I liked Infinite Warfare.
I liked Infinite Warfare
As someone who's only played a couple CoD games and never touched the multiplayer, explain to me why Infinite Warfare got such a negative reaction.
cod = bad
I thought it was ok but it just felt weak playing it right after Titanfall 2. That was a better game in every way aside from multiplayer because I don't waste my time with that
The singeplayer of CoD games is generally top notch unless Treyarch is developing, in which case you are better off drinking codeine and Sprite because it will put you to sleep and leave you feeling retarded for hours afterwards.
If you like the MP tho I feel bad for you son.
You avoided the absolute worst aspect of the games.
Viewed only as singeplayer games, CoD is pure shooter kino.
First fuck you
Second I think why everyone hate IW was because a lot of the veteran cod players really wanted to go back to the roots of cod. As well as wanting to have a boots on ground type game
I keep seeing this, what does it mean?
I really like the original Salt character design. But it did not make it in the game. Trying to think of something else positive to say, I really can't think of any outside of the general sci-fi goodness it provides.
It`s Sup Forums culture.
>never touched the multiplayer
Well there you go.
The only enjoyable part of it was its Singleplayer. It was trying so hard to not be Call of Duty, but the tropes set in. It could have made for an amazing game if it had more side quests and content, along with less linearity.
>all those marketing buzzwords
I hope this post is satire.
It's cinema in german
No that would be Lichspielhaus.
multiplayer is dead, i wanted to try out the zombies but there is literally noone
>playing a console fps on pc
What exactly were you expecting user?
Underage retards discovered a new word. It literally means "a movie", nothing else.
Nö, Kino ist schon das korrekte Wort für. Klar, wenn du ganz nach dem Duden gehst hieß es Lichtspielhaus, aber wir nennen es Kino.
If Advanced Warfare had wall running, it would've been the best COD.
I liked the campaign
mp and zombies are shit and samey as always.
Lotta missed potential for the campaign though