How do I build a character that can steamroll higher difficulties with little effort
How do I build a character that can steamroll higher difficulties with little effort
You don't unless you follow a guide and if you do that then why bother playing at all.
Welcome to ARPGS.
Pet build
You can easily reskill your talents, unlike in PoE.
Warden. Make a warden.
use your head
curse of frailty with guardian's gaze devotion is hilarious if you wanna be surrounded by balls all of the time
and what? sword and board savagery? 2h primal strike auto? cadence is garbage
Primal strike and sweep.
S&B Cadence Commando or Witchblade.
Cadence is the best single dps autoattack skill in te game tbqh
Not him.
I use a 2h build with lightning damage retaliation.
Don't listen to retards and guides, most builds just take a bit of tweaking for mana efficiency or survivability that you can easily adjust in-game.