Convince me not to sub for Legion

Convince me not to sub for Legion.

why would i care

Legion happened along time ago.

It's in its's shit phase now. The game is stale. wait till the next expac.

It's pretty shit.

Big decline
Biggest decline
Slightly revised
slippery slope
downhill quick fast and in a hurry

I mean, c'mon bro.

The glory days are over.

There's no adventure.

The game is on auto-pilot

It's all about being at THE meta.

All the classes are uniform

The game is shit, m8.

Why not play on a shitty private server, or find some other MMO to play instead of this shit?

It's fun but grindy.

Honestly the only reason not to join right now is that Blizzard royally fucked up class balance this patch. Like the balance hasn't been this bad in years.

all classes play the same
end game is literally diablo 3 with renamed shit
removed flavour abilities
quests are garbage (go kill x amount of spores and collect their seeds!)
all you do is log on, run dungeons, and then pray for loot in that week's box, log out, return next week


warmanes tbc server is coming out on the 20th

The game's like 17 years old. It's dead, forget about it.