Why does Japan glorify teenagers?

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Because the older generations fucked over Japanese youths pretty badly.

Cause they work 80 hours a month and live in tiny apartments.


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I've always wondered why most anime/video game protagonists are teens, and anyone who is roughly 28 or older is considered an "old man". I don't mind it I just have never understood it.

because in japan, once you're in college your course is set for the rest of your life

for japanese people, high school represents the last time they had any agency or control over their lives

High school is the last time Japs have true freedom to have fun lives before becoming soul crushing salary men.

>I've always wondered why most anime/video game protagonists are teens

Thats their target audience. It's really that simple.

>for japanese people, high school represents the last time they had any agency or control over their lives

Also this. Stories about highschool kids doing cool things is an escapist fantasy. You're a cool guy with friends who all have super powers and all the girls are pretty and everything is great.

To be fair, the game ends with them saying its up to the adults to make a change.

So I can masturbate to them

The target audience.

Because videogames and anime are done to appeal to teenagers, they are the demographic.

Try working in a Japanese corporation

>fuck God
>being a Chaosfag
Wew lad.

Because everyone was a teen and had to dealt with some shitty adult at some point in their life.

Don't lie. I bet even you had some adult you wanted to get back at but couldn't.

Just in case if you didn't know the game was about shitty adults, the game will tell you every chance it gets. Very subtle story telling you would expect from Japan.

>being an adult.
>Notice that teenagers are pieces of shit on public transportation.
Were we all like this.

Aren't adults evil tho?
I am an adult and manipulated my underage cousin into sexual things. Her parents were about to divorce and she was about to move to another city so at that time she was mentally weak.

where's the 500 hour game you wrote famalam?


Not everyone is as much of a piece of shit as you, telling yourself that is only masturbatory validation to make yourself feel better

I never got the idea that the Phantom Thieves were targeting adults specifically. They targeted unjust people who used others, and typically speaking, teens aren't in a position to be using their influence on anybody for anything real or important.

Only Ryuji ever specifically harped on adults, and that's just because he's a punk.

Just ask yourself this? Has a kid ever started any war in history?

>game is about phantom thieves and how they want to target adults

>only 2 adults in the entire game did they target without being forced to

I don't get the mentality that anyone over the age of 25 is an old fart, when a (male) usually lives about 70 years on average.

Bush started a war in Iraq

Have you seen the average Japanese adult? They have a point but you're missing it.

I like this game but Ryuji is the most cringe character i;ve ever experienced.

>Effin adults, man!
>Eff adults!
>Grrr!! THESE SHITTY DAMN ADULTS! (Yelling Naruto style)
>Man being a Phantom Thief is so cool because EFF these SHITTY ADULTS, YO!

Ryuji is the type of character that 7th grade me would shit his pants over for being so cool and equating "being a mouthy cunt to older people" to "being a missunderstood tubular badass teen"

Pretty sure he's supposed to be kind of insufferable with what a loudmouth dumbass he is.

He's your bro, but he's a dipshit who won't shut up.

He's not my "bro". I hate him. I'm sorry you virgin fucks think he's cool because you don't have friends in real life.

It's not like he's had anyone to reign him in. His dad was a drunk who left and the one thing he took pride in was destroyed by Kamoshida.

>"It's n-not his fault he's a cringe douchebag annoying character, y-yo!! He's b-based!"

Well, the orange kid is looking to start another Korean War if that interests you


Ryuji is probably the best written teenager to have ever existed in videogames.
Yes, the average teenager is exactly as dumb, impulsive and annoying


>I'm sorry you virgin fucks think he's cool because you don't have friends in real life.


Niggas really think a braindead retard is a "bro" like they never had a normal bro that isn't stupid as shit

user, take a minute to stop acting autistic and realize that characters have motivation behind their actions. He is a retard because nothing has worked out for him until you come along and set his ass straight like any normal teenager.

Can you imagine how insufferable Yosuke and Junpei would find this kid, he's the worst of both of them in one guy.

YASSSSS, yo!!! I hate how toxic that cheeto cunt is

reminder that the magician arcana always make for the best bros.



>until you come along and set his ass straight like any normal teenager.

When does this happen in the main story?

Even at just 25, when you have to go to work etc 3 years outta college, your views will change a lot. There's no way you can be as optimistic or naive as you were in ur teenage years

You will not find validation here, you piece of shit. Go ask Sup Forums or something.

I'm hoping you're just shitposting at this point.

So... they work for 2 weeks a month?

There is going to be no war. China, Russia, and Iran isn't stupid enough to start a war over a none super power nation.

Younger generations being idealistic and resenting the darker parts of the adult/real world doesn't sound too far from reality, really.

Sounds very familiar..

It's a thing in Jap tho. old people control the socity, seniority is really an important thing in Jap workplace. you'll always be wrong if you're younger

I never saw it that way and I have to agree.

