>Wake up
>You're the villain of the last game you played
Wat do?
Wake up
can i rape 2B?
>little nightmares
So I now run a machine-island that kidnaps kids, then processes and cooks them, and then feeds them to people so fat and gluttonous they barely seem human anymore?
Fucking metal.
I'd kill those fat motherfuckers somehow. Maybe poison the food in small, diluted doses or just keep stuffing their faces until they fucking die from being fat fucks. Then I'd use them for cooking, or just render their fat into oil to power the whole place.
I fucking hate fat people.
Who is Fallout 4's villain?
Preston Garvey
>King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1700's
Will have fun subjugating peasants and painting the map red.
>I'm Anthony Burch
Calcify Lucas in a painfull way
Resurrects Clancy and leave hin,Jack and Marguerite in peace
Start sending molded to Rape Mia and Zoe over and over while i Watch/Shlick
i probably can grow a molded futa penis right?
soo fuck it i gonna join the fun too
>Mount & Blade Warband
>I'm King Harlaus
Time to feast.
>New Vgeas
Groovy daddy-o!
not really a villain but its as close as it comes
>EU4 babby
Color me not surprised
is there even a villain? im not even sure how far into this game i am
>have a green vagina now
I actually don't want this
>tfw Handsome Jack
Could be worse I suppose, at least I get my own corporation to run. Having a mask plastered over my face for the rest of my life sounds a tad psychologically traumatizing though...
Im going to make anime great again.
Stop being a villain
I just got done with Overwatch.
Does that mean I'm just one of the Talon members?
>Implying you wouldn't choose to be Widow if given the chance.
There is.
It's you.
>wake up as ialdabaoth
>bitch that I am not the cool ialdabaoth
I don't fucking know.
The nuclear blast.
>Rainbow Six Siege
Kick back and relax with my terrorist empire and what is probably billions of dollars while the Rainbow operators train til the ends of time to stop me instead of actually stopping me.
>inb4 sequel with a single player campaign that involves actually stopping me