Sup Forums hates it

>Sup Forums hates it
>It legitimately looks kind of mediocre and boring
>Claims to be unique original and fun horror game
>Backed by Bethesda
>Sup Forums says it will fail abysmally

Jesus, Sup Forums is going to get BTFO again isn't it?

Other urls found in this thread: 5/

I don't think so. Doesn't seem to be much hype for it and none of the trailers have made it look very fun.

Arkane is a one hit wonder, their success with Dishonored 1 was a fluke. Dishonored 2 kind of flopped, no one really cared. And even less people care about this since it alienates fans of the first Prey and Doesn't really seem to know what it wants to be. Looks like Bioshock mixed with Alien Isolation mixed with Dishonored in a bad way.

you're an absolute fucking retard

Why not just call it Prey 2? Calling it Prey after there was another Prey not too long ago is fucking retarded

Because "2" would imply it's a sequel and it's not

>Looks like Bioshock mixed with Alien Isolation

What the fuck. I mean I know it's a Sup Forums thing to shit on things you didn't play, but damn.

its shit

Looks painfully bland, but I like the sound design.

>their success with Dishonored 1 was a fluke



Then why not Prey: Subtitle?

it doesn't even have a single common thing with isolation except its first person and in space

how is it bland? I have never seen a space game before with a huge hub based world and outside exterior to explore and alien powers to use

Why don't you just fucking accept it and stop being a faggot

>if you just pretend the other one doesn't exist it's a cool name
What kind of moron thinks of this shit?

Prey is a nice name, considering the undertones and the various mechanics.

The character you play as is one of those things with human memories. Calling it now.

Bethesda cancelled Prey 2 because they didn't like what Human Head was doing, so Prey became an unused IP, and they gave the IP to Arkane because they were working on a new game. How fucking hard is it to grasp? Do you have mental issues?

Welcome to the world of Intellectual Property

why didnt they just make a new IP then

whats the point then

>Sup Forums hates it
whats new
>It legitimately looks kind of mediocre and boring
>Claims to be unique original and fun horror game
or perhaps system shock 3
>Backed by Bethesda
Publisher, who also did doom
>Sup Forums says it will fail abysmally
If they put denuvo on it, and noone here can play it for themselves to find out if its worth the money, it will fail.

Because it's not Prey 2, it has literally nothing to do with the previous game to hold this title.

Sup Forums doesn't like any game pre-release.

I liked the demo, but I'm not really sure it's going to do well enough to completely blow us the fuck out.

Nothing like System Shock besides being FPS with a horror tilt.

Literally almost no similarities.

because you're a retard

Prey is an excellent title for a game. It's short and well understood, which makes it prime for marketing material.

Plus, they can get some attention for it through people thinking "Wait, they're making a sequel to Prey? Why?"

Then they find out it has nothing to do with the original game so they become more interested.

>I must have mental issues because I think it's stupid as shit to make a game with the same exact identical title as another game that isn't even 10 years old and not expect confusion


it is its own new game with dishonored-like artstyle. it has almost nothing to do with system shock/bioshock and I wish people would stop saying it does.

Bethesda "cancelled" Prey 2 because Human Head didn't agree to a buyout. They specifically mismanaged the project and the funding in order to try to coerce them into the buyout but Human Head dug in their heels and just suffered rather than give in. This is well documented but largely ignored.

Prey came out in 2006

>that isn't even 10 years old
ah yes you definitely have issues

Where the fuck did the time go? Holy shit.

>how is it bland?
From the initial impressions I got from watching some gameplay is looked boring. The constant jumpscares noiae when getting caught by those black things is annoying. I'll get around to actually playing the demo, but certainly won't intend on buying the game.

Seriously, no one gives a fuck. Go cry about it in the YouTube comments or Steam forums like you Human Head shills always do. If you think this is some huge scandal that's affecting your life you need to go outside.

>play demo
>it's just system shock

I wish enemies were more varied and for whatever reason my weapons were REALLY quiet. I like sci fi, so the setting is cool. outside that gameplay is really eh.

I bet my club penguin membership its going to be bullshit out of a Buffalo's ass

And I also agree with in that it's doesn't seem like it'll be anything ground breakingly special, just plain average.

What's up with this Prey defense force itt? Is it just one autist who can't take any criticism to his game?

>Sup Forums keeps spreading misinformation and misconceptions about this game and asking about the prey name even though it's been expained 3234234 times
>"reeeeee how dare you say anything! shill shill shill!"

I'm sorry I offended you, Pajeet, but Bethesda isn't going to increase your pay just because you act butthurt. I'd recommend sticking to the provided phrase sheet and lay off the free-styling, it doesn't help Bethesda's image any.

How much does Human Head pay you? I can't imagine being so butthurt over a pipedream of a game 5 years after, surely they must pay you

Wait a minute those numbers...

i noticed this too, its really weird the passion these one or two guys have for this demo of a game. somethin smells a little fishy. im usually reserved in regards to yelling shill but there is some disturbing amount of defense force for a demo of a game thats just okay

Demo was fantastic.

