So, ya'll gonna buy any of this shit While waiting for Arms?

So, ya'll gonna buy any of this shit While waiting for Arms?

Other urls found in this thread:ünschte-Gäste-und-neues-Releasefenster-69397.html

>waiting for Arms

already preordered D5 complete for the limited edition

USF2 and Cars 3.

The only game that interests me on that list is Minecraft, and that's only god on PC anyway.

Ofcourse! I'm a true Nintendo fan after all!

Sf2 is the only interesting game on the list but fuck paying 40 bucks for that, wtf is wrong with jewtendo

NBA Playground looks cool reminds me of the good old arcade game NBA JAM

D5 maybe.

Nintenendo is going to abandon this thing, mines collecting dust until odyssey comes out, if it comes out