Castlevania thread
Also anyone play this? Just came out and looks pretty dope. Looks better than Bloodstained as well as mixes both classic and metroidvanias.
Castlevania thread
Also anyone play this? Just came out and looks pretty dope. Looks better than Bloodstained as well as mixes both classic and metroidvanias.
How the fuck did they not get C&D? And is this as amazing as it looks?
It is, play Lecarde Chronicles 1 first.
No C&D because they kept low profile until release.
I don't think Konami cares at this point.
Thanks lad, I don't know how I missed this. Pretty neat to hear Robert Belgrade as Alucard again
The most hilarious thing is how this looks much better than Shitstained and isn't a knockoff either seeing as they got the original Dracula and Alucard voice actors.
I can't believe this exists, holy fucking shit.
How come nobody has been talking about this? It actually looks pretty decent
I dunno, the developer probably doesn't know how to advertise it really well? Or the gaming press probably hasn't stumbled upon it.
Either way, had no idea there was a first to begin with.
Play the first one before going into this one, just saying.
No, make me.
Your loss
lecarde chronicles 2 is pretty good but the second area suffers from needing to grind. the difficulty is high and it doesn't recognize my controller's dpad so it's harder. some areas feel like they were designed to be gone through in one direction but not the other direction, so backtracking becomes more challenging. also there is a very long load time out of menus and the map. but overall a pretty decent game especially for free.
any videos?
>got the original Dracula and Alucard voice actors.
Wait what
>>TFW Finding about 3 new Castlevania fangames on the same day
>the original Dracula and Alucard
Wait, Jap or English ones?
They've got Dracula's VA from the DS games and Alucard's original PS1 VA from SotN. Princess Peach's VA and some others are here as well.
Explain what the other 2 are
>enter Castlevania thread to do some LC2 shilling
>people already doing it for me
Fuck yeah!
I'm going to have to check these two games out at some point, sound pretty dam good, and that's really sweet if they have the VAs
This looks like 10 thousand times better than Shitstained and is exactly the kind of Castlevania game I've been wanting forever (classic x metroid).
Will have to play these soon.
I've known about this game for months, but was afraid to post about it on Sup Forums, worried that Konami might find out and C&D it.
I'm playing it now and it's glorious.
>23 posts
>12 IPs
Less than 2 posts per person? In a discussion? Wow. By the way, this is my second.
>Dracula's VA from the DS games
Meh. Best Dracula was the Jap Drac from Rondo.
The other ones are the beat'em up Castlevania and the Minecraft new map. Can't find the full version for the openbor castlevania game yet.
There's also Castlevania NKN.
You're kinda retarded for thinking they'd be able to get Jap VAs in the first place.
No thanks.
Is LC2 actually good? It doesn't seem like anyone in the thread has actually played it, except for one person who said it was grindy.
>Also anyone play this? Just came out and looks pretty dope. Looks better than Bloodstained as well as mixes both classic and metroidvanias.
Just came out? I played that shit back in 91'
the trailer in the first post you dumb dumb
It's literally a Classicvania with ability to revisit levels ala Shovel Knight.
Wow, thank you. This completely flew under my radar, gonna check it out for sure.
>classic x metroid
Play Odallus
This did the concept better than Odallus, fyi.
>Think LC2 looks pretty good
>Also think that Bloodstained looks pretty good
But nah, obviously its impossible, Shistained amirite lol
I already played Castlevania Bloodlines.
This is a completely different game you memeing retard
I'm already playing Castlevania Bloodlines.
Oh I see, you have brain damage, carry on.
I'm already finishing Castlevania Bloodlines.
Wow Bloodstained looks way better than this crock of shit, hope Konami C&D's it.
This desu. I think they're both looking good and I expect that they're both as fun if not more fun than the previous games.
Nah you can fuck off. I like Bloodstained but I also like this fan game. Shitpost somewhere else.
How can I play this?
By downloading and playing it, I know, so hard right?
Lecarde Chronicles 1:
Lecarde Chronicles 2:
seems to good to be true
also way too much samefagging in this thread, why would somebody be shilling a free, fanmade game?
There's that word again.
Why are people so triggered by free fangames made with no budget?
Lecarde Chronicles 2 literally plays and feels better than a lot of AAA hot garbage.
They're not, they're just shitposters. Ignore them. Also ignore the "shitstained" meme. These people are shitheads.
What sick man posts fake messages about things they don't actually agree with but just want to get a rise out of people?
>TFW we do it because we are merely lost souls who want another good Castlevania game.
>TFW we are less and less everyday.
Norton automatically removed these files when I unzipped them, any idea why?
I appreciate you.
This is looking pretty good.
Reminds me of this ebin video.
Norton is shit. Even the man whose namesake came from even agrees. It's probably a falseflag like with many early Gamemaker type games
Not a fan of the air combos honestly.