I want to play a n64 game, can't think of one at the moment

I want to play a n64 game, can't think of one at the moment.
Give me some n64 games.

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Sonic 3

You got me to Google "Sonic 3 N64".

What kind of meme is this?


Personally I'll always recommend Paper Mario 64, that game will always rock my dick.

Star Wars Episode 1: Pod Racer

>1080 snowboarding

Stopped reading here. You could cut out well over 3/4 of those games as worthless shit.

>Stopped reading here.
>You could cut out well over 3/4 of those games as worthless shit.
If you stopped reading at the first game how do you know if the rest are worthless?

Replaying through DKR atm
Still fun

You'll find this to be a difficult request on here OP. This board has many PSX faggots who insist that their shitty grey box with nothing but JRPGs and 2D fighters is the epitome of gaming variety and that the N64 is total shit, all because mommy never bought them Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye like all the cool kids had.


Blast Corps
Jet Force Gemini
Doom 64
Killer Instinct Gold
StarFox 64
Perfect Dark
Rayman 2

Off the top of my head.

play conker so you can say that you played conker

Clayfighter 63 1/3

For you.

Please don't start a console war thread, Anons.

I wonder if anyone has tried injecting Rayman 2 on the Wii U. For some reason it's completely missing on the sites that handle these things

It's all in good fun. No-one takes the older console wars seriously anymore.

jet force gemini

Stop, they were both great consoles

t. PS1 baby that has been emulating N64 a lot these last years

One of my favorites as a child. I dont know anybody thats played it.

Yeah the motto was always quality over quantity

>chart says that the wii and xbox 360 had more games than ps3

The Wii was easily the best console that gen. It had the most games worth playing, just like the PS1 had more games worth playing than the N64.

dude the Wii had like 12 good games.
it wasn't a good console at all, ignoring the fact that the graphics weren't on par with PS360 and the controllers were bad.

Ok, how many games did the PS3 have that were worth playing? Demons Souls? That's about it.

also around 12




Stopped reading here. It's not even a videogame.



>Actually bragging the ps1 had twice as much shovelware than the fucking wii



>Buck Bumble
I didn't think that was particularly good

I didn't make the list, if I did then I wouldn't have added it. I got that game as a joke for like a couple dollars last year, at least the main theme is entertaining.

both of these have shit games on them and are missing some games
recommending chop till you drop should be against the law
and this list i just fucking hate because "noteworthy" is such a shitty term and doesn't say anything about the quality

Is there one of these for wii u?

There have been a few but a lot of them are small or lacking. This is probably the best one you're going to get but it's also shitty & incomplete.

I was kinda shocked recently when I went back to emulate N64.

There's like 20 amazing games. You could maybe push the boundaries a bit and make it to about 40ish great-good titles. But that's seriously about it.