>The Etrian Franchise + Persona Q
>The Pushmo Series
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Ocarina of Time, and Link between Worlds, (You should emulate Major's Mask)
>Ruin Factory 4
>Ace Attorney Franchise (namely the cross over with Layton Except for the ending)
>The devil survivor games, with DS2 RB possibly being the best made (mechanically) game on the 3ds.
>Fire emblem franchise
>Mighty Switch Force
>MH is garbage
>Zelda is garbage
>s h i t
For you fags who played Beyond the Labyrinth, can I go back for secrets I missed and that motherfucker god blob in the endgame? I'm tired of looking at every wall. Like, so e special elevator woukd be nice.
I can but all of them are better on other systems.
Mario Kart 7
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Animal Crossing: NL
SMT: Soul Hackers
One Piece: Grand Colosseum
DBZ: Extreme Butoden
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Smash 4
Mario 3D
>Pocket Card Jockey
This, how come people never talk about it?