Darkiders 3 leaked
Other urls found in this thread:
>four horseMEN
>play as a woman
Holy fuck, do the SJWs know no limits? Day one pirate because of it.
>Play as FURY – a mage who must rely on her whip and magic to restore the balance between good and evil on Earth!
The fuck is this shit? I want to play as Famine or Pestilence. Not some made up edgy fan fiction character.
a bit worried about the devs desu, the producers of the first two games (including that comic book guy) and the combat designer of DS2 aren't involved
Nothing new man, in the Darksiders lore, Furi was always a woman. I doubt it's SJW shit but most probably because of waifu material and visual design purpose.
Good news though
Came here expecting this shitpost. I miss when playing as a woman wasn't automatically REE SJWS REE. When people first saw the other horsemen they were very excited to play as the hot chick and the gun guy.
We knew that the horsemen of Darksiders had a woman in their rank since the very first game, there's only War, Death, Fury and Strife. Famine got fucked up.
So you never played the others?
We always knew one of them was a woman you mongoloid.
She's also the one I'm most excited to play as 'cause of her weapons.
The entire game's mythos is completely out of sync with the actual Four Horsemen.
The fourth is called Strife.
You'd think War would cover it, but I guess not.