>Joker, a treasure chest!
>...We can get more money...!
Joker, a treasure chest!
Genuinely the worst party member
>Single target damage that isn't even that much better than Ryuji's at all
>Shit tier buff
>Awful magic stat
>Worst phantom thief outfit
He's good for his attacks that buff after a baton pass, and his physical is better than ryujs until he gets charge.
He's good when you get him and for quite a few dungeons after that. His physical is really strong midgame. Then he drops off and falls way behind ryuji end game.
At least he will always be the best boy. This guy was a trip through the whole game.
So that he'll be able to buy more lobsters
Best male party member in persona history
Best Yusuke moments, go
>When he tells the two bitches trying to pick him up to fuck off as Ryuji is horrified
Unlocking a large treasure chest.
You and him being gay together without him getting the problem.
Or him just not getting Futaba's smileys
Come to think of it any "Inari" scene is great too, particularly the first one where he destroy Futaba's figures
>go on a trip to Hawaii with your school
>Yusuke goes on a trip to Los Angeles with his school
>a few days into the Hawaii trip
>Yusuke just casually walks into frame
Lobsters is probably my favourite
Now if only one of his swords was called stormbringer.
Honestly I enjoyed Yusuke quite thoroughly and hope that in the eventual spin offs the trait they choose the flanderize with him is how much of a poorfag he is.
Besides, if your party isn't Akira, Yusuke, Ryuji, and Morgana you're doing it wrong.
My party is Joker, Makoto, Ann, and Haru.
>worst phantom thief outfit
fucking why did they have to give him a tail like a furry
I love how he puts Futaba's figures in the Ginyu Force group pose. Best easter egg.
>his physical is better than ryujs until he gets charge.
The moment Ryuji learns Swift Strike you have no more reason to use Yusuke unless you need an ice spell.
The guy walks from some stations to other ones to spend less money this way and is late
I can relate guy, I can relate. So fucking much.
Yeah, but he's a shitty party member but him being the only genuinely funny cast member besides Futaba more than make up for it.
Potter, Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto is the dream team.
Not that the game is hard enough to care about tier lists anyway
Morgana beats him for the worst.
At least Yusuke has Masukukaja
>Potter, Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto
This is objectively the best team 2bh.
Ann and Ryuji do the most damage once they get their charge abilities and Makoto is the best support slut.
Nah dude Ryuji has some golden moments too
>When he tries to keep his cool in the bath and finally explodes at the old dude for turning up the heat
>Those shitty mouse puns that he repeated
It's not attached or anything, it's a decoration, it's literally hanging from his belt, not even at his tailbone. Compare it with Anns costly complain style.
>Tfw to hated Yusuke at first for being a pushy horny asshole...and then quickly saw how awesome and funny he was soon as he joined your party
His dungeon still sucked though, the only comparably bad thing Madarame did was let his mum die.
Yeah Madarame was Mementos tier until the shoehorned reveal about his mom.
>buys DVDs with no way to watch them.
I didn't need the stat points or the friend points but I had to watch it with him
Baton Pass + Deadly Fury does more damage than AoA, to be honest.
The one where he and Joker were looking for couples to paint and he ended up seeing two siblings on a boat that he thought were a couple
The Church scene with the JoJo poses is the best
>JoJo poses
Uh, yeah, duh.
They were imitating Jesus, the character from JoJo.