tfw no friends to play anything with
Tfw no friends to play anything with
What kind of snake is that? I didnt think snakes had little arms. Thought only lizards and dragons did.
its a peafowl
What's worse: To have never had any friends to play vidya with or live in the stage where all your friends are leaving this hobby and slowly growing apart?
The NEET's who complain about never having any friends or post about their repulsive or abhorrent behavior to others have my envy. At least they don't every once and awhile get to play with their friends and be reminded of better times. I just wallow by myself all day talking to people who don't enjoy this hobby or know nothing about it while everyone with any foresight left it or got different friends.
Thank you for reading this post it means a lot to me
i dont have repulsive behavior...
You dumb nig, that's a tapir, you can tell from the stripes.
its a pumbloom
You move on and try to find community in around something degenerate enough to create one.
ill be your friend
whats your steam?
You are welcome but now you owe me one