Redpill me on Persona 5
There's no way it can get so much praise
Redpill me on Persona 5
There's no way it can get so much praise
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It's a super comfy game with top tier aesthetics, characters and sound design. The pacing is good because when you start to get bored of socialising the game pushes you back into dungeon crawling and vice versa.
The downsides are the simplistic inventory system and a fucking cat telling you to go to bed half the time you wanna do something.
it's a friend simulator for autistics
it's /ourgame/
its the sonybros shitting up the board and spamming it. this shit vn release is proof positive that Sup Forums is literally sonygaf.
containment board WHEN
Anime friend/waifu simulator
Its a persona game. The first real one in fucking years and it wasnt a giant mess. Why are you so shocked Sup Forums is all over its dick?
Combat is standard SMT fare and all the stylized parts of the game look incredible. Best soundtrack from any Persona game.
I didn't connect with most of the main cast, but all the supporting slinks are great.
You'll never it see it COMIN'!!!!
>There's no way it can get so much praise
Everything with fantasy relationship, e.g. waifu, daughterfu, best bro, etc., bullshit gets ridiculous amounts of praise these days. It's almost as if the stereotype of gamers being lonely, virgin losers is actually true.
People want to go to a japanese high school and fight demons apparently.
Oh and waifus
It's weebshit.
CoD is better.
Is there anything that really stands out about this game compared to other releases this year? Combat, story, music, atmosphere, etc.
What big RPGs have come out this year?
I like how this new meme is doing on yt
still the best ive seen
So people have just been starved for a good JRPG? Sounds reasonable, production quality looks pretty damn good.
The beginning is great but then it turns mediocre-to-shit(depending on your taste) around a third in.
What saves it ultimately is the fact that there's not really another series like it. I'd still recommend it to most anybody, but not without reservation(though honestly there are almost zero recent games like that).
>There's no way it can get so much praise
Why not?
Because the nips that made this shit actually care about their final product and aren't concerned about pumping out sequels every year.
Appreciate it while you can, bitch.
It has the best enemy designs of any game series I've ever played. They're based off real life demons and folklore and you see tons of "Favorite SMT demon" threads on Sup Forums a lot.
Music and atmosphere are pretty great. You're living 8 months day by day in the attic of a cafe in Tokyo listening to jazz.
>turns mediocre-to-shit(depending on your taste) around a third in.
It pulls itself out of that dumpster for Casino and Ship. It's really just the middle and the end that kind of blow. Last cutscenes are cool at least.
This game is a miracle
>you see tons of "favorite SMT demon" threads on Sup Forums a lot
Hijacking thread for this
Found the toddler
Same reason VN's and nu-Fire Emblem sell: anime-character/waifu socialization wins the autists and depressed Japs over everytime.
Makoto has some pretty cute autism, but not as cute as Yusuke
Nintenbro detected
Casino was pretty sweet. Ship was whatever.
>Make half-baked game
>spend all your budget advertising it
>release it on a console with no games and an audience that buys overhyped shit instead of games.
What's there not to understand?
>Make half-baked game
What did she meant by this?