this is Rottytops
say something nice to her
This is Rottytops
she smells funky
She and her GF are a cute couple
I don't kiss dead tats.
Man, I haven't seen a Shantae thread in awhile. Was the new game really that disappointing, or do I just keep missing them?
>not using transparent version
Post a GIF
SO how far along are those other modes, dev-kun?
She's a deceiving slut who deserves to be decapitated and thoroughly skull-fucked. Is that nice enough?
Part of me says yes
>Matt says that there would be news on the Risky DLC soon
>one week later, nothing
i should be used to this by now
I NEED more princess Risky
Rottytops is best girl.
Genuine question, why isn't this a porn game?
It's obviously lewd as fuck and most of the sales come from pandering to ecchi fags.
Why not just push it over? They could have made a killing as one of the first AAA western h-game devs.
nice image dump faggots
>It's obviously lewd as fuck
It isn't.
Also, going full H-game screws over most to all future licensing deals.
>It isn't.
No, it really fucking is.
>Also, going full H-game screws over most to all future licensing deals.
Who cares if you're raking in triple the income from sprite titties?
Add botw
Was Rottytops even in the new game?
Steam doesn't like nudity, neither do consoles
Three times nothing is still nothing, user
That's a big assumption. If anything, sales would remain the same, but now they've excommunicated themselves from licensors because user needs his tiddy.
>tfw no Risky feet to rub ;-;
>triple the income
People still don't seem to understand what the market is like. They see those screencaps of the ridiculous money furries and other degenerates drop on commissions, and think outright porn will ever be more profitable than mainstream SFW at these production levels. If they're thinking more clearly, they'll probably tie in old memes about "the internet being mostly porn" and "porn driving the adoption of cutting edge media types and players."
But the simple truth is the market for not porn is many times the size of porn. There are more people willing to buy it, more people able to buy it, and advertisements for it can be placed in many more places. There's a reason more artists go from drawing porn as a hobby or independently to working in the mainstream on SFW stuff and not the other way around.
>But the simple truth is the market for not porn is many times the size of porn. There are more people willing to buy it, more people able to buy it, and advertisements for it can be placed in many more places. There's a reason more artists go from drawing porn as a hobby or independently to working in the mainstream on SFW stuff and not the other way around.
You don't need to post a vulva on a billboard to advertise a porn game, you know.
>Rimming Rottytops
>Mouth is full of worms
Every time
Not just billboards user. Being able to play it out in the open at a games show. Getting any kind of press at all outside dedicated porn review sites or blogs. Showing it to some random jagoff wherever. The vast, vast majority of places people see ads or any sort of introduction to a product would not host a porn ad or allow porn to be shown. You see it in places that are already about porn or porn adjacent. Sup Forums, sukebei, other porn sites. It's all incredibly insular and not terribly large comparatively.
It's why being lewd but not explicit works. You can still show it off in places besides already NSFW while still attracting the horny consumers.
>Was the new game really that disappointing
What mouth-breathing imbecile is telling you that? It's kickstarter didn't even break a million unlike MN9 and it's a much better game than that. Plus it has Risky, Rotty, Bolo, and Sky DLC coming out.
I wouldn't say it's disappointing. I still find it to be enjoyable and some changes on the formula (like there's no dungeon and that every stage has different sections) ain't that bad. It's still decent.
What I will say is that the game felt too short and I can tell that the devs ran out of time. There are certain parts of the game where I wish they expand it more but because of something, it was cut short. Also, I hope you're a fan of going back to places frequently because if I compare it to other Shantae games, I'd say this does that more than the others.
Speaking of the DLCs, is it free or do we have to pay for it? Each characters has their own stages right?
>It's obviously lewd as fuck and most of the sales come from pandering to ecchi fags.
I don't know if this misconception comes from shitposting or people on here being genuinely retarded, but either way it's wrong. Who the fuck would buy a video game for tits when they could just google image search or watch a walkthrough of it for free? It's asine as fuck. Shantae became popular because her design drew people in, and the good reputation of her games enticed them to try the games out.
I've really been enjoying Half-Genie Hero, but I do get that feeling where some of the stages feel cut short a bit, like the devs ran out of time. Also going back to stages is always something I've hated in games. I already beat the stage, why I gotta do it again?
You're making it sound like porn games are a dead end when it comes to marketing.
Some of the best h-games on DLSite alone have better sales figures than Shantae, and these are visual novels and rpgmaker titles made by shitty indie artists as a side project.
This is a grossly naive post.
Risky has "custom level content" and the store listing says that the DLC would eventually add new bosses and levels into the mix.
If I had to guess, Risky will probably have heavily remixed stages for the main game ala Specter of Torment but a completely different opening/final area. Who knows about the other 3, though.
>This is a grossly naive post.
Not an argument
Neither is
Except it literally is and you've done nothing to counter it. See, now you're making it too obvious that you're just shitposting. Gotta up your game user.
The fact that porn games not only exist but are a profitable medium show that people are willing to pay for and play a game instead of googling tits.
Here's your (you), you successfully baited me, and I'll reply to your reply too.
>Some of the best h-games on DLSite alone have better sales figures than Shantae
That's mostly the Jap audience, Westerners don't like to spend money for porn.
>The fact that porn games not only exist but are a profitable medium show that people are willing to pay for and play a game instead of googling tits.
The fuck does this have to do with anything? You said that most of the games sales comes from sex appeal. And I debunked that because it's absolutely ridiculous to assume people would buy a game for tha reason when google images exist.
>The fuck does this have to do with anything?
>Who the fuck would buy a video game for tits when they could just google image search or watch a walkthrough of it for free?
>The fuck does this have to do with anything?
>And I debunked that because it's absolutely ridiculous to assume people would buy a game for tha reason when google images exist.
Are you sure you're reading this correctly?
Me personally I wouldn't like the game as much if it went full porn, I prefer lewdness without going overboard. And besides the only porn games that exist are non-game VNs or shitty Ryona types.
Shantey shouldn't even be lewd in the first place, the original GBC game didn't require lewd to sell and the fact the new ones do is demeaning to women.
she smell like fucking shit
Good giiiiirl, baby.
I agree with that picture but gee whiz what type of anally wounded fruit made that shit
cute zombie
Human or Zombie Rotty?
Pick one
dlc when?
you know the deal
there is a criminal lack of porn for this fine lady
>Squidsmith isn't in HGH
>but the Chef from RR is
DLC better rectify this.
at least she was only the worst part of one game.
They're both great!
that one porn comic of her and Shantae is the best thing to come out of shantae besides pirate's curse