Futaba does as well. Literally shouts it in the final boss.

After he patches things up with Morgana and realizes that being a Phantom Thief isn't about getting your dick wet.

There were plenty of monarchs and leaders who were minors throughout history

To increase sales in hentai

>After he patches things up with Morgana and realizes that being a Phantom Thief isn't about getting your dick wet.

So what, 80 hours in to the game? And no when they got exposed he was constantly shouting and bitching about it until the MC calmed everyone which was after the whole dungeon when they reflected on their goals. He didn't even apologise to morg properly.

If in a 100 hour game your character takes until past 80 hours to realise to stop fucking around the game sucks.

>roleplaying game
>you role play as a teenage
I wonder

The problem with Persona games is the calendar system means they have to fill an assload of time and oftentimes nothing happens for weeks on end. So sometimes it takes 80 hours for character development to happen.

the first never ended

It doesn't glorify teens per se but romanticizes youth, and there's a lot of (understandable) pessimistic sentiment aimed toward the adult world. If a character like pic related dares to say "youth sucks and is bullshit too", he/she's gone too far.

probably not as much as you think

It's less adults and more about people with power that are abusing said power and making life hell for other people. It's not even just the main cast but many of the confidants are people being punished for crimes they didn't commit because of people with power over them and many of these confidants are even adults themselves(Ohya, Takemi, Kawakami, Tora and etc)

Because adults do indeed suck

Hell, a lot of quests in Memento are bout teens as well

You can tell that people who say this haven't play the game.

They could have played the game, you never know. Most people on Sup Forums seem to think Morgana left the party because of Ryuji.


Why does America glorify teenagers?

son, take that battle ready armor off right this instant

>KND will never get the Samurai Jack treatment aside the nudity, edge, and blood stuff

in a very cheesy way too. feels like KND sometimes

>still no TND/Teen Ninja spinoff of KND
fuck you, really

OP made it too much like a shitpost rather than actual criticism. I think it's safe to say he hasn't play it and is just parroting what says Sup Forums.

All we'll ever get is that April Fool's of the Galactic KND, Numbah One's girlfriend being an alien spy the entire time for them, and Numbah Three cursing.

At least in KND, every single adult actually was shitty. In P5, the vast majority of the adults are cool people that the team respects.

pics or gtfo

it isn't because they don't want to, it's because they can't. children are like women in many senses.

It's even worse than that. in P4A they were calling Junpei, who was like 19/20 at the time an "old man".

Cause their adults are boring


Ann and Haru mention the unjust adults as well.

You're right that they target all unjust people. Half their Mementos targets are students. That's why it's even stranger that they only talk about unjust adults in all the cutscenes.

Don't forget the Marxist propaganda



Good thing the theme in Persona 5 isn't "fuck adults" then!

The problem that is plaguing a lot of the characters in this game including other adults are people who are in positions of power abusing said power. Ryuji's the one who has an innate distrust of adults, but he and the main cast of teenagers aren't the only ones fucker over

>Tora is punished for a crime he didn't commit because of someone higher on the political ladder
>Tae is being pushed to quit being a doctor from someone higher up on the ladder in Japanese Medicine
>Kawakami feels personally responsible for the death of one of her former students. The family of said student is using this emotion against her and extorting money from her
>Ohya is trying to investigate a crime surrounding her colleague, but roadblocks are being put in front of her by her superiors.

Because being a teenager means you aren't a sad, tired asian man yet and are still a cool, energetic asian kid with hopes and dreams.

But teenagers were just as evil, if not moreso than adults in that show.

Can anyone tell me if its possible to "overlevel" a social link?
For example right now I can level up slink with Ryuji and Ann, but I also can go to the gym with both of them which would probably give me points for both.
Would going to the gym be a waste, because I can already level them up, or how does it work??

They are kids

Not teens

Cause it's made for people who aren't adults.

Not my problem

Game could have tied social links to the main story but they're pointless storywise.

Just look at what kind of shit Trump, Le pen and farage are doing right now

I think if Ann wants to go to the gym with you and Ryuji she might not quite be ready to level up yet. You can't overlevel Ryuji or anything, though. He'll be ready to level up when you talk to him by himself next.

Japan didn't invent this. London basically invented it in the sixties.

>Kawakami feels personally responsible for the death of one of her former students. The family of said student is using this emotion against her and extorting money from her

Because she chose to.

She didn't have to pay anything and just quit her job. It was all her fault anyways for getting so close to a student then abandoning him

>Ryuji's the one who has an innate distrust of adults
Just because you keep repeating it, it doesn't make it true. Ryuji mentions shitty adults multiple times, but every member of the Phantom Thieves talks about unjust adults at least once.

t. shitty adult

Pretty sure the gym thing is for Ann's next rank.

So basically if someone is ready to level up, getting more points with him is useless?