2017 'Horror' games so far:
>RE7 - so far GOTY
>Outlast 2 - dogshit
>Little nightmares - 3h of boring gameplay. Why is it here again?
>Routine - ???
>Allison Road - ????????
2017 'Horror' games so far:
>all of those - dogshit
I liked Little Nightmares
Conarium is coming out this summer too.
It's a Lovecraftian game with a Mad Scientist taking place after At the Mountain of Madness
RE7 was 3 hours of boring gameplay. Kill yourself m'laddie
>3 hours
Next time add 2 more so someone could actually believe you played it skid.
Like... it's your opinion.
>Allison Road
i completely forgot about this game, it was cancelled or something?
Hm, I'll look into this one.
I've just learned that it had a March 2017 release date not long ago.
wHAt about this:
From their blog:
>Its March, and as our Release Date Trailer revealed a while back, it is release month!
When we last made an Update in October, we talked about how we could rush a release date of December 2016, but wanted to have a few extra months to really make sure that the game was polished and felt like something we could be proud of releasing, so we came up with a March Release Window.
>Routine has always had two ways to progress through the game, each with their own unique endings, but we never quite knew how they would feel until the game content & experience was really polished up and playable as one solid, consistent, experience.
>We don’t expect the delay to add more than a month or two and when we next update, we promise to finally give you a clear release date with a game that we are proud of.
It's never coming out lol.
Not him but it is pretty piss easy to beat.
A game called Agony came out which was pretty much identical to this. It's so weird when that happens.
>Achievement/trophy for beating it under 4 hours
>My last run was 3 hours 7 minutes.
Holy fuck play the game before you talk you fucking mouth breathing mongoloid.
>RE7 is GOTY
>and Outlast 2 is shit
>when RE7 is the exact same thing but with really shitty combat tacked on
Not him, but I can beat SH2 under 2 hours and Myst under 1 minute. Doesn't mean they are 2 hours and 1 minute long.
at least by the time it comes out i'll have forgotten Ayysolation completely so there's a chance i'll enjoy it
>3 hours
>he played with HUD on / using a guide
Your opinion is irrelevant.
Also OP there's Agony in June. It looks like a walking sim so far but maybe it won't be.
When you can 100% the game skip no content and get all collectables in that time frame it's only that long.
>The game has 3 hours of content but its got 7 hours of gameplay because I'm slow as shit.
>We've reached a point in which Resident Evil is a serious contender for the best horror game of the year.
This is both extremely sad (As 7 was pure garbage) but also not surprising, because there were no other horror games. I'm so conflicted.
can I hijack the thread and ask for good horor games that came out this decade? I havent even played amnesia and I'm aware there's a trend of a lot of horror games in unity lately, are they all garbage?
Soma isn't really scary but it's a great game for that vibe. Play it late in the dark. Amensia was pretty good made by same people
>>Outlast 2 - dogshit
Genuinely scary and immersive game?
The average playthrough time of RE7 is 9 hours. That's what really matters.
Outlast 2 is neither of these things
>RE7 - so far GOTY
I am assuming you have not played it, its not without its faults but stick your head phones on at night, play it in the dark, spooky shit, tense
>I'm aware there's a trend of a lot of horror games in unity lately, are they all garbage?
Mostly, devs make those shitty games so that youtubers and streamers play them for publicity so that they sell a lot, I'd say Layers of Fear is kinda good but that's arguable
I have played it, I agree it was super scary at first but then I realized that the game is basically a run away simulator.
what is main-extras? Exploring and grabbing random shit? Because that's more or less the time I took, and I think I grabbed all weapons available except for the magnum because I was 2 coins short
>(((indie))) garbage
That transition when he grabs the figure made me snort.
>9 hours
Holy fuck that's horrible.
not for a horror game
That's reasonable. If it really took you 3 hours on your first playthrough, you absolutely
1. Did not care about the setting and bulldoze'd through everything without ever stopping to absorb the game's setting, skipping notes as well as a result.
2. Played with full HUD on, which pinpoints which in-world objects are interactive for you and which accelerates a large portion of the game especially the main house, old house, and ship.
3. Possibly used a guide at least once.
it's a 10h game, stop memeing
Why are you guys even playing singleplayer games? Oh right.. you're on Sup Forums, nevermind. Enjoy life
There was Resident Evil series fan doing almost 30h RE7 indepth twitch stream. Dude found so much little things referring to other games.
>it's another user doesn't know the difference between horror and terror episode
who? so I can watch the vods
I liked layers of fear
Holding hope for this
Even if it's not 'true' horror at least I'll get a RE4/5/6 or Dead Space type of game
inb4 Kickstarter
Really looking forward to Routine.
It's had so many push backs on release though.