Arkane is great.

Went from being completely off my radar to being extremely hyped about it. It's the first game to really give me the vibes the Deus Ex and System Shock gave me, something all the Bioshock and Nu-Deus Ex games failed at.

Sup Forums is retarded and there's literally no reason for this game to be so reviled here, considering how everyone loves Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, and Dishonored.

>there's literally no reason for this game to be so reviled here, considering how everyone loves Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, and Dishonored.
it's only because "MUH PREY 2 :(((((((" even though that game looked like a piece of shit

There's four enemies in the demo, plus it's only the very beginning of the game.

Does Human Head even still make games? I don't give a fuck, never played Prey, never will, but when I see someone spread lies I like to correct them. Bethesda is a scummy company run by crooks and I'll remind people about it whenever it's relevant. Now that they've got their PR guy spinning the same tired, blatantly false story, I think it's prudent that people be reminded of what actually happened, and not just leave them with what some literal corporate shill has to say about it.

Everyone hates it, it's looks lame.

>Then they find out it has nothing to do with the original game so they become more interested.
Wishful thinking only a shill could come up with

What an in depth comment!

Yep. We've wasted our lives and can only hope to die painlessly in a sudden accident.

Holy shit.

He seems to have a raging hateboner for P5 too. 5/

What does Bethesda have to gain by trashing the original Prey? It seems most people still think this is a sequel or soft reboot, so dumping on Prey 1 would only sour people on nuPrey

It's all the game deserves, you should be thankful for the bump

Fuck you, Peter

I know.

>Sup Forums always spergs out about "cinematic trailers" and E3 gameplay demos, and the people who get excited because of them
>But for some reason Prey 2 gets elevated to kamige status and is treated like a masterpiece crushed before it could be released

Look at human head.

>Tiny library
>Majority of their games are ports or complete shit

But hey, they would've NAILED a massive open world Action-RPG right? And it wouldn't have been filled with all the same bullshit and problems that games like Far Cry and Watchdogs have, right?

A competent game from Arkane is vastly preferable.

I'm going to get called a shill, but I know I'm right and Sup Forums is retarded.

Shut it down.

I think he's just some kid who is unironically hyped for this game. I've been there before, but I'm not anywhere near as bitter or cynical as this guy, so my hype expressed itself in non-intrusive, non-hostile ways.

Dishonored 2 wasn't made by the same team, prey was made with dishonored 1 team

Kill yourself already Harvey

what the fuck

is that you same fagging

how did you recognize that? i think you're him. there's no way this isnt some character you've created who is autistic enough to use the exact same long number when overexagerating about something

>shilling isn't real they said
Shitty fucking marketer, hope you get fired

wew fucking lad

how autistic must one be

Too bad, I like in-depth reasons as to why something is shit and why it is trash.

>anyone I disagree with is a shill

It's Witcher 3 all over again.

The best part is that Bethesda, on the regular, shits out games far below reasonable quality standards. Prey 2 would have to barely function in order for me to believe they felt it insufficient compared to poorly made games like Oblivion and Fallout 3.

>Sup Forums hates it

Sup Forums went to shit with ToRtanic. Now every fucking game has to be ToRtanic and everyone bandwagons with hatred. Fucking simpletons.

Even games that end up getting liked get shit-posted about to oblivion, like Nier with the shitty combat, Zelda with the shitty graphics, and Persona 5 with the NTR.

It's impossible to discuss vidya here anymore.

I hate archive niggers.
We don't need a Sup Forums police to spot samefags, and why would it matter? Of course someone interested in a game is going to show up in multiple threads of said game, and his opinions aren't going to change.

Not fucking vidya.

so he's a marketer that shills for prey but talks shit about persona 5? i guess he could be paid by arkane AND some company competing with atlus

damn how do i get that gig, i want money for shitposting all day

dude why do you use the exact same long number to exaggerate, thats really weird and autsitic

>alienates fans of the first Prey
Oh no, all 3 of them?!

yes, Sup Forums is a single hivemind entity like that bitch from System Shock or something.

go outside.

Arx Fatalis? Dark Messiah? Are you twelve?

Literally no one liked Prey, even at the time. It was like a 6.5 at best. The only reason it got recognition was because it looked pretty nice and was one of the first big games on the 360.

The portal/gravity shit was cool.

It's an Immersive Sim, like System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, Dishonored. There are similarities in almost all aspects.

The problem is, people here don't seem to know what that genre is. Or find the name pretentious and useless and don't want to call it that.

All those people that just see a horror corridor shooter and understandably shit on it because they think it will be a 10 hours linear game are proof of that.

If you look at gameplay of cancelled Prey 2 and new shitty SS rip-off and you choose the second thing - there's something wrong with you

>Sup Forums always spergs out about "cinematic trailers" and E3 gameplay demos, and the people who get excited because of them
>But for some reason Prey 2 gets elevated to kamige status and is treated like a masterpiece crushed before it could be released

You do realize that there was gameplay footage of Prey 2, right?

