>6.3gig download queued
>6.3gig download queued
Who else is available?
How much do u get for winning clan battles otherwise JUST
thats just it
What's happening.
PvP update for Nioh.
Also skins of women.
wat, why? how?
Whoever has the best gear and lands the first hit wins. Pvp in nioh would be fucking awful unless they did it barebones gear in the dojo or something. Even then it would be full of cheese tactics.
>90 THOUSAND glory
Good thing I only wanted Tome
Oh, cool. I'll get a ps4 in a few weeks. I guess I'll get this game, then.
Preset gear, weapons, spirits and skills. But which one is the most broken?
Multiple balancing changes exclusive to PvP apparently
here we fucking go
Get your shit together Sup Forums
oh shit
what about the DLC? Is it going to unlock at midnight
Why does the op file name say Nioh 2? Or is he just being a fag?
>Nier and Nioh DLC updates downloading at the same time
haven't been this erect in a very long time
the DLC pretty much is Nioh 2 since it continues directly from the end of the game
Being a fag, somewhat.
The dlc still functions as a follow up to the main story of Nioh. This is the first of three DLCs.
>no katsu
why u do dis
Because literally everyone wants them and literally everyone will be using them.
Thank god I never spent much glory.
Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit unless it's a 1:1 ratio extension of content from base game to DLC.
>have to buy ps+ now
Oh, one of three? That's definitely noteworthy, I might get this then.
Should I get this or Nier?
It basically amounts to about another region and a half-2 regions worth of missions.
Both is the best option.
I'd vote Nioh. More content.
what new onmyo and ninjutsu is there?
I will say though - the biggest thing against Nioh is the lack of enemy types.
>4 minutes left in update
Go faster
>mfw 3 hours
anyone know what the new skins are?
Do we know how many new enemies are included with this DLC ? I saw a long neck enemy and a white cyclop (just a reskin).
But yeah, you are right, the game quickly became repetitive, due to its lack of variety (feels like they had to give us a 40/50 hours long game, when it would have been way better, imo, if it was 10/15 hours long)
is pvp ps+ only?
Oooh, yeah. Baybeh.
Friend just confirmed new gestures are in.
Can you get greatswords since the beginning of the game if you have DLC?
They are practically 5 times as much as kelly
I'm in the precarious position where I platinum'd the game about halfway through my NG+ run and never touched it since, so I'm probably too overlevelled for NG plus not tough enough yet for NG+. Should I just tough it out and finish the rest of the main game again or use a respec book to get to the recommended level and do it on NG?
I see Okatsu, Fuku, Ginchiyo, and Tome.
Everyone but Okatsu is 90000. Plants is 120000.
Three new gestures. Dojo greeting, warm up, and I Come In Peace.
New forging material - anima stone.
new enemies are locked in the dlc ?
I want tome
Autocorrect failed me.
Okatsu is 120000 glory.
what about new ninjutsu and onmyo?
Not yet. Likely with DLC.
New weapon skills though.
does the new weapon have its own skill tree?
what could the other guy have done to not have her show up in the menu?
how does it work?
there's new effects for weapons and armor, including discounted soul matching which gets its own icon for some reason
Fuck me I spent hours gearing up for the patch and now I gotta do it all over again
You select a second spirit that gives a partial bonus based on its level.
does it affect living weapon?
>Way of the Demon
fuck off tripfag attention whore
Not directly, aside from damage buffs. Your main spirit is what determines your LW stats.
preciate it, you shithead spoonfeeding faggot
>when I thought it end when I finally unlocked my boy Kelley
Too bad I only have 100k
I wanted Ginchiyo and Okatsu
tome best
Isn't she kinda small? It's going to be weird having her use something like an axe
I wonder if they have unique female animations
Turns out you can change your main spirit on the fly, but there's a cooldown period until you can use the spirit or LW. Switching also resets your LW gauge.
I love playing chicks with big ass weapons, too bad they cant wear heavy armor in this like my dark souls waifus
I've beaten every mission on way of the strong, and only have 2 of the war unlocked, the only missions Im missing are some twilight missions from way of the samurai could that be it?
It's a good time to be a sonybro
Already bought Tome, unique animations and audio. Probably true for the other whores I don't care about too.
Is the best way to get glory just doing co-op and claiming clan battle rewards?
>unique animations
For each weapon type?
Shit son that's amazing. Maybe that's why they're expensive
I understand user. I have a few female characters in the DaS2 series that use heavy armor.
I like the hollow soldier chest+balder knight leggings a lot in DaS1
>release update THIS CLOSE to the DLC release
does it unlock at midnight like usual? Because fuck you my internet will have to be downloading this shit for 3 hours
DLC is still not up on the store
I don't think it's happening for midnight
season pass exists, user
people with season pass will probably be able to play it at midnight
That's not how it works. Season passes let you download the file that actually unlocks the DLC for free once it gets added to the store. Until it's actually put up there no one can get to it. This is why the Season Pass does not actually show up under addons for the game
I'm already playing the Date Masamune missions. I owned the season pass and had to download the Dragon of the North from the store seperately for free first. Maybe because I'm Australian we get it earlier.
>played all the demos
>hyped as fuck for it
>preordered deluxe edition
>got a 3 month card for ps plus
>completely lost interest at the place filled with spiders
>didn't even try cooping because I was already bored as fuck with the game
Mistakes were made
>tfw bought nioh on launch
>tfw my autism won't let me move on to Nioh until i finally get around to plat Bloodborne
all i have left are the chalice dungeons but those are a massive fucking slog. I haven't touched my PS4 in weeks
You're like me, but for me it's completion points in Yakuza 0.
wow you get a good amount of honor from dueling
Any free content besides PvP being released? Also please tell me glory transfers between saves. I wanted to do a new build for the DLC. fuck
How do you set a combat title?
God fucking damnit I knew I should have kept logging in to collect battle rewards. I stopped playing the game for burn out and only have like 40k. Fuck.
Is it rude to use the 1 elixir you have in a duel? I have over 5k health and I think itd be fun just to mess with people.
Glory transfers between saves. Can confirm because I've done many NG runs.
Its perfect.
Do I need the DLC to use the Guts Greatsword Katanas?
>Can confirm this because I've done many NG runs
As in NG+ stuff? I meant an actual new save/character
Oh shit it's out?
How's the new weapon?
ng runs
It could also do that mission where lightning bitch is your companion looking for a gift and just farm all the revenants with double teaming action to swat through them like flies.
What stats do I focus for this? More importantly, if you have the DLC do you get access to this weapon class early on?
Do I need to buy the season pass to get it or can I get it by itself?
Why would you want to play as a girl over Wirriam-kun-desu
Thighs windows.
The trophy
>way of the demon starts at 450
They're really not fucking around anymore are they?