Which games lets me simulate the drudgery of a lifetime of wageslavery that inevitably awaits you after uni?
Which games lets me simulate the drudgery of a lifetime of wageslavery that inevitably awaits you after uni?
why would you want that?
Not if I drop out of uni and be a useless fuck for the rest of my life
>He thinks he's actually going to get a job just like that
Unless you're actually studying a field in demand, have good contacts, or are already doing internships while studying, you'll get to be NEET again, worry not.
At the start you're not equipped to do any activities of note or earn anything of value, so you claw your way little by little to being well off enough to grind like you're supposed to. Then you settle into the routine, grind every day to make tiny bits of progress towards your goals until just thinking about the routine makes you sick and you want to kill yourself.
Well I already have a job. I just worded the OP like that so the uni students can join in.
Tomorrow is Monday and I want to die
I did this and spent 2 years NEET.
It is amazing, no responsibilities, laid back, free time. But your life is useless, no body depends on you, you have no purpose.
Which is a small price to pay.
I've applied for uni again though.
i wish i could live a neet life again
i hate going to work and getting up early