Honestly I thought the demo was pretty fun, though the music is too fucking loud. I basically turned it off so I could hear the admittedly good atmosphere and I think it really improved the game. Now if we can turn off the stealth markers above mimics in the release i'm sold.

I have no doubt Arkane Prey is going to be a good game, it's just that I'm much more interested in the concept of Prey 2. Even if Prey 2 would've released as a 7/10 game and Arkane Prey is going to be a smash hit. A sci-fi western where you play as a bounty hunter in the original open-world of Prey 1 sounds like a more enjoyable concept in my opinion.

That too, admittedly. But even that was a gimmick more than anything else. The game was pretty crap compared to its contemporaries like FEAR and HL2.

>Why not just call it Prey 2? Calling it Prey after there was another Prey not too long ago is fucking retarded

Because there was a Prey 2 coming out, and it looked really cool. Then it got cancelled. Now we're stuck with this. It has nothing to do with Prey but it's got the name anyways.

I guess naming it Prey 2 would have been too big of a dick slap across the face.

Fair enough.
It's not as bad as Horizon-kun, and I almost, ALMOST feel sorry for Sup Forums shitting on his favorite game, but no on is saying anything outlandishly horrible about Prey to get uppity about it.

>how did you recognize that?
>there's no way this isnt some character you've created who is autistic enough to use the exact same long number when overexagerating about something
My autims exceeds normal levels from being on Sup Forums everyday, user and I have a good memory.

What the fuck does it simulate, you mong? It's a FPS because the camera is first person and you will typically find yourself firing a weapon out of your face.

>Shooting gameplay is the only thing that makes a game good
There's a lot more to a game than just the moment to moment shooting. Prey has deeper RPG progression and fantastic level design, and most likely, a better story than Prey 2 would've had.

Yes, A deep survival horror RPG that's like a spiritual successor to System Shock is preferable to a gimmicky Open-world FPS with parkour.

>horror game

Nobody is going to buy it, nobody is going to play it. What the fuck is this game, why is it called Prey, and more importantly, why should anyone give a fuck? They'll look at it, move on, and grab the latest Sniper Ghost Warrior game and Dawn of War 3.

The sad fact is, they are betting on name recognition, and the first game is so fucking old, nobody will know what this game is, and the people who DO know what Prey is won't be buying this because it literally has nothing to do with Prey.

Or ykno if they do, well, they're fucking retarded

>If you look at gameplay of cancelled Prey 2
do you know why it was canceled? because gameplay was fake, game was in development hell

at least now we got arkane take on system shock

I'm curious as well, I've heard this 'immersive sim' meme before, but it was in relation to arma and some new stalker game sequel.

>Dishonored 2 kind of flopped
That's wrong though. It was plagued by technical issues, but if you have a rig that can run it smoothly it's 10/10.
Prey is gonna bomb for the simple reason that it's a failed project that went from studio to studio for like 10 years and got cancelled 18 gorillion times, so now they had to half ass something to release it before 2034.

>E3 gameplay demos
Can you read?

We only saw a heavily scripted and choreographed demo from E3. They doctor that shit and make it different from anything possible in the final game to impress simpletons like you, and apparently it works.

But I bet you were in those Call of Duty WW2 threads laughing at the "ACTUAL IN-GAME FOOTAGE" in the reveal trailer, right?

>I'm much more interested in the concept of Prey 2
Right the concept, not the game. Human Head would've undoubtedly fucked it up.

>Shooting gameplay is the only thing that makes a game good
I've never said that, you have autism my man
Also >spiritual successor to System Shock
It's fucking bioshock for babies again, with SS setting, you're so fucking wrong

so i thought this was going to be a sequel to prey and wanted to check out the first one since i remembered looking at it on steam like 9 years ago pondering if i wanted to buy it or not

I'm amazed i never hear anybody talking about the first game, it has so many -technology- moments in it that it's pretty incredible honestly, for a game released in 2006.

>Prey has deeper RPG progression and fantastic level design
And you're getting all this from a demo?

Americans don't make good video games anymore. The culture can't create them.

it got lost in the shuffle, there were a lot of really great games to play at the time.

>at least now we got arkane take on system shock
And it's already looks fucking bad and lazy with mechanics of Dishonored and literally no design for enemies

No one talks about since finding a copy isn't as easy anymore. Bethesda might've tried to make sure no one remembers Human Head Studios or the first Prey.


yeah i noticed that, had to find a mega link to download it

it really is like they're trying to bury the games existence

Would you per far Far Cry to New Vegas? It's basically the same thing. Dumb open-world shooter versus well designed FPS-RPG.

>It's fucking bioshock for babies again, with SS setting, you're so fucking wrong
But it's obviously not? From the demo alone it was clear that the Level Design and RPG mechanics were miles ahead of anything Bioshock gave us. Things like the GLOO Gun, the NERF crossbow, and the tons of hidden shit made it way more enjoyable to me than either Bioshock or Nu Deus Ex.