Hey guys

Hey guys,

What are those clips on the left for?

All of my Xbox One and PS4 games have the same clips but nothing else on that side.

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For you to keep the save slot I think

Did you 3d print that save icon?

Where can I get one?

What's with games not having manual booklets anymore? I fucking loved my Pokémon Emerald manual.

Error in the machine that made the cases, it's cheaper to keep them that way than changing the template

The clips are for securing instruction manuals and extra content. It's a standard design that's been used in CD/DVD cases for decades, not just in video gaming, but also for home video and software.

Not sure if retarded or baiting or trolling, but those are 3.5" floppy disks. Google it.

I was pretty surprised to see mgsv came with a booklet and map

I get that your trying to make a joke about instruction manuals.

But those clips ARE used for the shitty one page control scheme "manuals" that come on PS4 games, as well as the plethora of downlosd codes and advertising media that comes with modern games.

This user is on some heavy shit, talking nonsense

It's where you store your receipt for the game and the list of cheat codes you printed off at the library.

>securing instruction
what? games don't have instruction

>not putting your cheat codes in your strat guide

disk can't be floppy retard.

This is just another example of how cheap and half assed this industry has become. Remember how excited you were to get a new game? Remember opening the packaging on the way home and reading the detailed manual? Remember when it was an actually think booklet with tons of game lore and information, not just a mini lawyer pamphlet? What the fuck happened to this industry.

>those are 3.5" floppy disks
they arent floppy so why do think theyre called floppy disks?
theyre save icons you twit

It's cheaper to print a disc than to print a multi languaged booklet.

I think I found the problem. Crash when?

capitalism happened

Im sure you're reading the manual while driving home.

>Floppy dicks
Wow, very mature user.
Fuck out of here, kid.

My MGSV didn't have a booklet, just the map. Which version did you get?

Used day 1 edition. Guess that might be why

It doesnt have a booklet. Just the map and the dlc card and warnings card.

>asking people to google "floppy" disks
>even gives a measurement

Are you literally 14 years old?

>F-19 manual from 1988 has almost 200 pages
>Full of tips on how to play the game
>Nearly 50 pages of explaining plane physics

>gives a measurment
Thats what they were called. 3.5 floppys

Honestly it was really disappointing when I bought my first Vita game and there wasn't any manual.
Was it really necessary to shave off those extra pennies?

>3.5 floppys
st-stop ttalking about dicks user
thats indecent!!

The digital manual accessible at any time is fantastic though

back in the good old days all games came with a tiny hispanic man in the box who would offer you advice.

It's not the same. Part of the reason I'm buying physical is to get stuff like this.

This is something I wanted to mention as well, a lot of people don't realise that digital manuals are even a thing most of the time. That's just on Steam though, I don't know about consoles.

Vita and 3ds have digital manuals. I don't know about consoles

>digital manuals are even a thing
they are?

fucking tf2's manual is an operating manual for the sentrygun


To keep the game map, the voucher codes for DLC, the stickers, the ads for incoming promotional merchandise, the CD with some tracks from the game, and the thank you letter from the developers.

They're almost mandatory nowadays due to these long ass install times